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Florance . Nice spot Pete . Been there once about 12 years ago . Did play a lot of golf and on some nice course's . Beer was terrible of course :tsg_smiley_yes: Not that it matters much anymore , considering . :tsg_smilie_smile:

Alan , hey if tennis is your new game so be it . Dob't take any crap from anybody about it .

Hit them with your racket if they make a racket about it :tsg_smilie_whistle:

Anyways take care guys and see you around . Andy and Lance , no idea's either .



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Hey guys...Happy Thanksgiving to all...I'm betting Andy is frying a turkey on the porch tomorrow.

I may be able to get out and play tomorrow as it's supposed to be 56*. We'll see.

May you all have a safe and well fed holiday.

Thanks Shoe. Let's hope Andy does not burn the house down with the turkey. I want to wish all of you guys a Happy Thanksgiving also. I hope you are all doing well.

Hey guy's , hope you all had a great Thanksgiving .

All is well with you and your's .

Later .


  • 3 weeks later...
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Well happy Holidays to All !

Al -all three turkeys came out great - 2 on the smoker and 1 on the BBQ !

Mike - hope all is well !

Shoe - Warm day in the land of cheese !

Guys have a Very Merry Christmas.

Andy it is good to hear from you. I am glad to hear the three turkeys came out great. Sounds like quite the feast for the holidays at your place. Did Lance ever get the Accra shaft from you? If not do what you wish with it. I think it has been in your possession long enough to be your property.

Things are going to get busy for my wife and I in the next year. We just got our blueprints for our house and our builder stated that he would be able to start this late spring early summer. We are both quite excited over this. Our house is too small for 2 people and a dog let alone three people and a dog. We want to increase our family but are going to wait until we have room. I almost wish the next year has gone by because we both want to be in the house but good things come to those who wait so we will wait.

I have played golf once in the last six months. I have been playing tennis with the wife and some other folks and I love the one on one competition. Totally different feeling from golf. Also tennis is a lot cheaper and does not take me away for the whole day. When I had the handicap down to a 4 I would be gone 6 hours to play (warmup, play 18, practice after round) and my wife would just be sitting around the house. That is not taking into account the 1-2 hours of practice two to three times a week. I am sure I will start playing again but I am never going to be as serious again as I was. I will have to get some more forgiving clubs. Last time I played the ball striking a bit off and with the Mp32 boy it was a bit harsh.

Damn I am long winded. I hope all of you guys have a happy holiday season.

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Al - never heard from Lance - have been using the shaft as a poker for the smoker fire pit. :tsg_smilie_whistle:

I have not hit a golf ball since September - actually getting the urge.

Edited by AKFLY

Ho Ho Ho...Merry Christmas to all and to all much good stuff! I'm hoping to play Christmas Day as there is no snow on the ground. In fact the ground is as soft and mushy as my midsection at this time of year, sigh. Been dealing with some family health issues so my time is not entirely my own lately. Lots of running around and waiting reminding me of my soldiering days only without all the gunfire/lousy food. I'm anticipating all the new equipment to be released at the beginning of this new year and into spring, particularly the iron offerings as I'm thinking I need to go to something a little more forgiving than true blades.

May you all enjoy the holiday season with loved ones and may the new year bring more joy than sorrow.


  • 1 month later...

Shoe I hope all is well with the family. I am too looking forward to this new year but a whole lot of golf is not in the futurre due to the fact we are building a house starting this summer. My grandfather who has been building for 50 years will be building the house with his three man crew (which includes my uncle and a cousin). I will be doing as much work as possible on this to keep the cost down so i will not be getting a lot of golf in after it starts. I just got a new set of irons... Srixon I-506... and posted a review. I hope all of you guys are doing good. It would be good to hear from everybody.


Hey Guys!

Long time... I'm finally starting to get settled in here in Florence. Things couldn't be better. the job is great our apartment is twice the size and a couple hundred less.

I finally got a chance to play some golf last weekend. I played with some guys from work. I hadn't played weeks so I was a little rusty. The driver warmed up quick but the short game never came around. The guys were absolutely in awe of my driving... hehehe... that makes every dime I've ever spent on a club worth it... hehe.

