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Good point here Dean, let him without sin cast the first stone.

Said my piece.

7 minutes ago, hutchy said:

Am sure you can read between the lines Carlo, you been here long enough.

 all good for me, il join the no casting stones club

haven't been around lately. am i missing anything here?

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And we'll said it was.

boys so everyone knows I purchased this putter here in Aus on another forum to use while I was waiting for my kamakura knowing I would ( finally ) not loose money on it.

i paid $175 aud that is why stew who also uses the other forum made his offer.

so I accepted it as its so not cool to find something pay what someone askes then make a few bucks.

so if anyone else has more to say let them cast the stone.

i had an offer off another forum member who was first in line and should have had the putter at $220 US which included free postage to indo.

make of this as you will but them the facts!!!!

Last time I spoke to you via email you also said how you missed the old times and the old members.

I find that ironic given the split and contribution you made in that Carlo.


The way I read the situation given the bickering over the last week was Stew trying to out Dean for making a couple of bucks in his thread out in open. PM would have sufficed unless there was a reason. Not cool.

Didnt Stew buy your Lajose for $300 AUS and sell for $300 US not long back.

Like I said let him without sin cast the first stone.

The old members winge about the new but when we try and have a laugh in a thread they jump on it but add no content themselves.

I can remember many fun conversations off topic by the ones pointing the finger now.

Guess it depends on the participants.


36 minutes ago, hutchy said:

Last time I spoke to you via email you also said how you missed the old times and the old members.

I find that ironic given the split and contribution you made in that Carlo.


The way I read the situation given the bickering over the last week was Stew trying to out Dean for making a couple of bucks in his thread out in open. PM would have sufficed unless there was a reason. Not cool.

Didnt Stew buy your Lajose for $300 AUS and sell for $300 US not long back.

Like I said let him without sin cast the first stone.

The old members winge about the new but when we try and have a laugh in a thread they jump on it but add no content themselves.

I can remember many fun conversations off topic by the ones pointing the finger now.

Guess it depends on the participants.


if you say so. 

You guys sort it out with stu via email. 

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Spoke to stew on the blower and all is good he had a dig and I dug back????

he was first to cough up the cash golds will be getting this one to work on I am sure.


I take the kids to swimming and rugby and miss all the fun.

Its a nice putter D22 and a shame that this degenerated to this.

itsgot nothing to do with me, but Hutchy you have dragged me in to this and when a mongrel dog barks at m, I tend to hit it in the head with a piece of pipe.

profiteering well you just confirmed what many have thought about the BST and the bulk seller, you. Read the BST rules. If you cant understand it, ask someone.

casting aspersions on peoples character, well I would have thought you would be the last person to do so. It takes a long time to rebuild a reputation. You seem to think it is just like reshafting a Driver

certain members profiting from the yen USD, well currency speculation is, I thought, fraught with danger. I must defer to you there though, given your distinguished and successful business career. I know little about it.

That garbage about the first stone, honestly mate, you have a hide thicker than a rhinoceros. I really dont have the words to answer that one.

Chris, is it possible to beg for a ban so I dont have to read the garbage that comes from his mouth anymore

You have made more comments in the last few weeks than the last year. 

All critical of this place and the people in it.

Your the one who brings up the past mate, no one ellse. Check on your own back yard before pointing at others.

I mentioned nothing and kept my head down until you referred to a past long gone. 

Seriously man move on and concentrate on the present.

And no profiteering here old mate

If I wasn't a JDM ho I would need much deeper pockets.

Making a couple of $$$s here and there when you have purchased some components separately and took the time to build them I wouldn't call profit. Depends on what your time is worth.

Over all those couple of $$$s here and there dont even touch the surface of a new $700 driver purchase sold for half the price. 

You can jump on any words I say and twist them any way you want Craig.

The fact of the matter is your attacks have been personal, my comments and frustration have been forum based only.

And as for my business prowess, sorry but we cant all be Dentists.


you make some valid points there. Perhaps you are right that my comments were too personal, although they are true.

it is true that I have been an inactive member of the forums. That is mainly because I have just not been playing any golf for the last 12 months. My course has been in the process of being redeveloped and the result is one that I dont enjoy playing. Hence I have boight nothing because I just would not use it. As a result I have no reviews or anything to share.

Stew and I are mates. No we are very good friends. Our kids talk on the phone. Your needling of him is unnecessary and uncalled for.

for those of you who dont know, playing golf with him is an experience. He builds clubs to play. No other reason. In a round you will not hit 70 or 80 shots. You will probably hit that many drives, and usually with at least 2 different drivers. So his comparisons are real. It would not be uncommon for us to hit in excess of 300 balls in a round


you just need to pull your head in and once again be a valued member of the forum. 

And I am more than happy to live in the now and concentrate on the future. I am hoping to be down your way soon, PM me if you want the dates.

we can kiss and make up........ Or not


Yes true...I sold a driver 4 years ago that had a split in it when he pulled the shaft...before I was building clubs and I purchased it that way.

I compensated the same member with my 3 x new copper Epon wedges for $300 less than I paid and threw in 3 new grips and copper woven ferrules, more than compensation dont you think???...he is still gaming them and my first set of epon 551 irons this day.

So I dont see why that should bother you so much, have we ever had any transactions..No

All the gear I have sold and one bad deal is a fairly handy record in sales believe me. I want to try everything so inevitably I will sell everything that has gone before the new,

I am not the best at posting quick but it is always as described. I dont shy away from that. Most have just come accustomed to the extra few days.

I am being a valued member of the forum, I am saying the new fellas are good. I am saying stop throwing your bucket and spade out of the sandpit.

As for Stew, you being his best mate you will know, or you should, but you have been in the wilderness for a while.

He started jumping on peoples threads and saying they wernt giving enough info on the product, that includes me!!!...I mean are you serious!!! besides he never writes his name in the correct manner no matter how many times he is asked is blatant disregard for any one who takes the time to do it proper. He also types with boxing gloves an an half the time non of it makes sense.

After a PM conversation with him it ended up me telling him to mind his own posts instead of others and stay out of mine.

Sorry if you missed this but that is not my problem, nor should it be yours!

I dont hold grudges as you well know. Dean is a very good mate of mine and was ther when I went through tough times.

So Stew outing him for making a quid or not as it has transpired pissed me off no end....when he does the same.

I know how much Dean losses on most gear, same as we all do overall. If we didnt I wouldnt have to work for a living.

I have no qualms hooking up or giving you a kiss over 18 holes. It will be fun.

Fun is the best part of this game, buying or playing, no fun in selling or bickering over stupid s**t.




Hutchy you get too wrapped up in this chill out It's a golf forum for Japanese golf clubs and that's it.  More of these  rants and you are on vacation, nothing personal but this adds nothing.  If people want to poke let them poke,  someone can report it to me and I will be the bad guy :)

Sorry new forum upgrade asking support how to lock threads down from the member side with this new theme.




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