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fuji kura fuel 60x

Waccine 80 st sx

Diamana b 60x

Rsults in after i get off this fkkkn useless keyboard iphone thing

Compare the Diamana b to a Kai'li please Stu.

Tourspec Fuel Stew?

Compare the Diamana b to a Kai li please Stu.

I've played both... kai li is definitely softer feeling throughout the swing.

The B is more broomy, still a hint of softness, like a thawed marshmallow, lol.

What I like about the B the most vs kai li is how tight the dispersion is.

It's like a GD DI performance wise but with a better kick and feel.

Edited by IshikawaFAN

I've played both... kai li is definitely softer feeling throughout the swing.

The B is more broomy, still a hint of softness, like a thawed marshmallow, lol.

What I like about the B the most vs kai li is how tight the dispersion is.

It's like a GD DI performance wise but with a better kick and feel.

Thanks for the info

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the B is higher launching than the BB by GD.

the kaili is a pretty muted feel , not dissimialr the BB ,

its good for players of all abilities. u can do a few things with it. its not overly high. prob in between the B and the BB

the kalils play sensationally in fwds

the B is higher launching than the BB by GD.

the kaili is a pretty muted feel , not dissimialr the BB ,

its good for players of all abilities. u can do a few things with it. its not overly high. prob in between the B and the BB

the kalils play sensationally in fwds

Have to agree.

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the waccine gr88 XS shaft.

what a great shaft.

heavy , but i t doesnt feel lead like . a very thick feeling at impact. launch is low , flat and very very powerful piercing shot.

was griping right down on the club yesterday and punching hard into the ball and it repsonded superbly.

the jbeam 425 tour head is fantasic with it. its solved my search for the powefull striaght links buster club.

the shaft was as awe inspiring at first imapct as the stnger was for me .

its quite possibly the best shaft ive played

"its quite possibly the best shaft ive played" That's says ALOT.

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i had the diamanax 70s

the diamana b 70x

and the graphite design bb7x

and the fuel 60x

all out on the range adn this one was in its own league.

im not kidding thepower it puts in the head away from the hands is sensational

some times i get a littel thin feeling on miss**ts with all shafts and high powderpuff fades, well i got a trade mark on those puppies.

but,. this thing just went thru the shot and sure i stil lgot killed high right but it went another 20 yards high right!

its just such a lovely shaft to hit into, if anyone liks heavier shafts then they gotta get thier hands on one of these things.

its well. its my new thang......,

Wonder how it would go in a FW. I'll probably give one of these a go, I normally don't go above a 75 gram class in drivers, but with the stellar review I'll give it a shot, and if I don't love it in the driver, I'll try it in a FW.

Ahh, just looked in the proshop and saw the 77 model, think I'll grab that first.

I'm giving the 77 a shot as well but where I would disagree is in saying that the Diamana X, Diamana Stinger and GD BB fit players of all abilities. Stew-san is a very powerful player so his context of easy is different. I could not handle all three of those shafts with great results. We are all different in so many ways and this is a problem we see almost daily, guys read the board buy the HOT shaft and end up wondering why their bad shots get worse.

It goes like this :)

I ordered the Diamana X, 1 week later all my slices are bigger and the ball barely gets off the ground..

So tell me about your swing.. 100mph everything goes straight..

Now tell me about your real swing.. 92mph and I slice all day..

The X wasn't the right choice :(

But everyone in the forum said it was the best..

Another thing is fitting with tempo seems to find better results than fitting by flex. Fitting by weight has a lot to do manipulating tempo as well. We see a lot of, I got the right flex & weight shaft but it still don't work, shaft must suck yet my pal hits it perfect.

I started taking more notes of what type of results I get from different shafts within all that I see the same problems showing up and being solved by the same types of shafts.

The industry has dumbed it all down so much. The accurate flex and bend profiles broken into tip/mid/butt is what we need to back to.

I'm giving the 77 a shot as well but where I would disagree is in saying that the Diamana X, Diamana Stinger and GD BB fit players of all abilities. Stew-san is a very powerful player so his context of easy is different. I could not handle all three of those shafts with great results. We are all different in so many ways and this is a problem we see almost daily, guys read the board buy the HOT shaft and end up wondering why their bad shots get worse.

It goes like this :)

I ordered the Diamana X, 1 week later all my slices are bigger and the ball barely gets off the ground..

So tell me about your swing.. 100mph everything goes straight..

