Everything posted by bngolfer
- ALL SOLD!! Thank you TSG!
Miura ICL-601 Driving Irons
It sucks to sum things up.. for both of us.
SY XV 15* QuattroTech MD 8X
Great head, shaft and price!
Miura ICL-601 Driving Irons
It looks like it in the pictures. Close. And I will probably get the bew TW-U when I can play golf again. First 4-5 years of shoulder pain, then surgery and the shoulder is all good. Now thump pain. Have not hit a ball since August. MR, CT and standard x-ray show nothing. Boring.
Miura ICL-601 Driving Irons
I don't understand why most di's are so chunky. Makes them look ugly and uninspiring. I want the Honma MA. I again offer a reward for anyone who "borrows" it from Tanihara's bag and ships it off to me. ?
I may have to move to the US. Anyone want to sponsor a green card for me?
Korea Only Gold IP SEVEN CB!
I wonder what the Swedish ltd will be. Made of raw Sandvik Stainless?
Honma TW-MA
Very similar! Best looking di I've seen in a while. Besides the MA.
Made in Japan by SAKATA ( 50 reasons )
I have a re-finished Honma Tour Model 4-wood with a 2-star boron/titanium shaft. I played it in the early 1990's. Now it is just beautiful to look at.
- PRICE DROP - Gold's Factory Hand Grind Wedge - Pair 51 & 57 degrees
Traded pls close
So you increase the price from 150 to 200. Reverse strategy - it might actually work here ?
Seattle TSG June outing - June 10 @ Willows Run Golf Complex
Seattle TSG June outing - June 10 @ Willows Run Golf Complex
How did you guys play? There are different ways of interpreting the question where total number is one way; most backspinn is another; longest drive a third etc...
My 16 Club Bag - Updated pics at bottom
That looks spiffy! I've ever tried the Ryoma fw. I don't like the shallow face but I'm still intrigued by them. The whole set-up is really nice!
Honma TW-MA
I have a friend who is in Macau now. I'll have him go look for me ?
Honma TW-MA
I too want it. Spoke to Chris who heard from Honma it will not be released to the public.
WTB Tanihara's Honma driving iron
Can someone get it for me? Or a similar one at least? LMK
- WTB 718 TMB 2-iron
Callaway JDM Tour Issue Contact?
And you can get the heavier heads, the open faces and the grinds you prefer by getting some JDM goodness made for you. But, I too find it fun to have tour issuegear at times. I've had circle t's, hand grinded Vokeys, hand made Eddie Vadersen Snake eyes wedges and a lot more from the main brands and from small studios like Tad Moore. It is kind of fun knowing you have wedges made for such and such but they are no better or more special than stuff made for you. When i found JDM 10 years ago (20 if you count Honma) I cared less about tour issue and more about "me issued".
TT Monaco Prototypes in Stiff 4-p - SOLD
Sold - thanks Richard
TT Monaco Prototypes in Stiff 4-p - SOLD
TT Monaco Prototypes in Stiff 4-p - SOLD
The most advanced steel shafts to date? Each shaft feature a unique profile. Very costly and time consuming work. Only 1000 sets made. I have 2 so one can go. Pretty much new Etile (Elite) TD50 grips in black. $old shipped world wide
WTB : 3 wood head with 16* loft
Try a Jbeam BM-TI. They are so easy to launch.
New 2017 Seven ST Wedge!
Sweet! If you do make a second run, what lofts will they be available in, and will there be a conforming version? I have the SDJ 115 and they are very nice but this shape is closer to the Chikara v1 without the bulkiness (at least to my eye on these pics) and that would also be beautiful and playable ?
GP x3 platinum 9* head
Had the same head in white. Now belongs to another fine gent on here. Lovely head! Nice muffled sound. Likes to go straight and roll out. GLWS Stew!