Posted March 5, 201510 yr Finally got to hit the Egg 1 . stock shaft prgr something-or-other same flex rating m-43 same lenght i think 46 inch can see the development from last seasons 7 to the 1. the newer version is a spruced up model of the 7. same kinda shape, same kinda lines ,same kinda set up THEY BOTH LOOK CLOSED. dont actualyl know if they are or not . but they look it. matters not 1 iota bec these things DONT go left. well not in 43mph and not for me. they feel terrific, both of them, looks DEF go to the newr version, the "1" the face is differernt the has some new fangled thing on it , does it feel differn, cant say, but it LOOKS like it shud , and that alone wil make u buy one. it did me. flight was pretty simliar tbh. cant really say i sw a big difernce, iguess ill know more o nthat as it wamrs up but right now its spliting hairs. the 7 is he cleaner of the two, the 1 is a hotted upverison , the sports model so to speak. i gotta hit themboth on course, hopefully this sunday to make 100% sure. but for now, lets say either or of these wu wont be loosing one one for the other........, 2.7 litre turbo or 3litre small 6 sir???? Edited April 20, 20159 yr by supo67
March 5, 201510 yr I really liked both myself, especially the Egg1, such a powerful trajectory and straight!
March 5, 201510 yr I would love to try the 1 again but with heavier weight at 45" You could make one heck of a fairway finder! I'd even go 44" with 210g head weight.... Uh oh... experiment urge!! :)
March 5, 201510 yr Author prob is bec these come at 46 inch, the head weight is about 194-5 grams , so getting it to 201-202 will take fluffing. il try that with a 7 later this saeaon 44 inch with GD p9003x. fairways..., come to pappa!!!
March 8, 201510 yr Author Rightyo these got played yesterdayThe egg 1 stock m43 46 inch. And the egg7 9*(def closed) with diamana ali islei 83s 44.5 inchFirst the egg1Good , very very Good stock driver ,especially out of the middle its extremely nice , which brings me to the whole point of upgrading shaftsNow, i like the stock shaft in this and when u middle it its perfect in every way.But when u dont middle it it feels thin. Compared to the diamana is chalk and much so that i had to put it away bec rhe shorter diamana was so much nicer to hit.but abck to that later.Remebering im hitting at 60% no more its cold and the balls going nowhere. So the long shafted egg1was a very nice choice it goes noticeably higher than the egg7 which is a god thing i got a cpl of very good drives away and wentBuuuuuuuuu yaaaaaa,,,!It still Hard to turn it over, and misses predominatly are higher fades really ahd. To concentrate on getting my top hand to turn over to keep it straight but theggod ones. Igot were excellent. The bad ones , or in fact. The not so perfect ones. Were pretty ordinary. So. I put it away and used the egg7 maianly back nine.Picked it up from my club surgeons and hes re made it to43.5 d0 327 gram,I must say ive not been more excited to hit a driver since craigs syard388 7dreamers beast.This one while not quite in that league, didnt dissapoint 1 iota i tell ya this is magnificent driverI cant work out why i can hit a d6 anda d0so equally wellOn a wet day with no power and jsut the. Barest of turns. I hit 6/7 back nine andThe 3 ihit on front were there or there abouts.Its really going to take some thought to. Get this out of my bag now.Its a fairway findr of the highest order.Cant say enough good things ,and cant say 1 negative.I like it closed it doesnt affect me. In the slightest.Im going to re build the new1 with another diamana XSo if anyone wants a cpl of prgr shafts...let me know .Prgr seriously got the bag spot. Its going to be a reasly. Big. Decision to take this or t he jbeam stinger to comps.Thats how good this went Edited April 20, 20159 yr by supo67
March 8, 201510 yr Supo67 I used to have the EGG 7 and while I thought it was a low launch/spin beast the face was slightly closed for some stupid reason. Is the Egg 1 slightly closed too?
