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I didn't really get much in the way of golf stuff. My 2 year old niece got me a Tiger headcover for my utility and that was about all.

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I actually got a few golf items...

Cally golf shirt, Box of ProVs, $100 Golfsmith gift card, Club Tub club cleaner, golf bag organizer, headcover...

I was really surprised! And i didn't burn down the house frying the turkey. If you guys haven't tried this, you're missing something else! :cool:

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!

I thought about an old friend today after taking a trip to the driving range and discovering that if a beginer golfer takes a break fom practice for as long as I have, 9 or 10 months I believe, your status drops well below beginer level when you try to pick back up. I dared not tell a soal I had ever touched a club in my life today. I honestly believe that I'm worse now than I was before I ever began learning. I tried applying some of what I learned from Hogan's book about swings that I remember most of.....no good it did. Which in turn, made me laugh a little at what my old friend would think if he knew how little I had used the ping putter he gave me for Christmas last year.

Which..... in turn brought me back to this web site......

....... and finally, brought me to make this post to compliment all involved on how great the new site looks! I found my way around again with ease. It looks so proffessional and inviting. Great Job!!!

- The Former Carolina Bell-

( living in my birthplace of Augusta, GA again now... need to see about changing my ID to Georgia Peach )

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!

I thought about an old friend today after taking a trip to the driving range and discovering that if a beginer golfer takes a break fom practice for as long as I have, 9 or 10 months I believe, your status drops well below beginer level when you try to pick back up. I dared not tell a soal I had ever touched a club in my life today. I honestly believe that I'm worse now than I was before I ever began learning. I tried applying some of what I learned from Hogan's book about swings that I remember most of.....no good it did. Which in turn, made me laugh a little at what my old friend would think if he knew how little I had used the ping putter he gave me for Christmas last year.

Which..... in turn brought me back to this web site......

....... and finally, brought me to make this post to compliment all involved on how great the new site looks! I found my way around again with ease. It looks so proffessional and inviting. Great Job!!!

- The Former Carolina Bell-

( living in my birthplace of Augusta, GA again now... need to see about changing my ID to Georgia Peach )

Wow! Welcome back CB!

Who was your Friend with Benifits again? was it Primo? or Pete who was it ? I forget.

Anyway thanks for checking in and best luck with your game. :smile2:

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!

I thought about an old friend today after taking a trip to the driving range and discovering that if a beginer golfer takes a break fom practice for as long as I have, 9 or 10 months I believe, your status drops well below beginer level when you try to pick back up. I dared not tell a soal I had ever touched a club in my life today. I honestly believe that I'm worse now than I was before I ever began learning. I tried applying some of what I learned from Hogan's book about swings that I remember most of.....no good it did. Which in turn, made me laugh a little at what my old friend would think if he knew how little I had used the ping putter he gave me for Christmas last year.

Which..... in turn brought me back to this web site......

....... and finally, brought me to make this post to compliment all involved on how great the new site looks! I found my way around again with ease. It looks so proffessional and inviting. Great Job!!!

- The Former Carolina Bell-

( living in my birthplace of Augusta, GA again now... need to see about changing my ID to Georgia Peach )

Wow! Welcome back CB!

Who was your Friend with Benifits again? was it Primo? or Pete who was it ? I forget.

Anyway thanks for checking in and best luck with your game. :smile2:

well, wb. hope u have fun with ur game and get it back in order. i used to be like that.. couldnt hit a damn ball and i kept telling everyone i was a beginner. but i was really playing for like my 2nd year i believe. cant remmy,lol. i put the clubs away for a couple years. this is my second season since starting up again. started spring of 03.

Main the BS thread is gaining some clout...first a blast from the past from Carolina Bell and the Chris drops in :cool: . CB welcome back.

I am just going to say this once. I HATE DIAL-UP!!!! :mad: I am not going to be in much during the next week. I am in Florida with the inlaws and they still have dial up...arrgh! Although I guess I can deal with it since the weather is mid 70's and low in the 50's (see the avatar for the snickering dog). Christams was good. Sun Mountain C130 cart bag, I guess you can count the King Cobra Forged SS, and a 2005 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL. Have a great week...I will check in again sometime if I make it to the library where they have high speed access.


Christmas was good... a 2005 Nissan Altima 3.5 SL.


Did it have a big red bow on it or is that just with the Lexuseseses? (Lexi?) :spit:

Nah no bow. The car is nice though. I feel like I am driving a car that cost more than what I paid. Oh well I am off to play golf again today. Hope you are all doing good.


Boy I tell you, somebody has a wicked sense of humor. The weather could not be worse right now. I actually have a few days where I can play and it's pouring out and in low 40's. :-)

Joe K. and I had a great time playing on Sunday. We went out and played The Lexington course at Revere, 7,260 from the tips 134 slope and 73.6 course rating. It was a booger! I hit a few balls on the range with his TM combos/ TC shafts. They are smoooooth! I also had a few whacks with his Burner 420, seriously underrated club, long and hot! I crushed the 10.5 TP so I think that'll stay in the bag for some time. Just need a shaft upgrade :money:

Joe kicked my butt though. He got me by one on the front and I quit keeping my score on about 14 due to my low GAFF. A couple of triples lowered it rather quickly. That's about all from Vegas boys, hope the weather is better where you are. It's supposed to rain ALL F-ING WEEK :wah:

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Not much new on my front - I have the week off. It is suppose to warm and I plan on hitting the range tomorrow and Thursday.