I've been practicing pretty regularly since then b/c I'm going to Myrtle Beach next weekend with the same bunch of guys... it'll be about 20 of us. Its my first golf weekend trip, I'm really excited. They set it up to be a budget friendly trip so the only course worth noting on the schedule will be the Fazio at Barefoot. I haven't been to Myrtle in years so it should be great. Be sure to let me know if any of you are heading down there because I'm only about 45mins west.

As far as ho'ing goes... I'm in dear need of FW/Hybrid reclubing. I still have those close faced Cway Stlheads with steel shafts in a 3 and a 5 and a TM hybrid in a 4. I have no confidence in the distance gaps between them and my irons. Also since they are so much more closed than any club in my bag I have to change my swing to hit them straight, which is never good. I usually end up cutting it too hard and end up with a fade. I also want to redo my wedge set up because I'm not happy with my distance gaps there either... so maybe my tax return will help fund that effort.... other than that I'm super happy with my setup the 425 with the v2 is bombing straight and the irons are perfect.

well thats my update good to see everyones keeping things rolling over here...


Congrats on the 'new life' down south Pete. Glad it's going well.

If there's one course to play at Barefoot it's the Fazio course. Very interesting and a lot of fun. Enjoy it.

Congrats on the 'new life' down south Pete. Glad it's going well.

If there's one course to play at Barefoot it's the Fazio course. Very interesting and a lot of fun. Enjoy it.

Great I'm looking forward to it!!

Do any of you guys know a good place to get fitted in Myrtle? I need new fairways and wedges and none of the stores around here really have the expertise or selection I'm looking for.

I posted on wrx... but people don't seem to be responding.

Pete: There is a store called Golf Dimensions and another called Martin's Golf and Tennis superstore. Martins is affiliated with the PGA Tour for their fitting and so fourth. Take a look out for demo days in the area when you are going to be there and if not I am sure you could check with some of the courses you are playing at. I have not been there in a few years so I am sure things have changed since I was there last. Below is a link to Martins...it's a pretty big store with a launch monitor.


Edited by Alcap26

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I have this feeling more of us will be coming back out of the woodwork this season. The bug is starting to hit me pretty hard. Even ho'd a new (used) driver.

Pete - regarding hybrids check out the nickent. I like it much better than the TM TP I had - no hooks.

Alan how are those Srixon's treating you ?

Pete, you've got me jealous...I'd love to be getting ready to play soon. But we just got above freezing for the first time in 23 days so it's gonna be a while.

Went to the golf show in Madison and won a driver from Upswing Golf, who I know nothing about, but what the heck, it cost me $6 to get in the door so I'm kinda curious to see what that's about. Had my swing video taped and analyzed, considering it was my first swings since last October I was quite pleasantly surprised how good my impact position was.

Am learning to deal with the fact that I am diabetic, which I just found out about in December. So I've lost 20lbs, changed my eating habits and am working out 3 times a week utilizing a golf specific exercise program from Mike Pedersen which involves a lot of core strength and balance exercises. Now if I can just get rid of 20 more lbs I'll be back to where I was 15yrs ago when I was 40. I will never get used to sticking myself so I bleed on purpose in order to check my blood sugar...almost as stupid as neckties (why we put a rope around our necks, put a knot in it and cinch it tight makes no sense to me at all). With the weather getting warmer I can start walking on the mornings I don't lift so that should help keep things under control too.

Need to replace my hybrid, but am undecided as to whether I should get another hybrid or go with a 7 wood. I really like the GFT 9 wood so am leaning toward adding the 7 instead of the hybrid. Have to give that more thought so I can really confuse myself.

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Shoe sorry to here that you are diabetic. Good to hear about the weight loss and new workout routine . My blood test last spring showed that my glucose is borderline. Time to watch it.

I did manage to hit the range today - sure did not feel like 35deg. I picked up a 905 R driver with V2 in it. I like the reults I was getting but man that shaft has no feel to it like the good old 660 TR.

