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Gamed today

44.75 inch x 316gram x 201.5gram head x D2.75 swing weight

Diamana x 60s shaft tipped 0.25 inch cpm267

Boy is this a small head.,Dead flat dead square , lovely looking mat grey convex face

Tiny face really nice looking head.

Feel,is first class, not quite as lively as the syard nor kasco but not too far off.

The more i hit it the better it got

Its very low, vsthe egg7.5i cudnt really see too much of a difference.

Feel was totaly diferent themdifference in head weights made abig difference.

Egg was 44.5 inch

More lively electric feel def the prgr.

Delivers a prettyy good straight,flight for the most part distance was hard to judge bec it was a s**ttttty day

But icertainly wasny longing for another driver.

Both were struggling today conds were pretty awful so i guess it was a good day to test them.

Scored wel today so i hit a lot of fairways

Misses were almost always right baby draw very achievable with this club.tee height needs to be a bit higher than average to get the ball up. This wants to go low.

Rating ..,

Yea it rates wasnt really expecting big things to be honest figuered it was al mouth no trouser.

Jsut another markeing brand. But i wa smore than pleasantly surprised,by its performance

The 60s shaft was no where near underwhelming either

This is a really good build.

Have no hesitation in recomemdiing it , to the right person it will be a good driver.

Not sure where ill play it but suffice o say its gotta go headmto,head vs the kasco to prove its worth

As,of,today thoughts ,yea its more than decent

Way more in fact.

Be good to see it go when i can get a ball to release a bit on the fairway today ws. 100 % carry.

Thanks buddy! Bring it out next weekend... ;)

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Youll be the first to hit it

If you could do it again will you still get 9.5 or a higher loft? This is also in the radar for me.

Tried the first time the A-Grind 10.5. Club face is very very hard.

At adress perfectly and stable thru the swing.

As the angle of gravity seems around 18-20 deg. which shafts give enough kick and which also gives enough spin for this "spin killer"??

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If you could do it again will you still get 9.5 or a higher loft? This is also in the radar for me.

def not, the 9.5 suits nicely, it will just need to be broken in. when i put the tee higher it made a bif differnce.

cant say anyhting til i get it on my home track this wekeend in th dry.

but it was pretty good.

  • 4 weeks later...
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This is one finicky beast. Shaft choice is paramount on thisnhead my lighter,shaft doent suit me 1bit.

Its veryvery low , its consistant in distance , its very very straight and runs miles but its hard to get used to,

Think shorter heavier higher flight shaft choice.

I think this needs a 43.5" shaft., then the smaller head won't matter

I think this needs a 43.5" shaft., then the smaller head won't matter

Going to build mine to 44"

And put in a sigma Fw 80 7.4 shaft

stew, how will a bimatrix shaft do in this head?

i have one in 77g stiff.

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good. like it 

Edited by supo

i think this will be a really really good match.

blakey, i think is dead right , this needs to be considered a large 2 wood , rather than a long driver.

will make it much more consistant im sure

think i finalyl found a use for the diamaman kaili 100g proto shaft!!!!!!

i like the sounds of 2w. if this is 15 more yards than my ryoma f2 id be really happy!

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its a proper driver , its not a fariway wood . good heavens no, ud never get if off the ground

43.5-44 inch with a heavy , higher launch shaft.

its gotta be the gd p9003x surely.................,

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