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I'm experimenting with keeping all the forums on the most recent posts box in the main page including the B/S/T. If this is the case we will need to clean up the TSG B/S/T to avoid misuse of it.

I'm asking the members for fair suggestions about what should and shouldn't be allowed in the B/S/T so that we can make some easy to follow rules that will create a more healthy selling environment.

The most important rules IMO are: no bumping and delete your thread when the item is sold. Do you guys consider a reply of PM sent a bump?

Lets get together and make some rules before the certified seller form is set up and lets make the TSG B/S/T a friendly and fun method of selling items.

I am open to all suggestions in this thread.

pm sent is definitely not a bump.....but some guys will put pm responded...that may be a bump......i guess it depends on admin !

Chris, i was just wondering is their anyway that we can pay a small fee to have the ability to upload pix to our b/s/t posts so people who do not have a hosting service can view them and you dont have to email them to everyone who asks?

I think that people should combine all their clubs for sale in one post, and not be allowed to make numerous, this will clear up a lot of space, just a suggestion!!

i don't think the "no bump" rule is a very good idea, because sometimes im looking for something, and by the 1st or 2nd day, its already 30 things down the list where no one looks. I then just bump it and sometimes somone that hasn't seen it before sees it. I know it may be annoying, but if it weren't there, then people would have to keep making new topics and stuff

I don't think pm sent is a bump after all it's not the seller. I don't think the no bump rule is so good because like zojo said after one day it's on page 2. I do think something that will help is that pics must be posted I of actual item i bought something on ebay the guy didn't have today he emailed me that he sent it after 2 months of waiting, I don't know how to do it but, I am sure there is a way.

Chris, i was just wondering is their anyway that we can pay a small fee to have the ability to upload pix to our b/s/t posts so people who do not have a hosting service can view them and you dont have to email them to everyone who asks?


Chris, i was just wondering is their anyway that we can pay a small fee to have the ability to upload pix to our b/s/t posts so people who do not have a hosting service can view them and you dont have to email them to everyone who asks?

Just an FYI. Most internet accounts come with a home page. That will allow you to host the photos yourself. Directions should come with your provider.

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What do you guys think about having the B/S/T posts in the scrolling latest posts block, If bumps are fair game that is all we will see. :)

There will be image hosting for B/S/T products as well as a block on the right ( home page ) showing the B/S/T featured product pics.

Featured products are the B/S/T listings from our paying TSG'ers of the up coming members area.

As soon as the contest is over expect many many changes to your community.

If you decide to put the bst in the scrolling, there will have to be restriction on bumps. I can't wait for all the new changes :cool:

IMO you should let ppl bump items, Other wise they will just make a new post when it goes to the 2nd page and you get 10 post for one item.

or just delete the post and make a new one when it hits page 2.

Thats what i would do. Now no you shouldnt bump 10 times a day but once a day or twice on a really realy busy day should be ok IMO.

what about a seperate forum for WTS and one for WTB ? would make it easier to find for buyers and sellers and when you jusy see a post like Tour R7 and you open it and then it says any one selling one? it realy is annoying.

Also you HAVE to post a price I dont like the make offer stuff I want to know how much you want, and just put NEGO if your willing to.

Am I the only one that doesn't want to see the post deleted?

To be honest, I don't even like when people mark out their sale price and put sold. The reason being, I'm always interested in what the going market price for things are. I definitely think an edit should put that it's sold but I like have the database of information where I can check how much the going rate is....Maybe I'm the only one..

I don't think a PM is a bump. It's coming from another source.

What about a 15 day limit? Or some type of time frame?

Or 15 days free and a fee for 30 days?

Separate areas for wood, irons, etc. The GEA swapshop has something similar and it works when I'm looking to buy or sell something in particular.

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