Everything posted by chuck4golf
TRADED! Buchi VS200 5 thru PW
I sort of can't imagine these haven't sold. I am obviously a huge fan of this club.
TRADED! Buchi VS200 5 thru PW
You have 6 sets of vs200?! This would be my 2nd of this. I have the same setup with macgregor 1025m's - one steel on graphite.
TRADED! Buchi VS200 5 thru PW
I am tempted by these for a second set - one with steel one with graphite.
True love
It has gotten very hot in Kolkata too! But I am just too busy to play. Hopefully will get down to Bangalore next trip in 2-3 months so we can meet and play.
True love
I know those years of playing the field. Clubs came and went so fast I barely knew their name. I have been in India since early Jan working my butt off. Maybe been to the range 4 times. On my way back to So Cal this weekend. In all my years I have never longed to play - and to play the clubs I have. Anchored by the Blackout driver and Buchi irons - like I am feeling these days. I mean Chris and everyone keep throwing out eye candy. My God the beauties like so many 28 yr olds, lean and smiling. But for the first time since, wow, when? A long time ago, I don't feel a roving eye. I am going to have a flat out golf orgy next week. Hide the women and children. This feeling right now of eagerness to enjoy these fine clubs and to play and play and play. Damn! This is as good a feeling of expectation as I can recall.
Oops duplicate post....
I'm not really looking. Just curious about what I am seeing here and to learn more about JDM history and what's considered rare.
So... I'm still a JDM nubie. What are some of the legendary JDM irons? I see these pics and have no idea what I am seeing.
I couldn't handle the conflict of so much to choose among. When I was in college some poor guy was in the cafeteria and the lady asked him 'peas or carrots?' He couldn't handle the question and they had to take him to the hospital. With your 3 sets staring at me I'd be in the bed next to him!
Easiest Driver To Hit?
Well I am one of those smooth swingers. But all the conventional logic got turned on its head. 200-210 average to 230-240. This is pretty consistent, not just the outliers. I get the same carry but much more rollout. The shaft also seems to be right on target. One I learned to tee hit pretty high things really clicked. I am pretty convinced I am fully optimized for my swing. The putting this together took a lot of learning via all the trial and error.
Easiest Driver To Hit?
Quick story. I had a Wishon 919thi. Legendary forgiveness. Fitted by a good fitter, etc. Couldn't hit it anywhere even though plenty of long hitter love its distance. Switched to Jbeam blackout after thinking very carefully about head design. Long straight and as forgiving for me as Wishon - but 30 yards longer. (Swing is better, too, is part of this a but mainly better club for me created distance gain). Most contentented I have ever been with a driver. 1+ yr later. Moral to the story is just what Chris said. The more you understand what you need the better the results. A 'players' driver is more forgiving and much longer for me than a 'forgiving' driver....
Buchi VS200 MB Irons
I am on a plane Sat for India. But I have a set already there, my beloved Mac 1025M's. Will reach out if I get down to Bangalore.
Buchi VS200 MB Irons
Quick update after a few more rounds, practice. Even better than I had reported. Weather warmed a bit, and the feel softened some. Still feels solid but even better with the added softness. This is best set of irons for me ever. This, boys, is true love... says the club philanderer. Oops. Posted from new phone. Didn't think the first one got posted.
Buchi VS200 MB Irons
Brief follow-up after a few more rounds, practice sessions. I have never enjoyed a set of irons this much. Not even close. I'm even more enthused than in my original post. The one change to that post was the weather was cold before I wrote, but we've had some warmer days. Feel is softer, feedback is great. You can hit any shot with these.
why the light shafts?
I am the poster child for lightweight shafts. 63, ss on a good day in the mid 90's. I have been recommended and played all the usual suspects - steelfiber, recoil, AD tour, etc in th 80-95 range. I bought a set of 95G MCI recently. Nice shafts, to be sure. I also bought a set of buchi irons used with kbs tour-v 110 s shafts. I presumed these would not work with me. But I did a test run with the 8 iron in the MCI and left the KBS in the rest of the bag. I have reached the conclusion that a club - how it looks, feels, sounds - creates a subtle expectation in me. The lighter shaft creates a thought 'hit it far.' The heavier one 'hit it close.' I have a much greater sense of control over the ball with the KBS. And I hit the ball very solidly, but mainly, I hit it much closer and with the shape I want than I can recall in any of the lighter shafts. I am not ditching the MCI... I keep thinking surely I am deluded, but so far, I am totally in love with this too stiff, too heavy shaft.
