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If i had to choose an iron set this year ............ so far unquestionably it wud be these.

i was drooling over them at lunch time today.

the beautiful lines , the lack of unneccessary gaudy stamping, the lack of way too sharp angles or too rounded toes. and too much off set.

these are just pure as u cud ever want to see in a set o sticks

i compared the mto the TM tour prefered which i htought are a very very good looking set o sticks . but hte difference was awe strikingly obvious. the disticnt lack of any offset throughout the set is just sensational. even the PW, the scurge of iron sets looks like it belongs in yr hand and not in a used sales bin.

compared top the TM prefered , its night and day.

they are slightyl on the bigge side for a blade , but not as big as the yamahas. nor as small as the miuras.

somewhere right in between.

i didnt want ot leave without them

il defiantly hit them on range this weeek, and if they feel as good s the look, and i fully expect them to, then they wil be almost impossible for me to not get.

then i find out theres a driving iron in 18-20 adn 23 * that is the SAME shape as the irons


oh boy im all in!



I was just down at my club builders shop this morning. He told me his srixon blades are on order. He also said he would be getting them before the Sales Rep was getting his!!!

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