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Driver shafts.....


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For sale

Diamana s80s-------gone----------

Diamana w 70 s---gone-------------

Dianana S 60x

Matrix f8m2 proto tour(1 /3)80 g

Syard ,rombax 6s

diamana kailia 70s

All in perfect condition

The w has been hit 1 match

The 80s ion 4 holes

The 60x once

Anf the matrix on range only. The syard never

Matrix---- f8m2 proto.....$290




all shipped BIG discount for multiple orders.

come get em. before ichange my mind...

Edited by supo67
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its the new version. its got a more electic feel to it he ahina while perfect for what it is, doesnt have the feel of the new shafts thjey out out same as the kaili

thje new models are a very good step up

the w is very low very and it wont go left.

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