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Everything posted by MoreBeerBetterGolf

  1. You might be the only person on TSG who punts on clubs faster than I do! GLWS
  2. Sounds like this thing has rendered all other drivers obsolete
  3. Well 2 of us just took the plunge on these, can't wait to see some reviews and for my set to get here. I think these are a great fit for me.
  4. Someone must have staged an intervention for our boy stew
  5. The lofts are jacked because they have a low CG and have tungsten soles. Which is why they're so forgiving. The jacked lofts helps to lower the flight to make it more penetrating.
  6. Those 09 OnOffs are like a fart in an elevator...they just won't go away!
  7. I think you would get along great with either one...Both are quite playable for "players" irons. I have had a couple sets of 302s and they're one of the very best all-around irons on the planet. Take a look at the 2013 OnOff Forged as well.
  8. Will a lot of new products we don't know about yet pop up at this show?
  9. Is it just me but does the epon look like it must weigh 50% more than the RomaRo? Sometimes I look at irons and just wonder where the compact irons hide the weight! Thanks for the write up look forward to hearing more.
  10. These are supposed to be a toned down satin type finish, I think the pictures probably exacerbated the glossy look if I had to guess.
  11. Funny cuz x forged crossed my mind seeing these pictures too.
  12. I've been eyeballing these too as baddmnkey well knows! Gorgeous!
  13. Have you ever gone through a comprehensive shaft fitting using different heads? I did one a few weeks ago and learned a lot about what works for me numbers wise and feel wise. Will make subsequent shaft selections much easier.
  14. The personals are a unique animals. First time I picked one up I couldn't believe how balanced and beautiful they are compared to pics. Surprisingly forgiving on mis**ts and sweet as sugar on good shots.
  15. I can see why some people like c tapers for their attributes as far as performance but I just can't handle their feel. I also think they're a relatively demanding shaft as well. They are one of a handful of shafts I've played that seem to make any head I put them in harder to hit consistently. There is apparently something between my swing mechanics and the c taper that just don't jive. I'm a fairly high ss player, nothing like you, but the c taper can be hard to load and hit even with high ss if the loading mechanism in the swing isn't quite right. I transition quick with a mid-fast tempo and late release but I don't have a ton of wrist cock at the top. Even on pure strikes they don't feel good to me. Again it is all subjective to the person but IMO stock with a winner and get the spb or modus tx if you like Nippon feel. Nothing about the c taper is like the Nippon in my mind aside from the shafts are both steel and attach to a club head. I think the c taper also gets a lot of play from people who shouldn't be playing it because they think it makes them look like a badass. Obviously not here so much as you see at wrx. I'd take anything I read over there with a grain of salt.
  16. Sweet!! Merry Christmas to vanla!!!
  17. You can't check out with epon anyways on TSG so it might not be indicative of being sold out
  18. The pics aren't small, kayo9999 is actually an elf
  19. Probably so...good luck. Wonderful clubs
  20. Guess I was wrong...sorry
  21. I'm pretty sure they can still be ordered
  22. Here's to a new year full of fun JDM toys, overall prosperity and health, and new record low golf scores
  23. Curious how rebadging old designs is going to translate to big revenue
  24. Yeah can't complain just wish it would translate into better results on-course.
  25. Ditkas in Bolingbrook, Des Plaines golf center, I also am in Bloomington - Normal frequently and they have a really nice heated range as well. In winter I hit a lot of balls at home in my heated garage into a net. I've got 800 balls at home and a big field to hit balls in at home when it's nice out. :D