Posted October 26, 201212 yr it wouldnt be friday without me having something interesting to try...... for no........... reason what so ever but what the hell................... itook my epon zero and my ryoma lsnoir in yesterday to .........., remake... theres no reason for this madness what so ever as both are absolutely perfect in every way. how ever..... my builder reckons the balance point i nthe diamana suits my swing much better than the crazies so .. well.... why not. so without wavering. the epon zero gets nothjing... the ryoma gets the diamanaX 70s. shud play a hair under 45inch at 325 gram+/-.... and SW of d3 ish... im a bit loathe to break the tyoma up bec it was the perfect match.. but... well i gotta try thge diamana beceause this shaft has been my best performer , and like it the most of everything since ive boughthem. they arnt he best feeling but seriously i get the best results form this shaft.. so it made sense to put this in the head that could be the most consistant of them all... i pick it up this afternoon for a game tomorrow. ill game it , failing some hideous dislike on the range beforehand. along side.. the kamui pro with exactly the same shaft. now theres a comparrison...!!! Edited November 9, 201212 yr by supo67
October 26, 201212 yr Another crazy build.... this one sound exciting, Ryoma + Diamana X Can't wait !!
October 26, 201212 yr Supo, you are a true experimentalist mate. I love it. I mean, we all tinker on this site, but man you TIN-KER! Does the Diamana have a lower balance point than the Crazy? I just put a whole heap of lead tape on my Ryoma and it "woke it up" quite a bit. I enjoy the updates. Thanks in advance Darren
October 26, 201212 yr You should put all these experiments into a log or a blog. Would be interesting to see results of different combinations all compiled in one place.
October 27, 201212 yr I am with Swiss. I would almost bet that there is some web savvy person here that could compile a list of Stew's Frankenstein-esque experiments and put them all in one easy-to-browse format. Future reviews and observations to the blog could be added simultaneously with the board here. Such a list would certainly be in my browser Favorites!
October 27, 201212 yr Would only be useful if you had Stew's swing. I would argue, if one had tried a couple of the same combinations you could start formulating initial opinions based on relative observations...
October 27, 201212 yr I would argue, if one had tried a couple of the same combinations you could start formulating initial opinions based on relative observations... Damm Steve, there you go disagreeing with me again.
October 27, 201212 yr Although Stew's info would relate better to you. The only one I've seen hit a 3 wood or hybrid better get's payed to play.
October 27, 201212 yr Author Sheeeeesh steve i need halp with that club the3wood is a joke utter joke Ohhhhh sorry of topic The driver build Wiat till i get out of tge taxi And open anotyher red...... Iyd sorth the wait
October 27, 201212 yr Damm Steve, there you go disagreeing with me again. Debate and discussion is the only way to improve personal views... Consider it my way of helping you be a better you... ;) Although Stew's info would relate better to you. The only one I've seen hit a 3 wood or hybrid better get's payed to play. His SS detail is good for me to matchup up to, but he seems to be more of a hitter and I'm more a swinger. Also the weights stuff make sense, but again I consider static weight and different placements of the weight in my clubs... So while I enjoy his descriptions I too must adapt it to my own findings... Sheeeeesh steve i need halp with that club the3wood is a joke utter joke Ohhhhh sorry of topic The driver build Wiat till i get out of tge taxi And open anotyher red...... Iyd sorth the wait That 3wd had just been built for me. Miura Precious Edition with a FW80 8.2 SW D2 at 42.5"... Was playing close to the Miura Precious 390 with P9003x at 44.25". Both are great stable clubs I just get along really well with the woods and hybrids... The hybrids were a last chance on the GD Tour AD EV 7x that came out of some Nextage FW. Butt trimmed the crap out of them and put the into the ONOFF Shingo FW Wings 21 & 24. Those are stellar performers. Almost need to take a little more length off of them to reduce the gap to my 5 iron... Let me know how I can help Stew. Looking forward to playing the Sigma 50 in something.
