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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. Price may have been high lets do 500$ shipped and call it a day.
  2. Haha sorry about the date:) Could have sworn it was V day tomorrow
  3. Sold to a fine gentleman who means business:)
  4. 275 net shipped final price. No trades please.
  5. Had the same head and the same shaft combo! Yours is selling for much more reasonable. Good luck hutch
  6. i have one but as tom says shipping kinda excessive as well just for a shaft.
  7. Thats a great price. Actually its a bargain.
  8. Normal shot is a baby fade. More pronouced with this combo And badshot overcooked fade.. Shaft or head? Shorter lenhth has made it more consistent but need more time. I like the shaft a lot. Head is ok, not used to the feel. Love the look And smaller size.
  9. 275$ for the 3w head. I can ket the 5w go for 375$ Both for 650$ net
  10. not as low as i thought but still lower than any combo i have owned. but low is relative imho and was still hitting high carry balls BUT with a meaner flatter trajectory that was ideal for generous roll out. my mistake was building it at 45.25 have cut it today to 44.75 for control. its pretty long with the t388 head. very very impressed. actually i can't tell the difference between this and the p9 except for the tightness. flights seem the same, weights 3 grams off but flights with these hate to go left and bad swings will go righty! loving it. aint as low as i thought. definitely bringing this one to a tight course vs the 3D gen whitey bar none.
  11. or light heads for that matter. I've never used more high density lead tape than in my s yard builds! never mind the shafts lets talk heads
  12. well thats what they said about the W series 3d gen and it was not low at all. hoping that this one fits the description. this will be in the T388 which is already lower launching so a bit nervous and excited at the same time.
  13. Well decision has been made, been wanting to try the thump FW shaft Got the Fw85 shaft. Real curious but not enough info on the shaft. Too many options.
  14. Followed your advice mate. Just built my syard with the type 7s. Hope it works out
  15. Let me check on the green ones. Have to find them first
  16. funny as there are tons of WTB adds on these items now that they are real and here no takers. funny indeed. these would have been gone last year
  17. I have a set of green pulls 3-pw in x flex still attached to irons and a set of new 3-pw satin silver tip prepped and butt trimmed but never installed.
  18. love the hula girl. don't you get distracted when you are addressing? like the black stealthy ones. your artist is very very talented!
  19. hope they have heavier weights compared to the FW80. if so then i am game for one, probably with one of their FW heads as well!
  20. that would be a good idea on our expensive putters. never mind driver heads as i don't sky anymore:( be wary though when a friend asks to try your clubs!
  21. kamui TPO7s had 2 variants a normal one and a HI-COR one. The hi-cor had HR on the face. it also had an all black sole no white accents the TPO7S on the other hand had that Red arrow on the face and the sole has a accents heres both of the soles and face side by side the nitrogen TPO7S on the other hand has an all black sole with only "white" accent in the center chanel. also the arrow on face has no paint fill and is plain there are some with gold paint fill on loft and some in red. these were done per batch to the best of my knowledge i have never seen one in the flesh with the III. if you ask me there is the TPO7 V1, TPO7-S both normal and hi cor being V2 and V3 being the nitrogen. the ones with NITROGEN labelled in sole could be one off models released with different stampings these are the ones with III on the face. just my thoughts from handling multiple heads. i could be mistaken though and please correct me if so.
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