Supposed to be 44* friday which means I'll hit the range for a while just to see if I remember how..only gotta work 2 days this week so I just be lounging for the most part, when I'm not practicing writing 2005 so it doesnt take 6 months to get that down...at least it's not below zero anymore...what's with rain in Vegas????? desert = dry unless my education has suddenly failed..or did Joe bring a little bit of San Francisco with him disguised as luggage?.....only golf related item I got was Manuel de la Torre's book and DVD on the golf swing..guy is a genius..and why didn't I know about this years ago...I have never read or seen any swing teachings that make more sense than these.. :cool:

Well am finally home . Only took 12 hours plus misplaced luggage but I am back in paradise for Canadians :cool:

Had a great Christmas , not as good as Alan's ( no car ) :laugh: But I did get a big freakin shock .

A new iMac G5 computer . :cool: My brother got it for me and I pick it up tomorrow . YaHoo now I can get rid of my old slow piece of shiit :smile2:

Lance glad to hear that you got to play with Joe . He is a real gentleman is he not :wink:

Also might see you in March as I am thinking on taking a 3 or 4 night package . Hotel , golf and fly out of either Seattle or Bellingham .

Then fly back a continue down to Eugene and then San Fran .

Will let you know what happens .

Last , Hi Georgia Peach . Nice to see you stop in again . :cool:

Happy New Year...first time I can remember being able to pound balls on New Years Eve in the tropical paradise that is Wisconsin in Winter..hit about 200 balls and have got to say I really like the Tourstage FUT hits the ball nice and high and is pretty easy to put a little cut on it...since I have no irons right now I hit enough sand wedges to wear the antique finish right off the face..Maybe I can get out tomorrow too since it's supposed to be 45*..

Mike..enjoy the new computer( now doesn't that sound brilliant, like a certified Mac nut would get a brand new toy and decide to pitch it out the window cuz he hates it..obviously I didn't get any smarter or less conversationally challenged with the dawning of the new year)

the rest of you have a great day ...as for me I'm off to make myself bleary eyed watching football for the rest of the day.. :laugh:

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Happy New Year Boys and Gal !

Trying to get through the hangover

:D :beer2: :D :beer2: :D :beer2: :D :beer2:

Happy New Years Guys . Hope everyone had a safe one and you all used a DD to get home if you were out . :cool:

My new computer works just great but my email is still fukked up so sorry do not try to send me any .

Enjoy your day today and try to keep it sober :laugh:

Yeah right they say :whistle:

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Sober - for 12 hrs :D

Nothing like a motrin 800, pizza and homemade chocalte chip cookies to help cure the hangover.

:laugh: :D :laugh: :D :laugh:

I'm still feeling some after effects...I couldn't even drink coffee this morning...too dehydrated, amonst other things :wink:

Plenty of advil and a nice lobster & filet dinner have started the healing today though.

Happy 2005! :cool:

well Happy 2005. had a fun new years party. now its time to watch the World Junior Hockey Championship Semi-Finals :-). Canada vs Czech Republic. YES!! GO CANADA!!!!

Enjoy your day today and try to keep it sober :laugh:  

Yeah right they say  :whistle:

That's for a select few ...those of us ex-professionals who wake up in the morning and recognize where we are...for a change.. :whistle:

Yes !!!!! Finally have my email up and running . :cool:

Only took me 5 days :-) But who's counting :laugh:

Back in East TN after a great trip to Florida. I think i found a wedge that is kicking the Scratch Lob out of the bag. I bought a new Cobra Phil Rodgers 60° for 40 bucks to use while the Scratch is sent back to Ari ro the replating he promised back in Sept. and this thing is nice. Same sole as the irons and it worked good...damnit. Imagine a 40 dollar wedge kicking the Scratch to the curb. Oh well.

Back in East TN after a great trip to Florida. I think i found a wedge that is kicking the Scratch Lob out of the bag. I bought a new Cobra Phil Rodgers 60° for 40 bucks to use while the Scratch is sent back to Ari ro the replating he promised back in Sept. and this thing is nice. Same sole as the irons and it worked good...damnit. Imagine a 40 dollar wedge kicking the Scratch to the curb. Oh well.

Just because it didn't cost your left nut does not mean it can't work..I sometimes forget that...glad you had a good trip...and I suppose the ride home was nice too even without a large red bow on the roof.. :wink:

Back in East TN after a great trip to Florida. I think i found a wedge that is kicking the Scratch Lob out of the bag. I bought a new Cobra Phil Rodgers 60° for 40 bucks to use while the Scratch is sent back to Ari ro the replating he promised back in Sept. and this thing is nice. Same sole as the irons and it worked good...damnit. Imagine a 40 dollar wedge kicking the Scratch to the curb. Oh well.

Just because it didn't cost your left nut does not mean it can't work..I sometimes forget that...glad you had a good trip...and I suppose the ride home was nice too even without a large red bow on the roof.. :wink:

yea its shocking that something cheap can beat an expensive item out easily. realized it as well.i use a 27 dollar CDN 60* wedge and it works wonders for me. but i am going to get a new one with the proper fit, but this one will always fight to stay in the bag bc i can hit it so well.

The big red bow did not cause too much drag but I had to keep an eye on the speed...the new car rides a lot smoother and when I am cruising on the interstate at 80 I had to be careful. Felt like I should give it more giddyup but did not need to...thank goodness for cruise control. We will see about the wedge. What I really need to do is practice the short game more but it was working pretty good in Florida. I know the scratch will work better off of tight lies so I might just have to switch out on softer courses.

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