December 20, 200420 yr I'm sure a lot of you are already hearing this but the worlds largest Economy could soon be China. Kinda scary for us Americans unless you can view it as an opportunity. and yes Mikey the B/S/T here rules! its free, has a ton of used import stuff floating around and a trader ranking system that should be more valid in about 6 months. TSG is due for a total makeover :laugh: Very Scary - my background is financing companies that manufacture and distribute - my market is shrinking. Chris the ranking system is tops :cool: BST is great :cool:
December 20, 200420 yr Chris... That is correct, BST does rule and I think this is great that you have continued to keep this service free of charge. Again, speaking for me. I have found that with some of the sales I have had on this forum that I have met some very nice people and had the opportunity to make their lives happy with something used that maybe they could not pay the NEW price. I have also bought things off of this forum for myself used and that is great! The golf equipment made in Japan is I think in a lot of ways not only superior in materials used, but in quality. It is just unfortunate that for myself... I just cannot afford it new anymore and I do purely wait to find it used on this forum. :love:
December 21, 200420 yr I don't think the yen is a problem at all, its currently 104 to the U.S dollar.Its easier to live in japan for the most part because people make much more than the average U.S worker but IMO they work much harder. Also lets keep in mind the family structure in Japan is very different where the majority of wives don't work, so the man supports the entire family on a single income not to mention the $$$ to the mistress :wink: but all in all, i buy a lot from japan and its pretty much the same as it was a year or two ago. I understand what Mikey is saying totally.. its not as luxurious living in the U.S as it is in Japan, per capital the amount of high end products the Japanese buy vs Americans is a lot. TSG does not make its money in the U.S, to put it simply the majority of customers in America don't have the cash. The yen's not a problem??? At $0.96 to 1 JPY that makes the yen overvalued @30%. I remember getting almost 130 JPY to the dollar just a couple of summers ago. If prices havn't changed I've lost @20% of my purchasing power if I buy direct from a japanese shop. ......that's why i buy new gear right here at tsg :cool:
December 21, 200420 yr I don't think the yen is a problem at all, its currently 104 to the U.S dollar.Its easier to live in japan for the most part because people make much more than the average U.S worker but IMO they work much harder. Also lets keep in mind the family structure in Japan is very different where the majority of wives don't work, so the man supports the entire family on a single income not to mention the $$$ to the mistress :wink: but all in all, i buy a lot from japan and its pretty much the same as it was a year or two ago. I understand what Mikey is saying totally.. its not as luxurious living in the U.S as it is in Japan, per capital the amount of high end products the Japanese buy vs Americans is a lot. TSG does not make its money in the U.S, to put it simply the majority of customers in America don't have the cash. The yen's not a problem??? At $0.96 to 1 JPY that makes the yen overvalued @30%. I remember getting almost 130 JPY to the dollar just a couple of summers ago. If prices havn't changed I've lost @20% of my purchasing power if I buy direct from a japanese shop. ......that's why i buy new gear right here at tsg :cool: I see it more basically than you do, 104yen = $1 U.S. I low ball all of our profit figures and treat the dollar and yen as if they are equals. Yes three summers ago it was 136yen to $1 and Yes if you buy direct from a shop you have lost 20% in buying power since that summer. A strong yenny is bad for TSG but IMO the feel of economic strength for the Japanese will make the JOEM's more aggressive for 2005.
December 21, 200420 yr I'm sure a lot of you are already hearing this but the worlds largest Economy could soon be China. Kinda scary for us Americans unless you can view it as an opportunity. and yes Mikey the B/S/T here rules! its free, has a ton of used import stuff floating around and a trader ranking system that should be more valid in about 6 months. TSG is due for a total makeover :laugh: Rather large write up in todays Wall Street Journal about this very thing..and while it can seem frightening at first glance I'd say the majority of large businesses would agree with you Chris..Opportunity...the true global economy is going to unfold before our eyes and what used to take 15-20 years to change is now going to happen in less than 5...exciting times are a'comin'... and I love B/S/T also
December 21, 200420 yr Well I don't know how this turned into a money issue, people are going to buy what they want and when they want if they really want something. On the flip side are there pics of the bridgstone american products for '05, and when are they scheduled for release, in the fall??? I see that they bridgestone are at the pga merchandise show this january. So why wouldn't they release the products in the spring. Also, are the balls going to be similar to the tourstage and precept balls? Clubs basically the same but look different, same technology( tourstageish)??? I hope someone can help me out.. THanks..
December 21, 200420 yr I happen to like a lot of the japan stuff, but I can see that these days the exchange rate does effect the pricing( one of the few things I take interest in is currencies). A problem for people who like to sell thier stuff for new have a problem because other than tsg, the average guy doesn't know about japan only, and about the japan companies. Before I found tsg I had no clue about japan stuff, so it's kind of hard to sell a $800 club used for $400 when you can get a cally or tm new for that especially when you don't know about it. Go ask someone about hiro, miura, ishihara, and tell them how much a set costs they'll laugh at you. So those who want to buy used get a great deal. In regards to China they peg thier dollar(renminbi I believe) to ours so even though the dollar is going down thier currency isn't going up when it should be. Which makes everything so much cheaper for them and can therefore export all they want with little competition because of thier price. The interesting thing is that japan has a ton of dollars that they can't really get rid of because it would kill the rest of thier dollars if they started to let them go. One thing that somehow has to be done is for China to have an independent currency.
