The iphone has been one of the hottest gadgets of the past couple of years.
This topic is to talk iphone what you like about it what you don't, why you want one why you don't. Cool tips and tricks etc.
Admittedly I don't own one but there is a reason for that.
iphone is exclusively available on Softbank here in Japan.
2 years ago when I moved to Japan I was on Softbank but when I bought my house out in the Chiba countryside, I fell into the dreaded Softbank rural poor signal syndrome.
Actually inside my new house I got ZERO signal.
Because of this I ended up switching to Docomo which probably has the strongest network throughout Japan.
So as you can imagine, with me being a tech junkie, I have craved for a iphone for these past two years.
So much that I went out and got an ipod touch to fiddle with so I could learn the inner workings of these devices.
This is my contribution to this thread since I don't actually have an iphone... yet.
I have the 3rd gen touch on 3.13 firmward and I upgraded to iOS 4.0 and then jailbroke the device using comex's which does the jailbreaking right over the internet and installs Cydia right on your touch or iphone for app installing. (jailbreaking a device is not for everyone so user beware)
iOS 4 (which is for ipad, iphone and touch) has features users have always wanted such as changing homescreen wallpaper and multitasking as well as an abundence of other fixes and features but users still want more which is why the jailbreak comes into play.
Once jailbroken I proceeded to connect to the touch using SSH (secure shell) to in order to install mobile terminal then using mobile terminal's command prompt change the root password from apple's default alpine.
Jailbreaking allows you to see the inner workings of your apple device and move files on and off your idevice like I did with the below screencaps from my touch.
New iOS 4 allows you to change the home screen of your springboard:
However you can change the entire look once jailbroken like I did with a new theme:
You can now multitask with iOS 4 but double clicking the home button:
So let's post about the iphone (and ipod touch for that matter), it's a fun topic for any gadget lover!