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[Sold] Crazy Wedges: B104 52/58 (Sold); Prototype 52/58 (Sold)

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B104 mint conditions - Sold.
Prototype very good condition - Sold

All sold. Thank you.

Edited by Dreamer

you need to add a physical piece of paper with your name and date to prove you actually possess these wedges. Digital signatures in a digital photo can be recreated by anyone.

Edited by nobmontana

You should keep the B104s...

Don't ever sell them....

I agree, absolutely great wedges

You should keep the B104s...

Don't ever sell them....

words of wisdom.. These are some of the best wedges


  • Author


Not looking for trade.

All the comments made me want to keep the wedges ...

  • Author

this is the first one that said otherwise :-)

Sell em. They are only wedges. Good wedges yes but

Our hobby keeps us always looking for something else.

Sell em. They are only wedges. Good wedges yes but

Our hobby keeps us always looking for something else.

Agreed, we are not collector :P

Ho...arders maybe???

  • Author

Before I turn on my work's email.

Edited by Dreamer

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Author

Prototype sold.

any trade interests with the stuff i have?

  • Author

Still thinking of your 3-wood. LOL.

But prefer to sell for this set of wedges.


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