December 21, 200420 yr I happen to like a lot of the japan stuff, but I can see that these days the exchange rate does effect the pricing( one of the few things I take interest in is currencies). A problem for people who like to sell thier stuff for new have a problem because other than tsg, the average guy doesn't know about japan only, and about the japan companies. Before I found tsg I had no clue about japan stuff, so it's kind of hard to sell a $800 club used for $400 when you can get a cally or tm new for that especially when you don't know about it. Go ask someone about hiro, miura, ishihara, and tell them how much a set costs they'll laugh at you. So those who want to buy used get a great deal. In regards to China they peg thier dollar(renminbi I believe) to ours so even though the dollar is going down thier currency isn't going up when it should be. Which makes everything so much cheaper for them and can therefore export all they want with little competition because of thier price. The interesting thing is that japan has a ton of dollars that they can't really get rid of because it would kill the rest of thier dollars if they started to let them go. One thing that somehow has to be done is for China to have an independent currency. The only country previously calling for a revaluation of the Yuan upwards was the US. Argument was that China kept their currency artificially depressed in order to cheapen their exports and render US manufacturers unable to compete. In fact, the biggest US retailers manufacture huge amounts of their products in China so price stability and an artificially depressed Yuan is actually to their advantage. Now that the US$ has tanked 30% in the past 6 months, the US companies manufacturing in China are damn glad their imported product lines aren't costing them 30% more. The Yuan will eventually be revalued but the main reason will be to slow economic expansion and keep inflation in check. The Chinese government also holds a huge amount of US Treasury debt so their foreign reserves would take a hit (in national currency terms) when the Yuan is revalued. Yes I agree that market forces should dictate forex rates but the only ones to usually benefit are speculators. I don't try to argue/justify trends in financial markets but only try to benefit from them. With respect to golf clubs, a Yuan revaluation would make "US" clubs more expensive and this will be passed onto the consumer. In addition, I am very bearish on US equities and the US economy which has been sustained on a growing mountain of Treasury and consumer debt. If the economy enters a deflationary period, the golf OEMs are going to suffer drastically as golf will be one of the first "luxuries" to be cut out from household spending. If I'm proven right, i.e. short US equities, long cash, I'll be snapping up cheap equipment on Ebay faster than I can say "fore"! :surprize:
December 21, 200420 yr When I look at the price of the new X Drive's I don't see it being out of line with the TM R7 TP...and it comes with, in my opinion a more usable shaft...but again is just my opinion and worth less than spit. just a thought :-D
December 21, 200420 yr Here is another fact to not ignore.How many of you out there have bought brand new Japan models of irons/woods, etc. and then wanted to sell them?? Firstly, If you have anything to sell, you know that no one wants to give you half of what it is worth, so now factor in that you paid top dollar for Japan model. I have for example a practically brand new Xdrive 350 for sale. I have tried many times even on this site to get 1/3 of it's selling price and can't get a bite. I think it can be used as a lesson of sorts. Unless you plan on playing it for the rest of your life.... don't buy anything Japan new unless you don't mind spending the money and have NO desire to resell it. I have been buying anything Japan that I want used and that is the only way to do it. I don't agree with this at all. This hasn't been my experience. IMHO
December 22, 200420 yr Theres a lot about bridgstone you guys dont know, Im not gonna even get into it.Hey Chris, Head of Bridgy Australia just got back from Jpan, he had talks about upcoming Bridgestone hardware and also TourStage lines. I am somewhat involved and have talked with him extensively and he has not found Jpan to be unaware of anything they produce? They are all very switched on to any and all product from Bridgestone he says. Who do you deal with that has not got this knowledge? I am not trying to contradict what you have said, I think it would help us {me} to understand who it is that is seperating Bridgestone {TourStage V's Bridgestone} The 2005 Bridgy line {J's} look great {very TourStage} and so does the excisting and upcoming TourStage stuff, but why would anyone seperate the two? Kind regards, Chris M Tour Technologies, Aust PGA I'm surprised you have never experienced a Japan company not knowing squat about its U.S counter part. Yup for the last 2 years I have experienced Tourstage not having a clue about the U.S release's...NO CLUE! Thats not saying the company don't know about them of course. Try asking a U.S Srixon Rep about TN proto's or the I-404's, he will not have a clue for sure... Try asking a Mizuno U.S rep about the JPX driver or maybe ask a Japan rep about the Hi Fli. Its nothing new that most employees don't know very much outside what they are told. PM me if you want to know the names of the reps i deal with, but really what will you do about it... :-D Trust us, we do know what our left and right hands are doing.
December 22, 200420 yr so is there a bridgstone us website yet or how do I find more out about these new sticks and balls. thanks
December 22, 200420 yr wait til the pga show, something will be shown there. I heard a spring '05 release.
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