Everything posted by Kamen
PRICE REDUCED: Gold's Factory, Kamui TP07, Jbeam, A Grind
I will be in Beijing in April...those Kuros are calling out to me lol
Yonex N1-MB forged irons
I don't mind the look of the hybrid but I really could do without all the text on the crown. I find some JDM brands go really text heavy in not so subtle places. It looks very shallow too so should be nice and high launching/easy to get off the ground.
Yonex N1-MB forged irons
That putter looks ghastly. I look forward to trying these out in Japan when I go in April then; especially the irons!
TSG's Top 5 Wedges!
This post couldn't have come at a better time. I've been insanely looking for new wedges and just couldn't make up my mind. Part of me even wanted to give the upcoming Vokey SM6's a go haha Thanks Chris!
Who plays Epon P2s as their gamers? Trying to decide P2 or Buchi vs200
I got P2s recently and love them; going to be in the bag for a long time for me. Had 302s before and although everyone says they are one of the best irons made I never clicked with them and got rid of them last year.
Maruman Majesty 101P - Anyone?
Recently re-stumbled upon this putter and this time around it started to appeal to me. Anyone have feedback on it? Anyone ever use one? Quality and feel? The head size looks a little more compact than a standard anser style? Is Maruman relevant? Would be nice to make this my #19 putter haha Thanks!
Anyone try the new Epon Person wedges?
Better than the $500+ each I was quoted lol. I held the heads in my hand and they are absolutely beautiful. When you notice the grinds on them it's really amazing given that it's almost hidden from all the chrome.
The Ultimate Set of TW727 Combo Irons
+1 for Daniel; great member!
2 New Epon Putters Fortune and Sachi
Can't say I am a fan of those. Phew, money saved!
Anyone try the new Epon Person wedges?
Those look amazing. Heavy price tag on them! What does the D & F stand for?
Shinagawa Irons Info
Do you know what they are made of? Raw carbon steel? Good to know they told me it was solid copper!
Shinagawa Irons Info
Reviving a really old thread. I never got a set of Shinagawas but now I am looking at picking up some new wedges and came across the pure copper wedges. http://www.spolandgolf.com/CopperWedge.php Has anyone hit these before? I held a couple heads in my hand and they look very pretty but not sure how being solid copper would be. Pricey at around $300 each locally.
- WTS EPON PERSONAL 2 - X100 Tour Issue - Reduced!
Name your best-feeling and easiest to hit irons
Okay well in that sense then...no the CB57 wouldn't be the most forgiving hahaha... I think the most forgiving irons for me would be the Epon 503s.
Name your best-feeling and easiest to hit irons
Well the title said "your" irons so I was just saying out of the irons I own...the CB57 would be my most forgiving...although they aren't exactly very forgiving? I find them okay.
Name your best-feeling and easiest to hit irons
Best feeling: epon p2 (soft and buttery) Most forgiving: miura cb57 (dense and powerful feel) The yururi raw flat backs are somewhere in the middle.
name your gamer driver heads .
I've tried a few JDM woods but somehow I went back to USDM for their woods. Currently gaming an M1 and loving it along with the fairway. Irons and wedges I will stick to JDM forged; slowly breaking my way in to the JDM club.
Miura Giken CB-1008 & PP-9005 Genesis 2016
CB1008 looks good; nice thin topline. I was wondering why the sole looks so wide but now with the grind choices it makes sense. I would probably go for the B3 option but the B4 looks interesting.
Thoughts on these...
I like them; but I think it needs a different font. And maybe slightly smaller logo size and numbering.
Limited Edition SEVEN 2016 CB
Sole shot reminds me of my CB57. Looks very good!
Crazy Epon combo set
So you already have that combo set pretty much except the couple long iron changes you were thinking of doing? You got a full set of P2 just to play the 8-PW?! If those are your scores I really don't see what the problem is...unless you want a different ballflight for whatever reason... consider shaft change?
Crazy Epon combo set
I am a fan of combo sets but it seems from your pick that the irons are very different and looking down on them there doesn't appear to be much flow at all. I think they should at least be somewhat similar overall but at the end of the day you gotta play what you like so do some more research/testing and go for it! Alternatively you can try out the Honma TW727 offerings. You can build a pretty seamless combo there.
reshafting them personals
Wow how did you get from R300 to X100? Would that be a big difference? I don't have Personal 2s (yea you know LOL) but I have found I like Nippon Super Peening shafts in my irons. I play the blue in my blades and the reds in my Miura Combo set; both stiff flex.
CLOSED - Thanks TSG!
Okay you guys have my attention lol. Send me a PM with what you have please thanks!
CLOSED - Thanks TSG!
CLOSED Thanks TSG! Found something nice :)