Posted June 13, 20222 yr Ive got a cpl of Benocks, ive picked up different shapes over the years bec i like the design options ,i like the shape and LOVE the feel, i mean LOVE it, they have such a distinctive feel , its very addictive, nothing else feels quite like it , so one of them always seems to get a bag spot , even just to practice with before the match. As good as they are tho, i tend to muck about with them more than " game for consequence" bec the ones i have dont REALLY suit my stroke as well as id like , bec i didnt get them customed i got them 2nd hand , dont get me wrong i play them well enough nothing bad and there is no way they sit idle long ,i simply dont play them in comp much , nor for money bec. to keep those precious brown and white emperors heads in the sky rocket where they belong i prefer others. There is a caveat to my dliema however , the Easpade S-type, the one that i was fitted for at Benock acpl of yrs back which blew all the others out of the water for consistency both for speed and direction ( and it wasnt really close) but i didnt end up getting it prob due to as much to KKKKKorona biting and it has a head only a mother cud love , or so i thought ! WELL time it seems, is a fickle master and all i can say is it must have been divine puttervention bec last week im on the prac green putting , when an old acquaintence ive not played with in a long while pops over for a hello and pulls out a Bencok Easpade S type , MY PUTTER , immedialy i asked for a hit and naturaly , LOVED IT , turns out hes has been " struggling with it " , it simply wasnt working for him so he had an eye on changing shape and was considering this ones future. THAT dear friends is all i needed, it was my queue to strike , i made him an offer ,he cudnt refuse................! first game with it in a cpl of days Edited July 4, 20222 yr by supo
June 15, 20222 yr Author hoping so. if it works as well in real as it did at the fitting, ill be a happy camper
July 4, 20222 yr Author The last 3 weeks has been all Benocks in play , i had this one out with a reshafted enzo with NS purple and super stroke wrist lok on sat also had a deep milled jbeam zy. if u cud ask to see 2 differnt feels in putters, it might be hard to beat these as examples. the jbeam is SO soft and mellow and sweet, with this its ALL about speed. im alwaya short with it, furstratingly so, they jsut dont drop, i guess IF i played one putter ( which wil never happen) then id get used to the butter feel and id make more for sure, but when ur going from one to the other things get messed up., luckily i no longer play for consequence so it dont matter. The Benocks, both of them are SO dense, so immediate so direct its unlike anyhting else ive got. nothing at al like a micro milled sus303 or GSS nothing what so ever, the face is unique. its utterly unique and takes time to get wired especially distance wise consistantly with it. the best example i can give is if u like to " pop " balls and stop at impact ala Brandt Snedeker kind of stroke ,then this is a wonderfull feel, thers nothing that goes off the face that ive hit quite like it. i can and do putt like this so for me this suits .If i go full small back and fast thru then this is hard for me to keep on the str8 and narrow distance wise, im kind of long, a LOT. but short back pop and stop this is the best ive seen by a mile. even the smaller compact, enzo has the same result but i can get a more contempora swing motion on it , this one is all about direction.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this shape head and when im putting well i KILL these, same as with L shapes. but when im not on i struggle a lot, the ENZO has been a love grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for me. the changing of shaft/grip was a HUMONGOUS game chager tho. i lengthened it to 38 inch and stood straight up with the new wirst lok and was knocking em dead all day but none fell. "NONE SHALL PASS............. said Bencok and the black knight!" but they were mostly pick em ups all day. im going to tinker a little more with the shaft length on both , ill prob cut the easpade to 33 and put a wrist lok on it and keep the wrist lok on the enzo and and shorten that to 36 or even og crazy and go to 33 from 38 to see how that plays. somwehre in the middle here is the answer im sure, but one thing , right now, this wrist lok grips had all my attention nad is going on a LOT of putter. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , getting hard to take these out now. Edited July 4, 20222 yr by supo
July 7, 20222 yr Good to hear the Espade is working well for you, Stu-san! For me my game has been in a bit of a struggle especially around the greens and on the green. Been going back and forth my Benock blade and the original JDM Stroke Lab Odyssey 7 back from 2014. I really like them both but feel wise, I do like the Benock more. I wish Benock made a Odyssey 7 type head. Closest thing may be a Toulon but I just don't want to pay $500 for a Toulon/Odyssey. Also, I am finding that I putt better with heads that are 350g or less. Heavier heads feel ... well, too heavy to me and I just prefer a 350g or slightly lighter head at D7 to D9 swing weight.
July 8, 20222 yr Author its taking a bit ot time to get the distance wired , im long.., long a lot, its nothing like my usual gamers. I took my 2ball odyssey exo out a cpl of weeks back, put a new gripmaster fat round on it and have been so good with it, that is totally dffernt to the forged protype, they are nothing alike at impact. exo pings off, the face , the forged is soft and mushy. im long with exo / short with protype. ihad issues ponying up for the EXO but when i gamed if on day 1 and 2 over a weekend and i made EVERYTHING with it , all my buyer remorse fears were quickly gone . its weird , when i dont like the feel of somehting i wont play it much regardless of how good it is , its a legacy of lving in the belly of the beast where JDM EVERYTHING is avaialble to me every day but i will say in matches now for consequence i game the EXO. its funnny, bec i dont like that i dont like it but i do when theres cash, as much as i dont l ike to admit its prob my best putter for comp, its suits my stroke perfectly, this is what im hoping the easpade can replicate but in a steel head, its close but i need to tweek it a bit, get it more upright Edited July 8, 20222 yr by supo
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