Everything posted by corky3
Epon AF-102 - SOLD
On Hold Pending funds.....
Epon AF-102 - SOLD
Sold....... Much Loved...... EPON AF-102 10.5 0 face angle, with CRAZY original LY tj-46 shaft flex 6.7 = SR basically a soft stiff, 45 inches D0 SW GP tour Velvet Grip logo down. This is an oroginal EPON build complete with sought after carbon ferrule. Head condtion is perfect, no marks apart from normal 'brush' marks. Thanks for looking ....Corky
Yamaha 2013 Tour Model and Inpres Lineup Info - Important
GD GT6 is blue and silver if that helps. :-)
Who makes the best golf balls?
like Morebeers post...I concur
Favorite wedges
Fourteen MT58 Tour & like the new RMs Zodia KT-tour RC Dent Back tour biggest disappointment many.... vokeys, cleveland
N.S.PRO WV Wedge Shaft
I put the 105 into a 54 and 58, am finding it too light, I like the feel though so will pick up a couple of heavier shafts and try those
***** MY new driver builds THREAD ******
we live vicariously through you S...... standing by for the results :-)
Driver shaft into 3wd......
most driver shaflts can be fitted to fairway woods, just need to know the trimming requirements for the particular shaft you wish to use. eg. wether it requires tip trimming and hiw much or butt trimming and how much.
EPON AF-103 First Round
of course... this is just my findings, you might feel differently.... hopefully others will post their thoughts too
EPON AF-103 First Round
stu, never had a 101...... Jury is still out on the workabilit aspect,, but the one drive i needed to hit a fade, it did .... but now that t have a more open face, my confidence with fading the ball is helped... I reckon its still happiest going straight, maybe the Zero is better for working the ball. I,ll let you know how it goes with greater experience.
Yamaha Custom Chart
Yikes! I love Japanese Companies....
EPON AF-103 First Round
So I now have 3 range sessions and 1 18 hole round under my belt. Firstly the specs.... 10.5 deg loft, 1 deg open, shaft is Crazy TJ 46 LY1 Nero 6.9 flex. Im not a Bomber like Stu, but am usually straight, but my miss is a pull left. Why did I buy this club? I wanted a little help in eliminating the left side, I wanted a better( read higher) trajectory as I am a low ball hitter. I also never fell in love with the look of the 102. So after playing it what have I found? The looks are much improved, not perfect, but much better on the eye, both the shape and the 1 deg open justlooks way better at address. Sound and feel have been improved over the 102, I can't say I joticed a big differance in sound, but feel was a little better off of off-centre shots( try saying that after a couple of beers!)... it was less harsh. Myabe because of this I would say it was a little more forgiving, a couple of drives were hit slightly above the sweet spot, didin't feel too bad at all and didn't appear to lose much distance, although this was a bit of a subjective view. Still I was happy with the end result, which is all that matters really. When truly 'nutted' there is no finer feeling than an Endo Forged head, be that EPON, TS, Yamaha etc.....This is in that category. The trajectory is just so much better... of the 13 drives I hit, 9 just brought a smile to my face, 1 was too high because I pegged it up a little higher and a little further forward and 3 were just ok. Only 1 missed the fairway...... :-) the ball seems to climb steadily, flatten and then descend(not too sharply) but not a lot of roll. But this I attribute to fairly wet frairways due to rain the previous day. Length wise, I see little difference, but maybe with more roll this would improve I would certainly think so but this is just the findings from 1 round. In Summary then, Looks better, feels better, the performance gains are not earth-shattering, but then I don't really think any new driver is with the current regulations. For me though it is an improvement and thats all we can expect really, small gains. I know I need to do some work over the winter to improve my launch angle, but thats a whole other avenue to explore..... If you currently play the 102 and are happy with it, then you probably won't want to 'upgrade' to the 103, but if you are happy with incremental gains like I am you'll not regret buying one. I will post addtional thoughts when I've played a few more rounds,. cheers Corky
EPON AF-103 unboxing....
ooooh I was contemplating that exact same grip in that color .... used to use the Experts, what do you think of it.?
EPON AF-103 unboxing....
patience grasshopper... I am playing on tuesday, have used it a few times at the range but want to give playing feedback. Hold tight....
Yamaha 2013 Tour Model and Inpres Lineup Info - Important
Seems like Yamaha has overtaken TS as the go to brand of irons and drivers, as far as TSGers goes anyway...
epon personals .., all grass conditions.
thats the full badger pelt right there....
Simply Crazy!
Don't forget the headcovers...... There's always something more eh?
EPON AF-103 unboxing....
check out http://www.tourspecgolf.com/product_info.php?products_id=4032 This is quite a common driver face with no grooves in the hitting zone.
EPON AF-103 unboxing....
I believe i read somewhere that the only effect of the grooves is to displace water, in other words ... to have or not have grooves on a driver, is purely an aesthetic decision.
EPON AF-103 unboxing....
So being as yesterday was Columbus day here in the US I had to wait 'til today to get my eagerly awaited AF103. So here is my first post with the club out of the box, playing reviews to follow... Initial impressions:- comparing my AF-102 TJ47 Longest Yard to AF-103 LY 01 Nero 1. Wow forgotten how well they pack these clubs and the specification sheet is always welcome. 2. The headcover is the same as the AF102..... which i'm not too keen on as it has gold piping, still that's no biggy and it is a well made cover. 3.The graphics on the shaft are a little toned down, grey instead of glittery silver. which is better to my eyes. 4. Headshape is everyting that T described and everything that I hoped it would be.... more pear shaped, less pointy at the back. less deep from front to back longer face from toe to heel at address Full face scoring lines make it look all business The back of the head looks cleaner and more puposeful. I specced a 1 deg open face as a) I always felt the 102 looked closed even though it wasn't and b) my miss is a pull left which I am hoping this will help. It certainly looks much better, in fact I couldn't be happier with the way the head looks.at address and this is surely the most important view from a confidence perspective. 5. Sound... bouncing balls on the faces and comparing the 2 clubs, the 103 sure sounds better... less tinky and more tonky is my scientific conclusion. I've added some pics, I realize they are nothing like he quality of Tario's shots, but hope they help. So still have high hopes this could be the one....... The looks are killer to me. Playing review to follow, not sure when as weather is not cooperating at the moment.But damn.... haven't been so excited about a new club for a long time..... Big Kudos to T & TSG for getting it here so quickly as we all know.... they're the tops for service. Cheers Corky
Made the Switch to Crazy Toyoshima's
Sorry Chris sold them a while ago.......
Made the Switch to Crazy Toyoshima's
I had the first gen of Crazy wedges with the cut/grooved soles.... found them a tad heavy for my taste but great feel and needless to say great looks.
Simply Crazy!
Serious clubs.... hope it's no honeymoon but a marriage made in heaven(on earth)
New Srixon Z Series Forged Irons and Woods - Pics and Discussion
I can never remember iis S20 softer than s25?