October 27, 201212 yr My stats and SS and "hitter" status all match up pretty well with Stew...although his self proclaimed miss is right and mine is left so I take that into consideration. So far my acquisitions based on his experiences have been excellent but I wouldn't expect that for everyone of course. For example, Tario and Chris didn't much care for the KPX while Stew and I love it. Like RIDuffer said, the observations are still relevant if you apply them relatively. Just as importantly the entertainment value alone of Stew's clever, stream-of-consciousness observations are well worth reading even for a one-armed geriatric.
October 27, 201212 yr Just as importantly the entertainment value alone of Stew's clever, stream-of-consciousness observations are well worth reading even for a one-armed geriatric. So you met Potuna...?
October 27, 201212 yr There probably aren't many guys here I could beat head to head. Unless we were scoring based on who wasted the most good drives. Some guys play sneaky good golf and turn in a surprising great score without ever doing anything impressive. Then there's me. Guys always seem to think I'm playing great then I card an 85. Began the season as an 8 and slipped clear to ~13 by the end of the year due to an incurable case of short game woes.
October 28, 201212 yr I resemble that remark... Not the 13, but the short game woes... I don't birdie a lot, I don't blow up a lot, but I get a crap load of 2 putt pars...
October 28, 201212 yr Author oooooooooooooooooooooook.. and in the morn.sobriety struck.. ryoma... GD9003x 44.5 inch 9.5 * loft built this to play for fairw2asy in australia, brought it back here bec i wanted to hit it agian. took it and this new monster i constructed to a ripper of a course , where driving is pretty easy really, lots of room , but shape is important. lots of semi dog legs where a small fade or draw can add 20+ yards ifu get it right.... lovely track... played both drivers. the 44.5 p9003x went high nad i had it drawing , no idea how , but something went right on the range and i found my draw. the diamana X 70s 44.75 inch 324 d.3+..................... mucH much LOWER........... MY INITIAL worries were the 9.5* head and the X would be a worm burner............. not i nthe slightest,, its low but perfectly ok... into the wind the diamana x reigned supreme, piercing just perfect arc... the combination of wind under the ball got it up just a bi higher but kept it like a bullet sht, this driver is almost impossible to try and make move about ,its just point shoot ... what my club guy said about balance point i cud feel instantly. the diamana is lower than the ls noir which i think makes the club feel heavier, and i guess makes th ball go lower... the ls noir is a much better feeling shaft.. i stad by my opinion that for that electric thwack .. theres no going past the cb80 ls noir... but where as the noir is a small draw bias to it the diamana x has none.. i didnt really get too many super middled shots with it . i got 3 that were all time suoerb, hits.. distance with htis set up is awsome. miss hits were brilliant.. id like to say there was a but... but... thers not the shaft suite me much better than the crazy which i never thought id ever say, but its true. the crazy is easier to to hit no doubts aboutthat .. but i much prefer to hit this new set up. the p9903x is heavier and punchier and i can make that move abit bec tis so short... this is gold standard shaft...... looks like heavier. shorter is my thing... craig........ when we go to barnbugle.............. therewill only be these 2 ryomas in the bag............... damn these go good..! .
November 5, 201212 yr Author if any one is a strong hitter and is looking to spend some big coin on a driver... the ryoma/ diamana X. is one i will 100% vouch for . mines got the 70 s shaft at 44.75 and a 200 gram head. if..... there was one "negative" id say i built it 1/4 to short.. i was clobbering yesterday and this was just a joy of joys to hit. i just longed for more length bec it took it all and asked for more. that power tail is just out of this world for feel its peerless ...!
November 6, 201212 yr Stew, I have a Ryoma 10.5 head on the way, the question is DI-6 or Diamana X 60. I don't want line drives I already have a driver for Hawaii and windy days here. Steve feel free to chime in and remember to vote today. I already did and have to say I'm sick of all the BS.
November 6, 201212 yr Stew, I have a Ryoma 10.5 head on the way, the question is DI-6 or Diamana X 60. I don't want line drives I already have a driver for Hawaii and windy days here. Steve feel free to chime in and remember to vote today. I already did and have to say I'm sick of all the BS. Am in line to vote now... Can't comment on either the Diamana or the AD DI, but a 10.5 * head should give you mid high trajectory even if you go lower launch shaft. If I remember with the driver you were playing in San Diego was a 10+ with the Diamana, I would go with that.. Your trajectory was quite nice...
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