March 9, 201510 yr Author D-san, the egg 1 is straight. the egg 7 is clsoed (or it looks like it is) the new one isnt not at all, it looks dead square. materials on the new one look like a big upgrad, the diff in appearance will make u get the newo one without question. the feel is differnt aswell. the new one has a "noticeable" thwack to it. very distinguishable twacky ping, and it feels addictive! wish i cudda taken snaps of the face and where i was hiitng it , it was pretty darn consistant the sound was differnt bec i had the difffern shafts, that makes a huge differnce. but remebering what the origianl one was , there was a small diff, but not huge, i still really rate the combo as a stock set up, have absolutely NO negatives to say about it, if u get the ball pretty cnsistantly middle then this is a GREAT driver, but when u get ur fave shaft on board ........................ well.........., i guesss theres areason it yr fav shaft !!! if i had ot gte ione without reservation id get the new model and re shaft it. im going to do that in the next cpl of weeks, bec playing this at 44.5 inch is just magnificent.! get my wizard to weave his magic, abd put the mighty diaman X or stinger X in it. still not 100% convinced its the best option for the wet or no bounce grass ,bec it IS low. but for sat conds, it was perfect., and when i go to hawaii well theres no point taking anythign else really although, of course i will!!!!!
March 9, 201510 yr Dead square/straight! Excellent! Ya the Egg Seven I sold because it was slightly closed and caused hooks. If this one is dead straight I might have to get it. How's the forgiveness? I've narrowed it down to the Egg 1, Modart D, Jbeam Black, JBeam ZY-11. Going to put the MSI 125 Rogue in one of these. Have you tried many of these?
March 9, 201510 yr Author nah they are all latest and greatest. this was the frst ime ive hit balls in 3 months so i was extremely carefull. not had my head in golf since november, i just got it back in the game. and i still feel tis too early ,but for the next 4 weeks its just getting my swings right , trying out new combos , and taking it easy, i spend most time early doors putting and chipping. the modart i really like the look of,that will prob get a bag spot this season but if i was to choose YOUR driver id go with the krank or that jbeam deep one that looks the NUTS. the egg 7 is worht having as an alternate id think put it like this id NEVER oust my jbeam 435 /stinger/ everything esle revolve around that one driver. the egg tho is a serious contended for top spot. hence my new found interest in putting the best shaft i got in it. i dont know nor . think itll go farther than my jbeam but i just find is suits my fairway finding thinking so well, i dont care (yet) about distance, im just concerend about swinging freely, and the eggs,, hit everyting iasked them too,cant ask for mare than that right ?
March 9, 201510 yr Great advice, thanks! I'lll definitely consider the Egg now that I know the face is dead square.
April 20, 20159 yr Author oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook, i played BOTH eggs sat and hit, well lets just say a lot ........ of drives, not on some fwit random number generator POS machine thing, it was on one of those things called a course where theres that stuff called wind , and grass and trees , and anlges to contend with that actually . really do afect ones thinkng and results. . so it was WAY way closer than i thought. distance was identical. Chiro and i wre laughing when we walked down the 16th par 5 and looked to find both balls were sitting, and no exageration here.. 4 feet apart dead centre of fairway exactly the same distance. i mean to the inch. i hit both off the screws, perefct flight pefect stirkes. OLD MODEL egg7 is 9* and closed 0.5* diamana alisie 83s 44.5inch NEW MODEL the egg1 is 7.5* and sqaure. diamana X 70s 44.5 inch how about .............identical distance as a result. yup cant beelvie it but its true So i think the old egg is easier to hit . its also (obv.) easier to draw its its more consistant , its very hard to hit a slice fade with and its a matter of mental dexterity to make oneself aim further right ever hole. the feel is a bit more tinnnnnnnnnnnnng like and it doesnt quite have the ooomph the new model has at impact. thats a combo of the shaft material and the face of the clubs. the better overall constant feel is the old one, BUT off the dead centre , the egg 1 is amazing. wins by some going away..... launch is pretty similar. the 9* prob goes a little higher . but its splitting hairs. but yea prob a smll bit higher . these are my gamers this year, it wil take a "miracle" to dislodge either of them im not sure what better sutied for what course, although i think im slightly more consistant with the old model. i prob need a bit more time with the new one ithink fantastic drivers. theese are as good as ive made and rate A++++++ Edited April 20, 20159 yr by supo67
April 20, 20159 yr Glad you can appreciate these as I do, have you tried the RS01 yet? that's another great stick, not Egg1 piercing traj. but it's got a touch more spin and higher launch yet still the 01 is good for harder hitters like yourself. what tracks have you and the Dr. played so far?
