Everything posted by ajaykkr
First round with the Epons is in the book...
in my case, as i found the 3 wood easy enough to hit the deck, i replaced the 5 wood with a #2 hybrid (for the long shots from the rough), i have found out that i can cut the 3 wood to get slighly less distance and a softer landing... so I use it for anything from 215-240 yard shots...
Yardage gaps, filling them in with JDM
No...i dont grip down... didn't work well.... just use a slower / shorter swing...its basically based on feel, but I have got it down.... PW downwards i can play a shot that will land within 3-4 yards of what i ma hitting without any roll (or a small roll backwards)... the gap appears because the PW distance is full shot - which i do often.. i never hit the 52* with full force....
First round with the Epons is in the book...
you need to work on those putts.... there are 10-12 strokes there... glad you like the 3 wood.... also dont hesitate to try the 3 wood off the deck.... its bloody long and easy to hit with the right ball flight
Yardage gaps, filling them in with JDM
All distances are average and clubs I will hit for that yardage in a normal round of play when something is stake. for off the deck distances, add 10 yards for the tee shot... driver (10.5*, 45") - 260-280 yards (sometimes longer than 280 with a few over 300 yards, but 90% of the shots are within the 260-280 yards range) 3 wood (13.5*) - 240-250 yards...(off the tee) deck - 230-235 yards 5 wood (18*) - 220-225 yards (off the deck) #2 hybrid (18*) - 210-220 yards (off the deck) #3 hybrid (20*) -205-210 yards (off the deck) 7 wood (20*) - 200-210 yards (off the deck) 3 iron (22*) - 200 yards ( off the deck, mostly carry, with a few yards of roll) 4(25*) - 190 yards, 10 yards difference until 9 iron (140 yards); PW (48*)-125-130; 52* - +-100 yards, 60* - +-70-75 yards or less
A season of iron play
Well, i have played a number of sets this season, Miura - CB 1006 and tournament blades, Epon- AF 301, Fourteen TB 1000 forged, MR 23 blades, MP 33, Golds Factory Blades, Scratch Blades, X Blade 2s, Studio handmades and the Studio MBs (Did I miss anything)...... The last one I acquired is the Epon Af-301, but i have had only 4 rounds with them.... Want to complete 6 rounds, before I post my views on iron play, random observations on the above irons.. etc.... So Watch this Space :)
What does "Studio" imply in the lexicon of Gauge Design
there are a few sets of those..... i have one too....whether marketing or not....they are one set of solid irons... interesting design too.....
Comparison between GD 2005 Studio MB and Epon AF-301
Except for "which is better for a mid capper" can't answer that as it depends on your swing/iron play.....the studio MBs get my vote....more solid, better ball flight (which means higher in my case)...
One hybrid or two
it should get you approx 15-20 yards..... did you try the 22*....that may work as well as the 20* with more consistency, higher ball flight and almost the same distance....
On Off Driver with Roddio
MTI finally coming Retail!
the japanese consumers are fad chasers... most things that work there are like shooting stars...... bright and then phooosh!... just because its in demand there now.... does not necessarily mean that its worth having.... even pepsi and coke do limited runs there ....producing enough so that there is shortfall that creates "must have status"......
One hybrid or two
whichever hybrid will go into the bag.....ut-85 is a great shaft....dont waste it on a club you likely wont play. based on your posts, you may have trouble hitting the 18* with some consistency...therefore may be the 20*
One hybrid or two
then you may be better off with the #7 and #9 wood or hybrids..... as chris, dont give up on the woods... they can be very effective planning is important..... earlier i had the game but not the patience and course management earlier, but this year, i just try hitting the safe shot and try for pars and my handicap has fallen to the low single digits
One hybrid or two
whatever works... although if you are a good ballstriker with your long irons, then it should depend on the course and how many 200 yard shots to the green you will have and how many narrow 200-220 yard tee shots you are likely to have...my choice of hybrid is dependent on the rough (as they are the goto clubs from that distance in the rough)... some of the combinations I use.... bethpage black /winged foot/quaker ridge (ocassionally)- 3 wood, 5 wood, 20* hybrid, 4 iron (rough is easier to tackle with a 3 hybrid than a 2 hybrid) Home course - 3 wood, 5 wood, either a 2 or 3 iron ..... (in summer).... starting october 1..... 3 wood, 18* hybrid, 7 wood (reason i keep one hybrid is that if i am in the rough its usually 180-220 yards away.... and the hybrid is best from the rough and the rough is less than the above courses......) The 7 wood is a great club..... there have been times when I have put it in the bag instead of the 3 iron even in the summer.... but if you are not a good ball striker with long irons... i will suggest try the two hybrids vs the 7 wood and a #4 hybrid.vs a 7 wood + #2 hybrid.......to figure out what works best for your course....
