Everything posted by MoreBeerBetterGolf
Added pics...This was a WITB as of a couple months ago. I will put up one in the actual section once I have everything assembled.
I ordered a set of 210KGX from local club builder but in waiting for them have decided to go a different direction. They are due to arrive Friday. They are set up with GS95 S300 shafts, orange Nowon grips, and custom orange ferrules with a large navy blue stripe. Standard loft/lie/length. These retail out at $275 each. Really sharp looking clubs. If anyone is interested, shoot me a PM. $Sold gifted shipped. They will be unplayed and in the original box from the builder. (Pure Impact) Here are some pics of my 302s set up the same way:
epon zero (0) ---crazy boron build...... thoughts?
Have you tried the 519 yet? It's supposedly a CB50 with more feel?
Epon... Golf Balls!
And.....my ball costs just doubled. Now I can have Bridgestone for my cheap ball and Epon for my good ball. Best part is no one will pick mine up, they'll look at it like a SpongeBob ball!
epon zero (0) ---crazy boron build...... thoughts?
I would try the Boron first...but I personally would love to see what you thought of a FEX Max WBQ or a Crazy 519 Proto in the Zero. Stable, mid flight shafts with feel that you can swing away and still find that minuscule sweet spot....
LONGSHOT: Diamana x 70s shaft pull
Well I guess that answers my question if Stew had an extra....
epon personals .., all grass conditions.
I got dibs on the next used set that pops up.
I've found a driver shaft that works........
I always feel this way when I have a EUREKA moment...then my mind immediately shifts to something else I "need" to upgrade/replace/try/swap/shuffle. Some of my friends have big boats, some have exotic cars, mistresses, vacation homes, etc. I have an addiction to exotic golf gear. Sounds cheap in comparison. (Justification 101) :)
Dang Swiss I was gonna speak for those...maybe the kyeio instead...
sold...thanks tsg
Another beauty. It being 10.5 saved me some money. GLWS.
Three Luck Sky Dream Jump Irons
OT but I was having this mental image of someone at my small town club asking me what irons I was playing... Them: "What kinda irons ya playin THIS week?" Me: "Three Luck Sky Dream Jump!" Them: "Matt...Tourette's, like JDM addiction...is a treatable condition. Seek help."
No love for Honma?
I'm sure they make some good equipment but my god is some of it awful looking to my 30 something eyes. I can tell they gear towards the older crowd for sure. Saw some older Asian men playing at Ruffled Feathers a few weeks ago and they were all Honma'd out...way too much gold for my tastes.
Moving to a JDM Bag - Driver is next....
I had an R11s 9* with a real Rip Phenom tour x 70 shaft in it and have now been playing a Kamui KPX 9.5 that i bought used with Fubuki 70S for a bit. I also have a Ryoma V Spec with Crazy 519 7.7 being built I should have soon. Even with a too soft (for me 112 ss) 70S Fubuki the KPX is much more of a piercing mid ball flight with more roll out than the R11s was even with a piece of rebar for a shaft and the head delofted to the max. The ground is softer now and the grass denser than it was all summer and I'm outdriving the R11s combo considerably. And it performs way better into the wind. In soft UK conditions I would think a slightly higher spinning head like the 152 might be perfect for more carry. Unless you're a high ball hitter by nature in which case you can probably get enough carry from a v spec or KPX or 102 type head. Even though the KPX launches low-mid I still get a lot of carry with my swing. As a relative noob to JDM drivers this is my take on it. The Japanese heads definitely will feel muted and soft at first coming from TM...almost off putting at first but after a few rounds you won't want to go back.
Price Lowered!! Epon AF152 9.5* Head Only , Srixon ZR30 8.5* driver, Kenmochi 60* head
Great price. If it were the 102 you'd be sending it to Illinois.
Are these real? AF-Tours and AF-502
Yeah seriously who would want a wide soled mid sized GI distance iron with significant offset paired with a blade? I'd think it would be weird going back and forth.
Epon 502 vs Epon 302
I really think it can boil down to whether someone wants to adopt cutting edge technology and make the game easier or is more of a purist. For me, I wasn't hitting the 502 any better on the day I demo the clubs so I opted for the 302 due to it being more appealing to my eye at address and its more traditional technology.
***** MY new driver builds THREAD ******
There probably aren't many guys here I could beat head to head. Unless we were scoring based on who wasted the most good drives. Some guys play sneaky good golf and turn in a surprising great score without ever doing anything impressive. Then there's me. Guys always seem to think I'm playing great then I card an 85. Began the season as an 8 and slipped clear to ~13 by the end of the year due to an incurable case of short game woes.
***** MY new driver builds THREAD ******
***** MY new driver builds THREAD ******
My stats and SS and "hitter" status all match up pretty well with Stew...although his self proclaimed miss is right and mine is left so I take that into consideration. So far my acquisitions based on his experiences have been excellent but I wouldn't expect that for everyone of course. For example, Tario and Chris didn't much care for the KPX while Stew and I love it. Like RIDuffer said, the observations are still relevant if you apply them relatively. Just as importantly the entertainment value alone of Stew's clever, stream-of-consciousness observations are well worth reading even for a one-armed geriatric.
Epon 502 vs Epon 302
Can 302s be refinished from the normal finish like mine have to copper or black?
***** MY new driver builds THREAD ******
I am with Swiss. I would almost bet that there is some web savvy person here that could compile a list of Stew's Frankenstein-esque experiments and put them all in one easy-to-browse format. Future reviews and observations to the blog could be added simultaneously with the board here. Such a list would certainly be in my browser Favorites!
kamui pro kp-x driver head
Oh I can make it go left still with an aggressive move like I normally use. I moved it back about 2 inches in my stance and didn't throw myself forward nearly as much and was hitting it very straight and very hot with not near as much effort as I am used to exerting with a super low torque shaft. I actually did hit the first slices I have hit since probably sometime in 2011 with this driver just warming up. If I go balls out I can still pull/hook it, if I back off it can leak right, but that happy middle ground is spectacular. I have been playing that 2.5 torque TX Phenom long enough that it takes a little getting used to. It isn't that my SS is terribly high for an S shaft so much as I have really gotten used to loading that piece of rebar shaft I used to play. :) The guy I played with tonight said that at the onset of my downswing the head looked like it was awfully far behind the rest of the apparatus. I just think that the FEX in X flex with this head (as Stew corroborates) would be the ultimate anti left combo with tons of feel, kick, and distance.