November 5, 201113 yr Author Seems like this is the same discussion year after year starting in 2007 when I bought the 2008 model. So many have been resistant to jump on the Yamaha train. Maybe it is because they are such a diversified company producing everything from amplifiers to medical equipment. As Yamaha's biggest fan, do yourself a favor and get onboard! Don't forget they also make pianos, golf carts, motorcycles as well. But their golf clubs are the best. (^_^)
November 5, 201113 yr Don't forget they also make pianos, golf carts, motorcycles as well. But their golf clubs are the best. (^_^) T, i checked your blog, i first thought that the close up of the milled grooves were Iron shafts. damn good macro mode!
November 5, 201113 yr yep they look sweet,if I hadnt got my 502's id be playing the Yam's.... Dale nice avatar. former EVO5 owner:)
November 5, 201113 yr Dale nice avatar. former EVO5 owner:) Off topic That's my baby(evo6) lol....I did a massive 14 miles in the last 2 years in her!!
November 5, 201113 yr T, i checked your blog, i first thought that the close up of the milled grooves were Iron shafts. damn good macro mode! Hah, I thought the exact same thing!
November 6, 201113 yr I have yet to hit a Yamaha club that I haven't loved.... Every single Yam club I have hit is at least as good as anything else on the market if not better. J.
November 10, 201113 yr My god those tours look wonderful. I've never owned a JDM iron before. Might need to make that change. Any forgiveness in these? Went from a TaylorMade MC to Mizuno MP53 b/c I'm not playing as much these days. Don't need quite as much forgiveness that the MP53's offer, but need some.
November 14, 201113 yr right............, to be honest i was a bit underwhelemd by the piccys of these when they were first leaked a few weeeks ago. i couldnt get my head around what was going on in the cavity they appeared all diablo esque and slashy. i feared my beloved yams had fallen victim to mass-marketing bru-haha. i was goinmg to let this yrs go thru to the keeper . i was convinced even before id seen them i would be SHOULDERING ARMS like sir viv against sir dennis at the WACA circa 1976. then low and behold, i stumbled upon them on saturay afternoon after taking the kids too the zoo. how is this possible i hear u ask ? UENO the hub of golf in japan. everything thats ever been made in JP is prob somewhere around there. you just need to know how to find it. so there i was looking for a set of new plastic clubs for my boy tom. and the entire line of yamaha 2012 is stearing me in the face. i was stopped dead in my tracks. plastic wil have to wait a cpl of monents! didnt pay too much attentiion to the non tour version, bec they aint for me , however i did get a good enough look at them to see they look like they will be such a balanced easy to hit club. my atention was elsewhere the TOURS. i stared long hard and striaght into thier eyes. Alice and the jabberwock, looking for the flaw, seeking, searching ,scouring , HOPING to find the reason i wont be buying these this yr and a once again sending my wife to the brink of depair . i was hoping agaisnt hope for a fault. alas........................., there was none. they look to me like a meld of the 2008 and the 2011. the perimeter weighting stlye of hte 2008s and the punchy vetical power muscle of the 2011. and they built this in a most extraordianry way. the power triangle is like an inveted wedge the wedge goes , not out form the back of the club but back into the club, its impossible to describe , iam far too poor a wordsmith to portray this look with any degree of acccuracy . suffice to say it was a beautiful look. the awful slash and grind i thought was there. simply , and mercifully wasnt there. now that face. the millions of tiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 's on the face. these things im sure arnt there to look pretty, they must be htere to impalnt lots of spin on the ball now came cruch time, the most important and underrated scientific procedure of all golf clubs design . the "in the shop waggle" a nod of the head with the shop keeper ., that unspoken acceptance that we were on the same page , we KNEW something good when we saw it. i was in love. oh yes dear frends THESE 2012s WILL BE MINE..........................! Edited November 14, 201113 yr by supo67
November 14, 201113 yr right............, to be honest i was a bit underwhelemd by the piccys of these when they were first leaked a few weeeks ago. i couldnt get my head around what was going on in the cavity they appeared all diablo esque and slashy. i feared my beloved yams had fallen victim to mass-marketing bru-haha. i was goinmg to let this yrs go thru to the keeper . i was convinced even before id seen them i would be SHOULDERING ARMS like sir viv against sir dennis at the WACA circa 1976. then low and behold, i stumbled upon them on saturay afternoon after taking the kids too the zoo. how is this possible i hear u ask ? UENO the hub of golf in japan. everything thats ever been made in JP is prob somewhere around there. you just need to know how to find it. so there i was looking for a set of new plastic clubs for my boy tom. and the entire line of yamaha 2012 is stearing me in the face. i was stopped dead in my tracks. plastic wil have to wait a cpl of monents! didnt pay too much attentiion to the non tour version, bec they aint for me , however i did get a good enough look at them to see they look like they will be such a balanced easy to hit club. my atention was elsewhere the TOURS. i stared long hard and striaght into thier eyes. Alice and the jabberwock, looking for the flaw, seeking, searching ,scouring , HOPING to find the reason i wont be buying these this yr and a once again sending my wife to the brink of depair . i was hoping agaisnt hope for a fault. alas........................., there was none. they look to me like a meld of the 2008 and the 2011. the perimeter weighting stlye of hte 2008s and the punchy vetical power muscle of the 2011. and they built this in a most extraordianry way. the power triangle is like an inveted wedge the wedge goes , not out form the back of the club but back into the club, its impossible to describe , iam far too poor a wordsmith to portray this look with any degree of acccuracy . suffice to say it was a beautiful look. the awful slash and grind i thought was there. simply , and mercifully wasnt there. now that face. the millions of tiny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 's on the face. these things im sure arnt there to look pretty, they must be htere to impalnt lots of spin on the ball now came cruch time, the most important and underrated scientific procedure of all golf clubs design . the "in the shop waggle" a nod of the head with the shop keeper ., that unspoken acceptance that we were on the same page , we KNEW something good when we saw it. i was in love. oh yes dear frends THESE 2012s WILL BE MINE..........................! nice description, nice story so what happened to tom's plastic clubs? you come in walking to get clubs for tom and you walk out getting clubs for the oldest kid.