Shoe sorry to hear about the diagnosis. I have family members that have diabetes so I know it is not something to take lightly. I am very glad to hear you have lost the weight and that you are taking an aggressive step towards your health.

Andy i will agree with the v2 905 combo. I hit it once and felt that the v2 had no feel what so ever. I also love my 660tr in my bridgestone . Perfect combo. I think you might remember where it came from :tsg_smiley_heart: .

Well I am helping coach the golf team at the school I am working at. Our #1 girl shot even par the other day from the white tees at the course I play the most...about 3200 yards for the nine holes. She is very good and unflappable...has ice in her veins on the course. I got to hit my Srixon I506 again today and all I can say is that I am throughly impressed. Great clubs. I love the ball flight and the feel. Great clubs to look into. Have a great weekend guys.

Thanks for the kind words guys, as I sit here waiting for the blizzard to hit us with another foot of snow on top of the 6 inches it dumped last night I wonder if I will get to hit golf balls any time in the near future. Took me 2 hours to travel 42 miles getting home last night. One of the worst driving nights I've seen in many many moons. Staying put for the weekend. I'm thinking that goofy groundhog set me up for this as part of some kind of animal kingdom plot to kill me. Or I'm just being paranoid. but as my crazy aunt once told me "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean someone's not out to get you."

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Shoe - you bummed me out. I was going to come out to Cascade and take the kids skiing this weekend. 18" of snow would have been awesome.

Alan - now you in Furyk have something in common.

Also good to hear you have some talent on the golf team.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry to hear Shoe . I know what it's like . Had to take insulin after my operation for awhile and will always have to watch my blood suger level for the rest of my life .

Glad to read that everyone else is doing well .

Have played a few times now and am starting to get back into playing . But now I find I am in need of a new driver :tsg_smilie_surprise:

I guess it never ends does it . lol

Take care guys and remember Fairways and Greens .


Fortunately I don't have to use insulin, just pills, and as long as I keep my exercise up and don't eat 6 paczki donuts (pronounced punchki and these things are to die for) at one sitting things will be good.

The snow is finally going away, I can now see the tops of my evergreen shrubs in the front yard for the first time in a month! Supposed to be 60* by Tuesday so maybe I'll be able to hit a few balls with my Epon wedges soon.

Hopefully Wisconsin will beat Ohio State today for the Big 10 championship!

And remember, anything worth doing is worth doing to excess..or something like that

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Shoe - puncki's rock. But only on fat tuesday. Glad to here that you do not have to take the shots.

Well it was 74deg. here today and managed some time at the range. The 905R and diamana whiteboard is a great combo. Once I got swinging I managed to hit some long bombs. Was very impressed - the shaft has great feel despite being tip stiff - kind of like Pro-lite on steriods.

The family and I are hitting the Orlando area at the end of the month - can't wait for some warmth and golf. My younget asked if he can bring a platic bag on the Hulk ride at Universal - too funny.

A plastic bag on the Hulk ride...that's truly funny. At least the kid knows how to be prepared for the worst eventuality. I always admire forethought as it shows an active engaged mind, something that is sorely lacking in a lot of folks of any age.

Now, if it just continues to stay warm all the snow should disappear from the courses around here and they can open by the 1st of April. I for one am ready to see what the year brings, especially given my improved conditioning. I can't remember the last time my legs and core muscles were this fit. I want to believe I can add at least 10-15 yards because I no longer resemble the Pillsbury Dough Boy or the Sta-Puf marshmallow man.

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AI no longer resemble the Pillsbury Dough Boy or the Sta-Puf marshmallow man.

I plan on coming back from FLA as the sunburnt Michelin man.

Warm weather is right around the corner - but IMO courses are not worth playing in the midwest until the greens are cut.

I just play early to get my usual suckfest round out of the way...am liable to shoot 58-anything as I am just plain bad the first time out every year. I may sneak out tuesday as it's supposed to be in the 60's. Also need to add a 7 wood to the bag as I hit fairway woods much better than hybrids..probably because I'm a sweeper instead of a hitter and most hybrids are meant to replace long irons.

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