wow so hard to start.
ive tried all the shafts and my favorite for woods were the GD quattrotech green
used this for years in the 201 and 202.
now i use the GD tour ad DJ shaft. feels a lot like the quattro green.
as for crazy, they are good , i just havent been properly fit so i have not
found one yet that i got along with.
you will be fine but will get used to it if your coming from aeros. but should not be a problem.
transitioning down from monacos to aerotechs were very very easy for me.
do note these will play very very different from your 502/aero.
the 502 aero is like lance armstrong
Apples and oranges if you ask me.
the i95s dont feel light at all to me and i am gaming monacos.
i find my monacos on the heavier side as of late, i am gaming them
.5 over std and am using the 3/8" increments tom wishon.
the aerotechs dont feel like 95grammers its a testament of how balanced
they are and if built properly to your preferred swingweights will feel awesome.
i had no problem switching back and forth. although my current gamers are still with monacos
and have reserved my aerotechs for my next set of heads.
we are in this forum so its in our nature to buy now think later. we try, tinker etc etc. if all else fails
sell the monacos and get the aerotechs. at least by then you would have gained some wisdom and left
no stone unturned.
i agree. the 302 af tour would have been more sensible.
side note i once had 19* 901, #4 702, #5,6 502, 7,8 302 , 9 pw aftour, wanted the entire
lineup in one set
have a couple of rounds under my belt.
took awhile to get used to the larger head
as my trusted gamer for the last year was a old
school yamaha 405cc.
this one is the best incarnation so far of the 10-1/2 series
of driver heads. this one in particular is in between the 101/102
not quite as soft as the 101 yet not as metallic as the 102.
it is loads easier than the epon zero, launches higher and has almost
the same roll out.
i dont know how epon were able to keep launch on the high side yet
kept the spin down. this is defintely lower spinning than the 101/102
by far. dont know if the diamana stinger has played a roll in this but
the combo is stellar.
im happy i went with 10.5* in this one and suits my particular track nicely.
if i could do things over i would have requested for a heavier head say 200-202grams
instead of my requested 198grams.
i will play couple of more rounds with this and ask other guys to give their
inputs. now for those people who kept complaining how difficult the zero was then
this is Epons answer!