April 21, 20159 yr Author no, ive not hit it , il ltake a peek tho weve only palyed my home course in gunma on sat where im (semi) allowed to enjoy myself hitting balls, and nishinasuno. ifi can grab a day of this week i might take him out to chiba to a tourny course and see if he can beat the club record. , but the weather is crappy again nad its a waste of a ton of coin if its not great weather,
May 9, 20159 yr Author Egg1with diamna x70s. All week this has been in play with the 435 stinger. Today it just equalled it. This is the real deal
May 9, 20159 yr Supo what is the best driver combo you've ever played? You've clearly tried almost every combo known to man.
May 9, 20159 yr Author Id say the 435 stinger is tough to beat. Its my gamer in comp and money. I dont even look at others .....till now. Nothing since has given me theconsistancy thishas. Others have been probmore accurate, eg. The taylor made tp burner from 09, ive stillgot that ive ireshafted it witha bimAtrix to hit short drives, its lethal for 240 /250 down the pipes. I think that will go backhome for my short cordes. Becit reslly is so damn straight. shortpar 4s its THE winner. But icant get distance from it. The calway erc3 is a magnicent head , its the best head for thinking shots, and the epon 101 probthe same both with a stinger. Longest driver heads are the kamui pro injected and the astro tour, ive got the krank with me here with an aldilla tour shaft What....a. Piec.... Of..s**tt.. That shaft is. Fk me theseguys have no clue abput how to make. A decnt. Feelingshaft. That krank is good.. I like the set up of it andi goes right..left.. Into trees, intocrocs mouths, into birds nests and sometimes down the tubes a longlong way. Then i hit the 435same hole. There is no similarities what so ever. The 435is miles more consistant. Combo wise..... Stinger435 Epon 101stinger Egg1 diamanax Egg7aliislei Callaway erc3 diaman blue Taylor made tp burner with quadra fex was unreal but short. Yonex nextage isjikawa with gd p9003x Jbeam 425 tour crazy black 50 original, (before they turen to making s**t ) Give me any of these any day and id be content Save. For The lackof distance with the tmtp. Yea that imediatly top of head. With deep thinking any.
May 9, 20159 yr Interesting. You're talking about the jBeam or Crazy 435 head? What about the Kamui Kpx or whatever that super super deep face head is? And what is so special about the stinger? The boron? Is it better than Crazy's boron offering?
May 11, 20159 yr Author ahhhh thanks yes the ryoma with the p9003x is prob my fav of the ryoma builds , that one works better than the diamana X for me. more consistant. bit heavier and higher, yes that for sure..., .388 is very close . but i tend to snap hook that occasionallly ,somehting i dont do with these others. saying that craigs 7d shafted one is amazing ... no grandista. no bramaha.. the kamui pro kp-x is fantasic head ,its low and unhookable. but for my misses . (ie high right ) , this gets away from me a fair bit. . when im driving the ball well this is a beauty... its very long , piercing and feels great. the kamui pro... nitro injected one is a better all rounder but i much prefer the feel of the harder face of the kp-x diamana stinger boron shaft is my best shaft, my misses with it are much better thn with anything else . i was gaming the 435 with it and the egg1 with diamana X all week. hard to split them in terms of faves now... but i still ove the 435 its a comfort driver... when i was on a very hard hole i always plum for the 435 , when i wanna cane it i went the egg1. dont think theres much of a difference in distance................... and when i say "distance" i dont mean one is 30 yards longer on a single shot ... i mean i get a consistant "better" yardage from that particular driver.... the 435 is prob the longest CONSISTANTdriver i have. but if my 435 was stolen and i had to play the eggs...... well now i wudnt be as worried as a few months back,.
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