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Donald Trump has proposed a new bid and argument to rebuild the Twin Towers in downtown Manhatten.

They would be taller and stronger.

What is your Opinion?

(I am not opposed to anyones views, I myself would like to see them rebuilt, question is mostly for US citizens, BUT all views are more than welcome, Please keep the thread topic appropriate, this is not a question to show your distain for the U.S.A.)

If you support this proposal, sign the petition to and make it happen.




Donald Trump - "...I hate the design ... It's a 50-story building that looks like it's 120 stories. It's 50 stories with skeleton on top, I hate it! It's a skeleton and that's the last thing we need in New York is a skeleton of -- representing the World Trade Center. I think that it is not an appropriate design. I don't like it..."

Donald Trump, Larry King Live (02/27/04)

Proposed Restructure:

Within this site plan, the Yamasaki Twin Towers return, with several enhancements and modifications over the originals. The Twin Towers of the New Millennium would differ from their predecessors in the following ways:

They would each consist of 112 floors with a 12-foot floor-to-floor height. (Up to 14-foot floor-to-floor height is being considered with possible changes in building height.)

The 1,388-foot tall North Tower (Tower 1) would feature a 500-foot mast for communication transmissions, which is a 140-foot increase in height. At 1,888 feet, the North Tower would qualify as the World's Tallest Building. Windows on the World would be featured near its uppermost floors.

The South Tower (Tower 2) would be 1382 feet tall, featuring indoor and outdoor observatory decks. Both Towers would retain the same dimensions about their base: 210 feet per side (exterior).

They would be a tube-within-a-tube design. The exterior skin would feature columns two-feet square spaced 4 feet 8 13/16 inches apart, resulting in a much stronger design (5 times minimum), while permitting larger windows admitting more natural sunlight into the space. The core would feature the same columns as the exterior skin, and its walls would be of reinforced concrete.

Fireproofing will be of improved technologies rather than the spray-on coatings used previously. Elevators would be of fireproof design, and the towers would have advanced fire-fighting systems.

Both buildings would have six stairwells rather than four. The stairwells would contain sensors which indicate if they have been breached in any way. The stairwells would also be wider than the originals.

The current site plan calls for the hotel space to be located mid-rise within one of the Twin Towers resulting in a highly marketable sky hotel. Another possibility is to grant the Port Authority a residential variance and locate luxury apartments within the upper floors of one or both buildings.



For once I agree with Mr. Trump....Thanks DAA for posting this...I really get tired of all the small minded political whining and crying over this effort...just rebuild the damn things better than before...that to me represents what Americans do after every disaster in life...I thank my grandparents for coming to this country on a daily basis!


I am a brit, so i don't know how much my opion counts, but i would say that you guys should go ahead with this, it shows that you are better than any terrosist and that you lives can go ahead without them changing that much As this was the terrorists aim you have won. i hope this makes sense. And i am sure that it can be used as a memorial to all of those whose lost their live in the attroicity.

I hope this makes sense


This issue really hits home for me. My wife & I knew over 40 people killed that day, including my wife's beloved father, and her co-worker, who literally sat right next to her at work.

My father-in-law sat on the 100th floor of Tower 1...he never stood a chance.

While it's admirable to say 'let's show the terrorists who's boss', it is not reality.

The only reason my father-in-law's company, Marsh (aka cheap bastards) occupied the upper floors of that tower is because the rental was cheaper than anywhere in lower Manhattan. Why was it so cheap? Because no one wanted to go up there after the '93 bombing. So the owner had to price the real estate at a hefty discount to get tennants.

Bottom line is, you are never going to fill those towers again. No one will want to be up there, because it is NOT safe and those buildings will ALWAYS be a target.

BTW, I believe the 'Freedown Tower' is also an eyesore. It will look out of place in lower Manhattan. If someone did not have development rights to the location, it would be a memorial. While ideal, I know this is not reality. The almighty dollar always prevails.

Sad, really. THIS is reality.

  • Author
This issue really hits home for me. My wife & I knew over 40 people killed that day, including my wife's beloved father, and her co-worker, who literally sat right next to her at work.  

My father-in-law sat on the 100th floor of Tower 1...he never stood a chance.  

While it's admirable to say 'let's show the terrorists who's boss', it is not reality.  

