changes for the week. have three boxes of clubs from japan and the usa as we speak.
have 2 new drivers coming one from stew Yamaha 440 powerlength.
got an eggbird PRGR driver 2012 model for 50% in singapore last week.
shaft is a noodly m43, but will most likely give this to my dad for fathers day.
should be right up his alley.
i also have 2 Akira prototypes one is 14* and one is 17*. the 14* is head only
and the 17is shafted with di85s respectively. they are one of the most gorgeous heads i have seen
in a long time. i like the 17* it is very compact and not overly deep.
i also have a 17* Yamaha inpres xv wood coming compliments of stew. still debating on what shafts
to put in it. me thinking an old school GD QT green 85s will fit the bill nicely. or maybe one of my stingers.
what stingers? you sold em already idiot. damn i sound like Gollum!
will have pics of the new setup soon.