Everything posted by daamartin
supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23........,
Mmmmm, +1 on that!
Next Contest - What do you want?
1. Best WITB photos might include pics of home course/ favourite hole. Don't mind seeing a link between gear used and type of course/ turf/ greens played on.
Next Contest - What do you want?
My wife has her own cave!
Next Contest - What do you want?
My wife plays (15 index and full bag of PRGR and a Gauge Proto putter). Problem fixed. She is hooked too!
Next Contest - What do you want?
Yep I am very busy, but clean my gear every week (s20c steel is something that needs care!)
Next Contest - What do you want?
Perhaps you could link #2 to a WITB post (that thing has been a bit dead lately) , because that forum can be very informative, particularly when you see bags played by people who have similar games and specs to you.
Epon for sale - Endo leaving golf biz
I am an obsessive PRGR die hard and am concerned reading this - who will make their irons in the future if this is true? Are the RS 2016 series forged by Endo in Japan? Anyone know?
The New Pro Gear (PRGR) RS Forged Irons
If I play M43 in the TR500 and like it (if a touch spinny), should I go M43 in these again Chris?
2016 PRGR RS Forged Irons
The new M43 spec shafts are lighter again. M46 might be better this time around for some of us.....keen to hear your thoughts Chris? Are these Endo Japan forged this version?
2016 PRGR RS Forged Irons
Don't mind these at all from address. Look solid!
2016 PRGR RS Forged Irons
Very keen to hear your impressions Chris. Any benchmarking against the legendary TR500 would be appreciated!
2016 PRGR RS Forged Irons
Are you saying there is another iron to come in the line up Stu? How much bigger than my fav TR500 are they?
2016 PRGR RS Forged Irons
More I look at these the more I like them. Bet they look nicer in person. Looking fwd to review. Back in the day I played the old PRGR TR Speed blades, which were also filled with gel and felt and sounded really good.......really good! https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.golfly.com.tw%2Fattachments%2Fa-188%2F319208d1416599836-prgr-tr-speed-irons-3-pas-m-46-2c70e9b3-6feb-4fe9-ba4c-751f8622f619.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.golfly.com.tw%2Fforum188%2Fthread133507.html&docid=6dBhrlaUzUESqM&tbnid=nm0PP5rZzTTHvM%3A&w=600&h=450&client=ms-android-optus-au&bih=559&biw=360&ved=0ahUKEwit8O6_r_zNAhVBNZQKHUCwBPkQMwggKAUwBQ&iact=mrc&uact=8
2016 PRGR RS Series Woods
Ok should have read below first. Will there be a limited blade iron set to follow like the TR500?
2016 PRGR RS Series Woods
So will the irons (player's blades) be matching RS-F stamped as well? Watching with interest!!
Epon AF-301 **SOLD***
Beautiful irons and rare to find in this condition. Interested to hear how these shafts play soft stepped? I play PRGR TR500 with M43 and they have been great to me in most conditions. Have been waiting for the new PRGR protos to be released in Aug.......but.......these are very pretty! How much shipped to AUS?
modart 3w 14*
Outside chance 26 June...
modart 3w 14*
So smart - that will put Concord amongst the elite tracks in AUS. Can I play too!!!!
Must be some "Dodgy Brothers free steak knives" being thrown in here. Well done Stu. So much great stuff around, but I am waiting for the new PRGR blades in August. My old PRGR TR500 are starting to show their age...
New PRGR Prototype Blade Spotted in on the J-Tour
I like the shape of the original too Stu, and looks v well made.
I would dig some very big holes with these...like the PRGR proto shape better.....and the honma limited ones
Honma's New Limited Edition Tanihara MB TW-BM
Suits my eye....so pretty....so pretty
DRIVER HEADS: Romaro ,Akira, Yamaha, Crews, Kamui ***PRICE DROP***
Me too!!!! Whoever designed that one did a stellar job. Mine has the 2014 Quadra Proto F4 in it and I really should build a backup in case it gets stolen....
New PRGR Prototype Blade Spotted in on the J-Tour
Chris keen to see if they go back to a more solid and traditional driver design. Someone needs to take the place of Yamaha for solid thumpy player's drivers - would be a good complement to these blades, which I really like (you know I can't get away from the TR500 irons - purity).
New PRGR Prototype Blade Spotted in on the J-Tour