Buchi VS200 MB Irons
"Chuckie's in love" ... short story. 30th birthday, before marriage, at a bar with friends. Band with hot lead singer girl came to our table, sang "Chuckie's in love' right to me. Nice memory. Head size ... Length is same as my Macgregors, shorter than Vegas.
Buchi VS200 MB Irons
I have only played the 503 so I don't know about the others. These are equivalent to my Macgregor 1025m which are legendary for 'forgiving' blades. But much longer.
Buchi VS200 MB Irons
At the risk of jumping the gun and blubbering about these Buchi's while caught up in the honeymoon phase, in a word, 'wow.' These are the best designed heads for what I have been looking for high and low for years. At least after 3 practice sessions and one very thorough round of golf where I hit each club at least 3x times, this is my impression. I am playing very well for me recently. Shot my career best last week - + 4, even par on the front 9. This was with the Vega VC-01 cb irons, which I have had for a few weeks. These Vegas are incredible clubs. Beautiful, with amazing feel at impact. The vs200 are unique clubs... I have never played a club with its combination of attributes. These heads look like a serious club, meant for serious golfers. Playing shots - high, low, curved - is easy. Long - I like stronger lofts. This means longer carry with a shorter shaft. These are as long as my Epon 503's. The distance difference between well hit and almost well hit is less than 5 yards. Forgiving - reasonably so - more forgiving than they look like they should provide. The only thing that looks forgiving is there is a pretty wide top line for a player CB or blade. Feel at impact is all business. A thump, a solid thump. You've hit something, hit it hard. Feels great. It's not soft, but it's not clicky, either. I think this is the best feel quality I ever had. It's a unique feel. The Vega's are a very soft feel. These are not like that at all. I prefer this feel. It creates a sense of connection with impact and this builds confidence. Turf interaction is great. The test is chipping. You get some help on a slightly fat hit. The sole is not as thin as I like but it's not awful and I am not reluctant to chip with them - which I don't like to do with a lot of CBs. They have done something remarkable. The 4 iron is playable while the wedge is not an ugly mess. Usually a set has either an attractive wedge or a playable 4 iron, but not both. So what they've done is design a club that has a great balance - it looks like a club for pretty skilled players but provides more help than it looks like it should. Bottom line: while I am sure this is the honeymoon period, these have the best melding of design features to work for a guy like me. Kudos to the designer. Fabulous clubs. The Vegas - as fine as they are (and they are fine!) - are in a distant 2nd place. One odd thing... I haven't played steel shafts for years and 90 gram, R shafts are what I think are right for me. I put the MCI shafts from the Vegas in the 8 iron but kept the stiff KBS 110 tour-v in the rest. I hit the heavier, stiffer shaft better and liked the feel better. Maybe I am getting younger and stronger. Anyway, a long search seems to be over. Driver, putter and irons are in solid. Wedges are next.
Buchi VS200 MB Irons
I just received a set of these used Monday. The came with kbs shafts that are too heavy for me @ 110. Swapped in a MCI 90 in the 8 iron. Going to do a playoff between vega cb vs. these with the same shafts. When I have enough to post I will tell you what I see. But first impression is very exciting.
name your gamer driver heads .
J Beam Blackout, 11.5* withTRPX Touale. I am consistently 230-250 off the tee, which is great for me and exceeds what all the charts tell is possible. Plus I am almost always in the short grass. I had thought I'd try 7 Dreamers but I am so pleased - and have learned thru much expensive experience - that if it ain't broke, it ain't broke. The one thing I had to learn with this head was to tee it pretty high. I get a great, high launch and a lot of rollout. But this club is solid. I shouldn't say that too loud. It can be the kiss of death for a club...
Crazy Epon combo set
I see it the same way Chris does. I have 3h, 4i epon 503 and then 5-w. I don't want my 5i to be different from 6i in character (or 6 from 7, etc)
Adams Hybrid Tour Prototype 24* "Peanut"
Not sure what's happening, but your pics loaded so large that the image even before clicking on it exceeds my screen size by a lot!
Refinished Clubs.... Show & Tell.
A copper orgy! That's one of the most awesome club pics I ever saw. It's kind of shocking to the eyes to see so much copper .. on such fine heads.
No Longer Available
70*! Wow, I never heard of that much loft. What's it like to play?
RLL, I think the TM that Chris posted looks very good. Yeah, the PRGR are not real attractive, but then the stuff I read about it's playability was also not what I want in this set. Vega's arrive tomorrow. As excited as I have ever been for new set. If they work, irons are set. Wedges next.