The only reason my father-in-law's company, Marsh (aka cheap bastards) occupied the upper floors of that tower is because the rental was cheaper than anywhere in lower Manhattan. Why was it so cheap? Because no one wanted to go up there after the '93 bombing. So the owner had to price the real estate at a hefty discount to get tennants.  

Bottom line is, you are never going to fill those towers again. No one will want to be up there, because it is NOT safe and those buildings will ALWAYS be a target.  

BTW, I believe the 'Freedown Tower' is also an eyesore. It will look out of place in lower Manhattan. If someone did not have development rights to the location, it would be a memorial. While ideal, I know this is not reality. The almighty dollar always prevails.  

Sad, really.  THIS is reality.

Truer words have never been spoken.

I am sorry for the loss you had to endure hip! :fever:

This issue really hits home for me. My wife & I knew over 40 people killed that day, including my wife's beloved father, and her co-worker, who literally sat right next to her at work.  

My father-in-law sat on the 100th floor of Tower 1...he never stood a chance.  

While it's admirable to say 'let's show the terrorists who's boss', it is not reality.  

The only reason my father-in-law's company, Marsh (aka cheap bastards) occupied the upper floors of that tower is because the rental was cheaper than anywhere in lower Manhattan. Why was it so cheap? Because no one wanted to go up there after the '93 bombing. So the owner had to price the real estate at a hefty discount to get tennants.  

Bottom line is, you are never going to fill those towers again. No one will want to be up there, because it is NOT safe and those buildings will ALWAYS be a target.  

BTW, I believe the 'Freedown Tower' is also an eyesore. It will look out of place in lower Manhattan. If someone did not have development rights to the location, it would be a memorial. While ideal, I know this is not reality. The almighty dollar always prevails.  

Sad, really.  THIS is reality.

Truer words have never been spoken.

I am sorry for the loss you had to endure hip! :fever:

Thanks bud! Yeah it sure stinks. Hard to describe, because we've all lost loved ones before, but you aren't constantly remined about it via tv, radio, the paper, politicians, etc. Just the way it is, and we have to deal with it.

My father-in-law was my friend first (literally I knew him before my wife) and my golf partner. It stinks not having him around to share glorious golf days like yesterday. Make sure you cherish them, because you never know.


unfortunately i havent lost a loved one. but have lost close friends. 1 happened in september in a terrible truck accident on the 401 in ontario. but id disagree with rebuilding. there going to be a target and they wont sell. ppl r too terrified to go that high anymore. they know what happened the first time so they arent going to want to do it.

  • 3 weeks later...

Great point Mike.

Sorry about your loss hip check. My dad went down there a few days after the attack, and he said it was straight out of a movie. It almost didn't seem real. Seeing twisted metal and smoke rising for many months. I remember there was this one satelite image of NYC on the day of the attack. You could see the smoke coming from those ruins from space. :wah:

It boggles the mind to think that one human being can do this to another. It's such a sick way of thinking, it's being a coward, and a fool. To think that your God wants to to kill thousands, and ruin other people's lives, is just sick. :yuk:

There are many stories from that day. One that I think is amazing is the one about the mother who left for work in the towers, but forgot to give her children a kiss goodbye. Well, she amazingly turned around and went back to say goodbye. Had she not done that, she would've been lost.


Personally, I thought the old towers were ugly and uninspired, but they did become icons of NYC. I think the freedom tower and accompanying buildings were an outstanding design (before David Childs got his ham hands on them). I think the FT would enhance the NY skyline in a way that Trump's proposal could not.

I think that whole complex could become something special and truly commemorate those who were lost. IOW, replace it with something even better.

I remember the controversy over the design of the Vietnam Memorial in DC. There was a bunch of vocal opposition because it was not a "traditional" war memorial design. Once it was built, everyone saw the beauty and elegance of the design. I think this is what will happen with the FT.


yea, killing thousands is bad. but only way i look at this is it was "FATE" for everyone involved. things happen for a reason. if nobody wanted ppl to die like that, then the towers wouldnt have been built.of course u dont know that will happen when u build them. wasnt the 4th plane supposed to hit the white house? well there fate was supposed to die on that day. for the other thousands, if they wouldve known what would be dawnng them at work that day then they wouldnt have went. but they didnt and it was their time to leave us which is unfortunate.

IMO they should leave the ground the way it is and make it a memorial. building another tower will make it another target and we will have to relive september 11,2001

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