Everything posted by 604_skyline
Loop GK shaft...
speaking of handrolling shafts, for the launch of all the mitsubishi tensei tour prototypes a couple years ago, think pro orange v1 and pro orange v2, mitsubishi had them(the initial run of less than 100 tour prototypes) hand rolled in japan, i wonder if it was syncagraphite who did that for them?
Loop GK shaft...
I do want to add one more thing, I know the hype around multi-axis shafts is all the rage lately, but I believe all the loop shafts are uni-directional, but they are something special
Loop GK shaft...
Just stumbled upon this thread here...will lend my thoughts. I have played the IP since it first came out, as a fan of mid 70 gram shafts, as soon as the specs were released it caught my eye immediately. I probably prefer a slightly stiffer butt section for whatever reason, and this IP features that in both the tip/butt. They definitely are a smooth feeling shaft, I have always been more of a fujikura guy as opposed to the mitsubishi shafts; my favourite of all time was the fujikura tour-spec 771TA which was a tour only shaft, similar to the og 757 but with a weaker tip and stiffer butt. Anyways, back to the loop, I will re-iterate what nobs has said, smooth and they definitely have a weighted feeling to them compared to what the specs say, its hard to explain...
what's the other site for Japanese golf forum?
you mean the one you post on? using the same username...is there something wrong with you?
Japan Golf Fair 2019
Crazy has released a couple shafts in the past month or so, dubbed the "shooter" TRPX also just came out with the "afterburner" which is going to be in the 50gram range, and of course quadra/fire express has the new "hotrod" which is there entry into the 50gram range, but there is also a 60 available... and the newest released the prototype v (5) "full throttle" I am curious where you saw the elite cord grips, any info or pics or where I can see some info on them?
3 iron - Need something to compliment the Kyoei Prototype MB's
So I am finally going to get a set of the kyoei prototype mb's through Chris and the online store here, just wondering what everyone would do with regards to a 3 iron? I am actually pretty happy with the way the kyoei's are lofted with the constant 4* between the 4iron through PW, but I still need a 3 iron...I would prefer a players/athlete style cb, but need it in the 18*/19* range to fit the lofts.... anyone have any ideas? something from miura perhaps? i am open to ideas here.... maybe the 3 iron from either the new tour b x-bl combo's from bridgestone or the 3 iron from the new honma tw747v might work they are both 20* but could be bent 1* strong for sure, mabye 2 to get me to 18*
Mizuno ST190G impression.
nob if you want 460, why not the new baldo which is named after the one from a couple years ago, talk about confusing....but the new competizione 568 strong luck, seems to be right near the top in all the blogs....i know its dat55g as opposed to the SP face that you prefer but still....
Mizuno ST190G impression.
Nob, Do not want to clutter your thread, but I see in the post you made selling the drivers in the b/s/t you mentioned wanting to try some new heads, care to share what those are? and what is on your radar in terms of drivers you have in mind of wanting to try? new Jbeam J3 tour perhaps?
Japan Golf Fair 2019
That makes two of us, always an official kick-off to the season for me....
TItleist 681T 2-PW
The holy grail of Titleist Irons; 2-PW DG-S400 D4 swingweight, tour velvet full cord grips $3000 OBO
Chikara V1 Prototype Wedges
Chikara V1 Prototype Wedges;Handground by Carl; Heads by Kyoei52 bent to 53 and 60 bent to 59DGS400 Smoke Black Shafts with Nowon No.1 GripsI can not remember the exact length it is either 35.50 or 35.25 both are D4$1000 OBO for the pair.
Fujikura Daytona Speeder
I think the MR70 was developed for the Tensei line, although I maybe incorrect? it might go back to the Diamana BF (4th gen blue profile diamana)
Fujikura Daytona Speeder
I came across this the other day on one of the ameblo blogs; while it is about 10grams lighter than my preferred weight (I like something in the mid 70's) Add me to the list as well for wanting to give it a go. I know mitsubishi seems to be the tops for most on the PGA, but I always keep gravitating back to Fujikura for some reason (the new ventus is supposed to be very nice as well, just a little too stiff in the tip for me I think)
High End Putter Shafts - Which Is Everyone's Preference (Diamana PT; Dogatti; Teramoto, etc.)
Just wondering those who have experience what is everyones favourite high end putter shafts, diamana pt, dogatti, teramoto, etc please if there are others let me know.
JBeam J3 Tour Driver (new for 35th anniversary)
JBeam J3 Tour driver (the true successor to the legendary original BM- 435) Looks mighty good, perhaps Nobs or Chris can shed some more info? http://www.jbeam.co.jp/product-sub-01.data_/driver.data_/product-01-driver-30.html
My 2019 Golf Resolutions
my resolution is going to be on the equipment side of things, i would like to get down to one set bag for say the next "X" amount of time.... one driver (up for suggestions) 3 wood (i will decide on my own) irons (have made up my mind and will finally order a set of the new Kyoei Prototype MB Irons) wedges (i am set with and have multiple new sets to break out) putter (again will finally decide on what exactly i want and go with a custom Benock)
KYOEI Blade Pics!
the kyoei prototype mb will be mine this year....hopefully in time for the spring.
A 260cc Bridgestone Prototype
I will say hands down, the Tourstage X500 was the greatest driver ever made.....
MAGO by Benock!
This is basically what would be referred to as a "slant" neck correct?
My SP700 Tee box heros!
Sounds good, I am eagerly anticipating when you get to wedges ;)
New KYOEI Website
Chris, would you be able to share some more insight/info on the new for 2019 Kyoei Prototype MB irons, they look absolutely perfect, might need to pick this up over the fall/winter.
Epon SUS316 & Miura CB 1008 LTD comparos
I still can not believe it took this long to do the irons in fe 99.3, it has been over 15 years since bridgestone/tourstage did the mr-23 us spec wedges 2004 version and the maru x-wedge 2005 version in fe 99.3.
KYOEI Blade Pics!
Chris, can you update the changes coming to the blades? is the 5 cut sole leaving? is the small kk logo changing?
Benock Questions Thread
Chris, in the pic of the face options, the row on the right, 2nd one down...care to elaborate? god i need one of these putters!
The Jbeam bullet driver - finally!
do you have the g-fw as well, the latest fairway wood?