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Everything posted by chiromikey

  1. kamui ray is your friend...and i know someone with one for cheap! ;)
  2. ummm...where was my invite???
  3. i agree and i've said it before...the monacos are the most balanced shaft i've touched. something you can feel at waggle without even swinging the club. even so, the aerotechs definitely hold their own and would be worthy in the personals.
  4. awesome first outing swiss-t! what about splitting the weight difference and going aerotech i110? i think that combo might rock!
  5. i liked the old z-stars... just behind the penta. any idea how the new ones compare?
  6. i only have one round since but so far i can't detect any change in feel or sound...or distance! ;)
  7. reapl, that's pretty cool! it's hard to really capture certain details but i wanted to add a couple of pics, with one showing the boarder. looking at it in person it's very clean but the first pic does make the edges look a little rough so hopefully this shows how sharp it actually is. i think there may even be some sort of compound left on the sole in the first pic which adds to the appearance that you guys noticed.
  8. i'd assume most of the original clear/paint gets stripped away in prep but i don't know how much overall added weight (if any) there is. i didn't think to weigh pre paint but it weighed in at 202g after. i'll ask him to check on that and let you know. on that note, how do i check the weight of the removable weights currently in the head...and can i buy heavier replacements?
  9. nothing will hold up to a sky ball off the crown but this is automotive finish so it should hold up as well as any factory paint job. he painted my motorcycle about 8yrs ago and i've put that through more than any properly maintained golf club will ever see and it still looks great! i'll post an update in a few months just to be sure.
  10. thanks guys. i actually had no idea what he could do until getting my head back and finally checking out his website. he ran a custom motorcycle paint shop before branching out into this so i should have known the talent was there. vincent, yes...you can check out his website at http://www.customgolfclubpainting.com/ tell him i sent you. he'll probably charge you more for knowing me but it's worth the risk...just tell him i said i'd let him beat me our next round if he hooks you up! ;)
  11. first off, happy thanksgiving guys! so i picked up a used driver a short while back that had an unsightly sky mark from it's previous owner. it always bugged me and my playing partner kept telling me to let him refinish it...but i was having too much fun playing it. when my shaft broke recently, he finally took the head and i gave him permission to do whatever he wanted. this might be too busy for most of the traditionalists but it's actually ghosted and therefor fairly subtle and very clean so it's really growing on me. and with the wild colors schemes that the u.s. oems are about to release next season, this will look pretty passive in a few months. anyways, let me know what you think (good or bad)...
  12. i don't think anyone would argue they play differently... but as has been alluded to, this might have more to do with sole grind/turf interaction and maybe shaft choice more than anything else.
  13. well i certainly see a channel on the yamis...
  14. the original rifles are the best feeling shaft i've ever played. the satin px's were really good but the later version just didn't have the same feel. trajectory was higher than i prefer...but what isn't. overall i think the px is a good shaft...but it's not anything special.
  15. chiromikey replied to MarkColby's post in a topic in USDM BST
    living in arizona the course landscape says i should know this hole...but it doesn't look familiar. good looking hole, can't wait to find out the answer. welcome and glws.
  16. feel is awesome and very solid with a straight mid to mid-low trajectory.
  17. i have the same head mounted on an 80g 'ilima tipped 1/2" and it is pretty damn solid so i have no problem recommending that set up.
  18. i'm more of a sweeper and i know i'm one of the few...but i just didn't get along with the egg. i didn't like the feel or the sound...and didn't find it any longer or easier to hit off the deck. for me tourstage has been the all-around best followed closely by the yamaha.
  19. i agree...it definitely has a kyoei look.
  20. i just picked up the old non-ti (maraging steel) version to try. i'm assuming it's the same specs and was thinking it would at least give me an idea of how it played. is my logic sound or are they totally different?
  21. tae, before your next garage sale, i need you to build then sell the baby brother (5w) to the ts 3w you sold me!
  22. chiromikey replied to Exhaloprez's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    i thought the yururis were pretty scary when i first got them. even my club builder was scared and didn't think they were playable! i've been playing blades for a while but these are more compact than anything other than baby blades and their leading edge is sharper than anything else on the planet. i was more scared after my first range session but once i quit worrying about them i found them to be the best iron i've played. they forced me to improve my ball striking and my handicap shows the improvements! i've tried a few top irons since but nothing has been able to get these out of my bag! i will say that the wedges may not be a fair test for the irons. i much prefer the shape of the irons and wish they made at least a gap wedge that matched the flatbacks. although the wedges are the best i've played, i still prefer the feel of the irons better.
  23. chiromikey replied to Exhaloprez's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    i don't know that objectively they're any more special than other boutique brands but subjectively they are to me. the utilitarian look to the raw flatbacks is unmatched and the solid feel is better than any epon, miura, or yonex i've played. as far as their history goes, i only know what i've heard around here so another member with a more intimate knowledge could better answer that question.
  24. if you're already back weighting couldn't you simply adjust the amount of weight to achieve any swing weight you want?