February 2, 20196 yr Wow!! 360000 yen per club!! and it looks ..... kind a normal.... Would 100% opt for the Seven CB or MCB in a heartbeat!! What are they thinking?!!
February 2, 20196 yr Ok, they look good, but what makes them better than other irons in the shop / site ??
February 2, 20196 yr Hmmm hosel has my twisted my mind. At this price point I wouldn’t hit range rock balls. Are you considered a irons shoot out? IDBL, KP101, Tour Authentic??
February 2, 20196 yr At this cost has to be a prototype right? Development costs ect. Interesting shaft adapter. Need more .....
February 2, 20196 yr Author thoughts to come also hit new metalfactory and.bridgestone irons. cant do it on a phone.. typimg is.too shiit
February 2, 20196 yr Author kp101 are one of.the nest feeling iroms.ive ever played .. top of.the top..only.thing i didn't like was there was a heap of offset. size wise they are great. design is good. shape great. bit thicker, if they had less off set it wid have saved me tens of thou on other irons bec id prob still be playing them. hard to rate an iron higher for feel than those . tour authentics similalry. fabulous feel. no reason i shudnt be playijg these except.for the fact i like mbs. they dont fail any category what so ever.
February 3, 20196 yr Author Ok. muqu irons...3types. 25%carbon 50% carbon sus303... yup like ur best golds factory putter! screw in shafts...TOTLlY freaked me out, opted for ns modus120s(of course) wudnt waste pure jdm with pop out merican spam.......... hit the 7iron oNly about 15 shots with each head ,same shaft as thats al they had for testing (funnily enough!).. had no idea what so ever what to expect really , ive hit more than every mofo in jdm land by a country mile in my time so i was hoping i cud feel some kind of esoteric moment where my hands and mind became one.................. shape. nice,! Simple block cavity one chunk of 303 cncd to a pretty nice shape, its a very easy on the eye head. Mid chunky top line...nice..midbody volume...easy...mid thick sole...easy.mid range off set.. nothing to get perturbed about even for me whom detests offset as a rule, what i have found over time is offset with thicker top lines is good..with thin t/l. Dame!!!!!! dont ask me distance it an iron so its totaly moot. But somehwere between 150 and 180 if thta helps! hiting off semi nice range fake grass so not a lot of underlay and plenty of bounce off the mats. didnt miss a shot which was nice as i had an audience of about 30interested staders by.... hit every shot i had in the trick bag. , high draw.low draw sting draw. high cut low cut punch cut. and ...eevm got 1 staright(ish!!!!) really smoked this session (which was better than cud be said next door with metal factory where i hosel rocketed 4...count em..4 in a row, but thats another review!) so i got to know these things pretty well for a first up. started with 25%then50then to sus3 last. in reverse order is how i prefered the feel rememebr exactly the same shaft re screwed so no fkkn about. Yes i think i cud feel adiference .. fisrt was delightfull. Then second was almost the same but a little softer then the sus were like compressed epons or kamui pro kp101s. something ever so slightly engaging . I said staright up thatsh what i prefered and got nods of aproval from mr muqu. who informed me there was only a5000 yen per piece difference in price.....for most cheap mofos out there thats the cost of an entire bag Post lowballing !!!!!!!! so, no these are not for 99.999999999999999999999 u get it % of the population obviously the imediate thought how do they comapre,to my epons sprang to the fore. different. Yes. These are freeeeeeking stunning. No doubt about that. Ok can i get these? no wud i get these if i sold20sets ofmy irons..? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.mmmmmmmmm....... that wud leave me with 3sets and id be ahappy camper, id never take these put anywhere except the eagle or club300 or the like with custies and a setai game. id never hit them at a range. And they wud live in head oversmin thier own bag(errrr like3setsof mine already do) honestyly ...id love to have the, simply,bec no one else will and yesthey fel pay really well..but are they worth the coin? not if u wanna sell them later to baracuda low ablling trolls. you know what... if i had the mineals .yea why not. They were pretty nice. mr muquq was atop fella as well, laughed when i asked how much a set s.. 5pw 2.4 mill get that duck up ya!
February 3, 20196 yr Are they trying to get funding to end global warming or something? . as for 303 milled heads, I've actually had a set a long time ago from a component company called SMT . likely made in China so probably a lower grade 303.... but I thought the feel was decently mild. but it just felt less refined than your typical mild carbon steel. So I looked at their website and all the gibberish there is to make the product sound like something super special and first of its kind... they claim no one has made full CNC milled iron heads before.... which we know is definitely not true... All the processes, design, marketing, manufacturing, plating etc were done by separate companies in the Nagoya area with zero experience in golf clubs.... it would have been cool if theirdesign was really wacky and something out of our imagination we've actually never seen before, but they came together to form a local business energizing project with a bunch of newbies in golf and came up with something that looks... well... very very "ordinary" to be honest... They could have at least done like a 24K gold plating or something more flashy. I think 22k dollars would be much better spent on stocks for a space travel company at this point. ?
February 3, 20196 yr Thanks for that write up, Stew. Sounds like "because I can" would be the winning answer to "why..." Nevertheless, I found it interesting, particularly that he chose to go with screw-in shafts. I've had conversations with a couple of co reps about this. I think it would expand club and shaft sales exponentially if all brands went this route and made it simple for all to experiment.
February 3, 20196 yr Author i wss kind of freaked oit by tje screw in irons , fisrt time.ive ever seen them but norhing flew.off.so all good there it does make great.sense to us the user but head sales wud plumet id.think
February 8, 20196 yr Are these now the hottest irons in the market? What is the main business of the company?
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