Posted September 14, 200915 yr What are some of your golf superstitions? I think it would be fun to hear the variety of superstitions that people use. For example, do you only use one type of coin to mark your ball, only use one "number" of golf ball, have to wear your "lucky" shirt, etc. Or do you just throw caution to the wind, tee it up, and let your fate fall where it may. My superstition...In my golf bag, I keep the golf ball from my only hole-in-one in a zip lock bag. So every time I reach in for a new ball, I think of "Happy Thoughts".
September 14, 200915 yr for me its really more force of habit than superstition. i always keep my golf balls on my right pocket and my tees in my back right pocket of my pants. if anyone of that is where it should not be i feel i cannot swing:)
September 14, 200915 yr For me its the Hex of the "Red" Wood Tee. I've jacked more tee shots from a Red Tee than any other color. Ha! I throw them away whenever I see one for fear that they might contaminate the rest of the Tees in the Bag. Tongue in cheek, of course.
September 15, 200915 yr If I get a birdie the first hole, it will be a mess the rest of the round. Everytime!
September 16, 200915 yr I keep thinking about any superstitions I might have and... I've decided I don't have any. I am however quite anal.. err I mean organized when it comes to everything Golf related. Everything has its place, exact place. I don't think I'm going to make bogey or hit a bad shot if a club isn't in its spot or my tee in the right pocket but it never has the chance to happen. I have a routine that I follow and rarely deviate from it. Come on everyone, chime in here.
September 28, 200915 yr This is weird but I feel if I take a dump before I go play golf then I will have a good round. haha.
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