OK got my first whacks in w/ the new Epons...
I will second that..... after you have played several rounds, you will find the accuracy and the forgiveness of the Epon will have you keeping it in the bag when its crunch time..... thats when "better" is defined......
Are you kidding me TSG???????????????
i have stopped asking chris/jacque.... cause i know that they will be here in the fastest time possible and if not, i will hear from them.... the af 301s were delivered very promptly..... thanks TSG
EPON 2008 New Products w/PICS!!!
Got my af-301s....looks cool (although i dont like the gold colored E - prefer it to be understated). Its no muscleback (despite what Epon says)... clear and clear a cavity (probably one of the best look I have seen)...with the extra strip at the back bottom to get the ball up in the air. I have these shafted with the blackgolds and they will be put into action this weekend.....i have been playing blades (mp 33, miura, x blade 2, fourteen tb 1000, mr 23) but have played some cavities (mp-30, CB 1006, gauge studio mbs (some may call it a blade), the gauge studio handmades), so i think i have a fairly wide set of irons to compare against. Will report back after a few rounds..
WTB: fairway wood, hybrid shaft pulls
how about a NGS machline tour shaft pull. used in a driver for a week before being pulled. Also, I have a new GD Quattro 65 S shaft that I will be willing to let go cheap... PM me
Newbie Question
they are better.....but as in everything.... as the quality improves.....price increases much more rapidly.... if they improve your game.. they are much easier to justify......
EPON Vintage Copper Wedge Finish w/PICS!
is this the replacement for the old technity wedge?
EPON 08???
my bet would be on a high MOI driver.....
Miura Blade Differences
the tournament blade grind is a bit different to suit the US golf courses compared to the 5002 which is more suited to japanese golf courses..... but the difference is slight..... i have played the mb 5002 and the tournament blades and the feel and performance to me looked similar. still have the tournament blades..... i rate them at the top of the various blades i play )nice compact head that cuts through the turf,,, thin topline... great accuracy very easy to work the ball....simp;y superb..... (the welding of the hosel may be used by some to disparage the club.... but thats missing the point.... as its performance and feel is simply great..)
Miura Blade Differences
the tournament blade grind is a bit different to suit the US golf courses compared to the 5002 which is more suited to japanese golf courses..... but the difference is slight..... i have played the mb 5002 and the tournament blades and the feel and performance to me looked similar. still have the tournament blades.....
Epon - Someone needs to set the record straight.
what were the specs of the epon 460 (as against the TM 460, particularly the face angle and the loft and the shaft)
Epon - Someone needs to set the record straight.
Driver.. Among the three drivers i own - Mizuno Mpcraft 425 is longer by about 5-10 yards consistently.... Epon and Xdrive 460 are equally long, but less then the 425..... ball flight is the same (atleast i dont think its significant, maybe the 425 is a bit lower)... the epon is a hair more forgiving.....(but i rate myself as a good player).... i favor the epon over the other two when it comes to crunch time as the variances are smaller....(and yes i have another epon as a backup - to the main epon and the xdrive and mpcraft) fairway wood Absolutely the longest carry compared to any of the other fairway woods i have hit (agree its 0.5* lower loft.... but thats not the reason for the distance)....also, one of the longest in overall distance.... more importantly dispersion is very tight.... closest to the Epon is the gfield fairway....but the epon is way way better. Irons: haven't tried any till date as they do not have a blade... but the type j's lofts are stronger than most blades, so it should be longer....but comparable to other CBs (i have a set of af-301s on the way and i can tell you more after that....reference point will be the 8-10 sets of other irons that I have including two CBs - handmades and miura CB 1006).