Now tell me about your real swing.. 92mph and I slice all day..

The X wasn't the right choice :(

But everyone in the forum said it was the best..

Another thing is fitting with tempo seems to find better results than fitting by flex. Fitting by weight has a lot to do manipulating tempo as well. We see a lot of, I got the right flex & weight shaft but it still don't work, shaft must suck yet my pal hits it perfect.

I started taking more notes of what type of results I get from different shafts within all that I see the same problems showing up and being solved by the same types of shafts.

The industry has dumbed it all down so much. The accurate flex and bend profiles broken into tip/mid/butt is what we need to back to.

Tempo and Transition play a great role in finding the right shaft. Too many times us average duffers get caught up in Flex and forget that Different shaft makers have varying profiles and so one flex is not the same as the next. Getting fit to the right profile is key.

iv noticed these have a relatively high torque... 4*

crazy is a bit high as well... vs say the gd, which seem more traditional at around 2.9*

how is that working? do these higher end shafts twist more through impact? does it improve feel & a sense of kick?

it just seems that a lot of people express they are anti left, or can produce a baby fade... how does that jive with the higher torque values?

thanks in advance

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my swing speed is nowadyas id think its prob sub 105 id think . ..............,

t my swing is almost IDENTICAL in tempo to shigeki maruyama,, hes on the swing measuring machine at my range and when i superimpose me over him the swing tempo is almost identical , its really quite intersting, its almsot an exact match.. hes speed was measuerd at 102. i cant htink id be too much faster than him if at all.

and i tend to get the fastest part of my swing at impact. , the payers i play with are SO much faster swingers esp to transition than i , but i hit the ball 20- 30 yards past them most of the time.

i think.. bec of this i can play a varity of shaft FLEX without too many problems.

my bud tends to decelerate milliseconds after hes hit the ball , so a heavier shaft for him and hes dead meat. like wise for me the lighter shafts for me tends to feel like spagetti. or iswing out of my shoes thru the ball and it goes miles high.

my swing speed is nowadyas id think its prob sub 105 id think . ..............,

t my swing is almost IDENTICAL in tempo to shigeki maruyama,, hes on the swing measuring machine at my range and when i superimpose me over him the swing tempo is almost identical , its really quite intersting, its almsot an exact match.. hes speed was measuerd at 102. i cant htink id be too much faster than him if at all.

and i tend to get the fastest part of my swing at impact. , the payers i play with are SO much faster swingers esp to transition than i , but i hit the ball 20- 30 yards past them most of the time.

i think.. bec of this i can play a varity of shaft FLEX without too many problems.

my bud tends to decelerate milliseconds after hes hit the ball , so a heavier shaft for him and hes dead meat. like wise for me the lighter shafts for me tends to feel like spagetti. or iswing out of my shoes thru the ball and it goes miles high.

No wonder you're a 4 handicap Supo... you practice with Shigeki!

Edited by IshikawaFAN

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on top of him!!

You gotta try the Z9, man. Would love to hear your thoughts on it.

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thats the last piece of the puzzel

There are soo many variables that go into finding the right shafts, ALOT of players see the high end aftermarket shafts, hear great things about them, and make the purchase sight unseen based upon what they THINK they need and what they hear from people on the forums, I mean how many times have we all heard people on here have issues with the various Crazy shafts based on what they've bought or tried not working for them, from what I've found personally, just about every shaft from Crazy I've hit has ben excellent, absurdly consistent, and with a feel like nothing else, but if the first few I tried were in the wrong model range or the wrong flex/weight, that probably wouldn't have been the case, especially considering the writeup in the pro shop does not lie when it says that Crazy shafts play stiffer to flex than just about everything else.... Fact of the matter is, ALOT of golfers out there would probably benefit from the stock shaft in certain drivers JDM clubs give you the HUGE bonus of having extremely high quality stock shafts in woods when compared to clubs found elsewhere. Any shaft can be friendly if it fits you really well....

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the newer stock shafts manufatureres are offering now are so damn good.

the rombax i nthe s-yard XV and the graphite design in the .388 absolutely nothing worng with htose what soever.

if u dont want to drop a ton of coin on an after market beast then u dont need to.

alot of domestic offerngs here have the new gd gt shaft in them or the diamana B

not being funny, but they aint nlo slouches as stock..,

and when you see a head offered a great shaft, your actually getting that shaft, not a detuned model for whatever brand.....

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