Everything posted by needmoregolf
blade choices of recent times ............
very nice, good insight on the offset diff between those and newer 727 blades. post some address pics, esp that PW??
Need help-Yamada putter
yeah, it almost looked rose gold colored to me which is pinkish and I thought I was wiping away the finish and would eventually reach silver/grey carbon. very glad that I was just being paranoid and the pinkish patina'd back to that rich orange with purple hues and the sheen burns through in places while being dull in others. I like it too now.
Need help-Yamada putter
I really should have taken a pic after the BKF wipe down, to show the before pic, but here's the current state of the finish, w/ the nice deep orange and purple, and the much desired sheen I wanted: Compare that to the finish when I first got it (before BKF). So far, I have purchased 2 used older Yamada's w/ Burning Copper finish and 1 brand new one straight from Yamada, and my observations are that the finish gets dull and mustard-brown in color over time, whereas the newer ones do have a brighter sheen and are more orange in color: Both look nice but I prefer the brighter finish, and now I know it's repeatable to achieve that look :)
Need help-Yamada putter
OK, so I got my 85029 Burning Copper a few days ago, and was elated rolling a few putts the first night she was at home. As I was looking down, I started focusing on areas of the finish that were kinda dull w/ that typical Burning Copper mustard brown (typical for older ones that have been sitting), and really wanted to bring some sheen back to it. So, I figured, why not do a quick wipe w/ some Bar Keeper's Friend (BKF). So, I proceeded to the garage and started in on the sole, top line, neck, face and back flange/bumpers mainly. After working it in a bit, I started to notice the characteristic finish disappearing and a thought of ruining the finish of this brand new putter (to me) grabbed a firm hold of my head and I literally cursed myself out -- F$#!&*!! I was beside myself in total disbelief as all I saw was this light orangish-pinkish hue and it looked totally different from the parts that didn't get as much work w/ the BKF like the back cavity, hosel and the face. The sheen was there but the beautiful characteristic Burning Copper finish was changed, and I thought I totally screwed the finish up because from what I knew, the putter itself isn't made of copper or even a copper plating, but more so a finish that Yamada applies, so thought I was basically stripping it off. Well, the last couple of days I've been praying and holding the head of this putter as much as possible, hoping the oils from my skin and exposure to air would help patina it back to something close to the original finish. I'm happy to report that it's now coming back very nicely with that deep orange and even purplish hues and the sheen is still "burning" through, so in fact, I achieved my original intent. It's blending in nicely w/ the areas that weren't affected as much and the overall finish is really looking great, so my report here is to say, don't be afraid to take some BKF to your Burning Copper Yamada's, just give it some time to come back! I'll post some pics of how it looks now when I get a chance.
TRPX Red Hot Fwy
Thanks R, kinda makes me want to try an XV, seems to be a hot item on the sale list lately. Whats the biggest difference you see between your XV 5W and 3W? Currently bag a Ryoma F3 w/ a Dia W series but been thinking about putting my FW80 7.4 in it or potentially looking for another 3W head for that shaft. This adds another wrinkle to the fold, and I'm really indecisive about FW woods in general.
- TRPX Red Hot Fwy
A-Grind Fairway Woods!
I've got the ut which makes that TING sound too, which is growing on me.
Question about raw wedges durability
Bar Keepers Friend wipe down does wonders as well, then sword/choji/clove oil after to finish it off.
Yururi Gekku Okamura Satin Wedge
yes, these ones do. the original gekku's do not.
Yururi Gekku Okamura Satin Wedge
man, that is one sexy wedge. perfect finish and the stamping is nice and simple. very tempting... Chris, not sure if this was answered before in another post, but how do these compare to tataki's?
Choices, choices: Onoff Kuro or Titleist T-MB
I guess it is an assumption on my part, but I just can't imagine any blade being longer than the kuro if length and shaft specs are the same, they were easily one club longer than any blade I have.
awesome, glad to hear you were able to find a combo that worked. From what I understand the 153 head isn't the longest but I'm sure this shaft changes the results. What did you use to plug the bottom to decrease the insertion depth...cork?
Miura TM Forged Firesole Forged h 3-PW S400s--sold
these look great for their age, and I agree, very classic looking. how's the swing weight on these and any idea on the original head weights?
I thought it was too much to load? did the head swap change that aspect for you, nob?
Using a FW instead of a driver?
yeah, the weighting was off at first, so slathered it with lead tape and it's got a great feel now. I'm considering tipping the stinger another 0.25" for more control and firm the flex a bit.
Using a FW instead of a driver?
I know the shorty driver works wonders. I have a syard t.388 at 44.25" with stinger and this thing finds fairways nicely. could go even shorter at 44" for more control.
Yururi Satin Tataki Blade by Okamura
I agree, the original Yururi kanji and the Tataki branding to set it apart from the originals would have suited my eye the best. That being said these still look stellar and I'm thinking they will look pretty damn good after some good wear. Someone get these and give us a review please!
Titleist T-MB Roddio SOLD !!!
pretty sure bk's quote from Coming To America (right??) was to sarcastically show that he is in agreement with you. plus, he was the original owner (or earlier owner) of those exact heads lol
bstnyc's 2016 bag~
stellar bag and makeup! what iron head covers are those? look different than the standard neoprene but still nice and simple and effective.
holy smokes, a steal! I've never seen these awesome DI's priced better, shouldn't last long
CPMs in real life
Welcome to the fray mate ;) This is a great time to be tinkering though, lots of cool new stuff and the tech in shafts is at an all time high as Chris points out. This also means that some of the older premium gear can be had to try as members start to get into the new stuff themselves. Have fun!
(SOLD) Roddio Type M Driver with Roddio M-5 shaft
+2 very cool looking, roddio always really good looking stuff for my eye. how does it perform? anything to compare to that is not so rare?
Titleist T-MB Roddio SOLD !!!
are these the new or old version of the i10's? pulls or new?
Yururi by Okamura coming Monday!
sounds like the most interesting man in the world...stay thirsty my jdm friends!
Yururi by Okamura coming Monday!
would you so kind as to share with the rest of us non-Japanese speakers, nob-San??