November 14, 201113 yr hhhhahah well "mum" woulndt let him get a new set his sister broke. so, i immedialty ordered them from my golf girl -firend when i got home. my boy playing with broken arrows? NOT likely!
November 14, 201113 yr hhhhahah well "mum" woulndt let him get a new set his sister broke. so, i immedialty ordered them from my golf girl -firend when i got home. my boy playing with broken arrows? NOT likely! Thank you for this hillarious story that had my laughing out loud! This is just awsome stuff, really.
November 14, 201113 yr going through this forum on my bad day still don't fail to make me smile. I'm sure the tours ain't for me but the normal version will be in my bag regardless of the 502s that i have which i couldn't fault.
November 14, 201113 yr Stew, Let's be honest. There was no way in hell you were NOT going to buy the 2012 model. Will your likey of the others, you can't and couldn't resist. Hell would you really pass on a proven winner to buy something else? Have fun.
November 14, 201113 yr not after i saw these. i think its the shape of the neck that suits my eye so well. nothing else i play has the same imapct. at address it just looks right. now as for the drivers. there doesnt seem to be an awfu lot of difference between this and next yrs range aesthetically, at least, im sure they some how manged to find another 5+ yards tho. there looks to be just the slightest bit more face next yr than this . agn very goo looking head. agn none of the horrid lines i imagined. damn fine looking piece.
November 14, 201113 yr Author AS OF TODAY, YAMAHA HAS ASKED TO STOP TAKING ORDERS FOR THE TOUR MODEL LIMITED. They have pre sold out all the irons. Stew was our last order. (^_^) In my opinion considerably better looking than the 2011.
November 14, 201113 yr Geez! Figures. I had just decided that I was going to make these my first jdm irons.
November 14, 201113 yr AS OF TODAY, YAMAHA HAS ASKED TO STOP TAKING ORDERS FOR THE TOUR MODEL LIMITED. They have pre sold out all the irons. Stew was our last order. (^_^) Wow it was meant to be!
November 14, 201113 yr Author Geez! Figures. I had just decided that I was going to make these my first jdm irons. Well we can always beg them for one more!
November 14, 201113 yr AS OF TODAY, YAMAHA HAS ASKED TO STOP TAKING ORDERS FOR THE TOUR MODEL LIMITED. They have pre sold out all the irons. Stew was our last order. (^_^) In my opinion considerably better looking than the 2011. Uh, oh... I guess I missed the train... T, I sent an email earlier. In case you don't get it, let me know.
November 15, 201113 yr AS OF TODAY, YAMAHA HAS ASKED TO STOP TAKING ORDERS FOR THE TOUR MODEL LIMITED. They have pre sold out all the irons. Stew was our last order. (^_^) In my opinion considerably better looking than the 2011. If Stew was the last order then mine must have been next to last! Glad I didn't dally around any longer debating the tour vs non-tour version. Just about missed the window. Mine are coming with the Nippon Modus 3 shaft, set makeup 5-PW plus 52 and 56 degree wedges. Can't wait.
November 15, 201113 yr Author If Stew was the last order then mine must have been next to last! Glad I didn't dally around any longer debating the tour vs non-tour version. Just about missed the window. Mine are coming with the Nippon Modus 3 shaft, set makeup 5-PW plus 52 and 56 degree wedges. Can't wait. Yes you were indeed the one right before Stew!
November 15, 201113 yr Uh, oh... I guess I missed the train... T, I sent an email earlier. In case you don't get it, let me know. marc theres always next year:)
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