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Everything posted by dickyfowler

  1. Mine has the bamboo-look SANKI shaft and you might never see a more beautiful driver -- might just put it on the wall because it is too impressive-looking to play. I have so far found the club head itself to be reasonably forgiving with a good feel to it - not harsh. Also have the Romaro Alpha which is probably longer, but doesn't feel quite as good.
  2. like this driver - feels good off the face as many of the Maruman's do and the distance was better than average for me.
  3. I have the originals from last year and they are definitely a smaller head - one of the smallest you will come across. Good performance but I found the heads too small for consistently good results. Finding XXIO UT's better.
  4. the new Romaro Gold is non-conforming and very long.
  5. my new Vanquish lands Wednesday - will let you know what I think.
  6. the gear these days can certainly help wth some issues in our swings. Lessons often fill your head with too many things to worry about and we all know that your best golf comes when it feels automatic - not complicated. As Arnie always says - Swing your swing! And then find great Japanese gear to smooth out the kinks.
  7. Not a fan of the deep heads even though the big-hitters often like them. Think the average Joe can find easier to handle drivers. But you will struggle to find better shafts. One thing I find interesting in the driver head is the face milling and I do expect this kind of process is something we will see coming more into play in the top-end drivers going forward as a technology to assist with reducing unwanted spin.
  8. my friend had the XXIO 8 series and they were very forgiving but looked like shovels
  9. your can be interpreted two ways here -- so to clarify my thought process.....I wrote that asking for people's opinions and it doesn't restrict anyone to clubs they have actually owned. I've tried many - not owned them all - and Epon and Yamaha forged versions are topping my list at the moment, but heard great things about many others. Sounds like ONOFF, Titleist, Mizuno, Modart, Honma are all other strong contenders.
  10. and now HONMA introduce the BERES 05 series to throw another contender into the ring.
  11. The PRGR Nabla Forged and Titan irons sound impressive -- anyone tried those ?
  12. So many great choices in the TSG store these days. Interested to hear what players now believe to be the irons that offer the ultimate combination.....ease of use (forgiving on mis-hits) with that butter-soft feel. Is there one that truly has that. Probably be sold out if there was.
  13. the GIII is exceptional
  14. the new driver and new irons already available - interesting to see what users think of them.
  15. I have the gold and it's a beast - well worth the money!
  16. the GIII #3 is awesome - as long and strong as anything out there.
  17. Looks great - but note that all the materials specified are the same as the outgoing model, so will be interested to hear what advancements have been made to this new driver - apart from the face stamping.
  18. The 4 and 5 star upgrades are outlandishly expensive - around 3 grand. Very interested to hear how the testing went with this 4-star model. Didn't see any mention of how it performed...or have you not tested it much at this time?