Everything posted by supo
Nothing to hide, never meant to hurt anyone.
solid effort to make amends old fella. seems everyone can empathise with your plight. look forward to yr contributions. welocme back.
2015 PRGR iD Nabla Tour Series
ooooooooh boy... here we go agian pls tell me they have a blade coming..............,
Endo do any Srixon forging?
well,,,, i guess u gotta listen to that guy. i guess hed know best !
Endo do any Srixon forging?
i was under the impression the z945 were made at endo as well.
A-GRIND Forged Blade In Hand Pics!
2015 Vokey Forged - Brilliant but before my final review I need your help
i dont think u go lighter in the SW. unless u dont play a flop wedge ...... but if u hit the SW 100 yards + u wont get conssitane distance u shud prob go heaver and stiffer. why not play the monacco there aint nothing better in wedges tat those if u like a low boring flight at pins these are the absolute kings
Nobmontana's 2015 season opener(s)
nobu san , alisili toursatge xwedge, waccine ,stingers, kitada. love to play a round with you one day. wed have to make sure we took the correct bags home!
unshafted super wedge heads
tourstage sold
A-GRIND Forged Blade In Hand Pics!
Chris, what is the diffence between these r1 , and the set ive got without the r1 stamp do you know ? ,
A-grind driver..9.5*
def not, the 9.5 suits nicely, it will just need to be broken in. when i put the tee higher it made a bif differnce. cant say anyhting til i get it on my home track this wekeend in th dry. but it was pretty good.
A-grind driver..9.5*
Youll be the first to hit it
The Unicorn Lives
No u still, still cant get epon ,made copper af tours ever, still And esp nit for1/2 price. These must have been idle for years! Robbie small sugestion. Modus 120 is a good matchwith these. Ultra smooth but high,the 130s wud be better i think or the125 s ! 125 a bit tighter in x soft stepped maybe. Ns shafts are a good match,aparemtly...,
A-grind driver..9.5*
Gamed today 44.75 inch x 316gram x 201.5gram head x D2.75 swing weight Diamana x 60s shaft tipped 0.25 inch cpm267 Boy is this a small head.,Dead flat dead square , lovely looking mat grey convex face Tiny face really nice looking head. Feel,is first class, not quite as lively as the syard nor kasco but not too far off. The more i hit it the better it got Its very low, vsthe egg7.5i cudnt really see too much of a difference. Feel was totaly diferent themdifference in head weights made abig difference. Egg was 44.5 inch More lively electric feel def the prgr. Delivers a prettyy good straight,flight for the most part distance was hard to judge bec it was a s**ttttty day But icertainly wasny longing for another driver. Both were struggling today conds were pretty awful so i guess it was a good day to test them. Scored wel today so i hit a lot of fairways Misses were almost always right baby draw very achievable with this club.tee height needs to be a bit higher than average to get the ball up. This wants to go low. Rating .., Yea it rates wasnt really expecting big things to be honest figuered it was al mouth no trouser. Jsut another markeing brand. But i wa smore than pleasantly surprised,by its performance The 60s shaft was no where near underwhelming either This is a really good build. Have no hesitation in recomemdiing it , to the right person it will be a good driver. Not sure where ill play it but suffice o say its gotta go headmto,head vs the kasco to prove its worth As,of,today thoughts ,yea its more than decent Way more in fact. Be good to see it go when i can get a ball to release a bit on the fairway today ws. 100 % carry.
buchi mt-202 heds
yea i know , i didnt get around to hitting these previously, prob bec the muscle looks"weird" but well, in hand, l i asusre yo, its NOT....!
buchi mt-202 heds
wait tillyou hit them..............................,
buchi mt-202 heds
Fellas loking to trade for a set of these heads. asking on here first before i go local. dont care what config 3 / 5 t0 pw is fine. cheers
iron shaft test....
D yea thast what i was also refereiing to as well i dont want anyone o ace them bec of percieved flaws, (bec there isnt any ) , it was just a cost point that made my final decision. who knows , i might hit the brown water one night , jump online and end up with a set anyway ! monacco are differnt. if u can handle the s300 or s400 or sp blux then id def go the monacco X NO probs at all you womnt need to do any thing to them. id think, although Spblue x sfot stpeed will prob get you the same reuslt as mon X the mons arent quite as ferocious as SP blue. they are abit mellower, but in x , ull get what u ask for no doubt. the soft stepped X i nthe masdas are delicious!
Would make great base for Gold's Mods !!
nobs ill ahve the tour. the second one. ive got one simlar done by golds and it came out off the hook !
Honma Blades TW727M
remove tour world paint , remove forged paint, remove shaft, repalce with NS 2g18s. sell spare sets. place in roddio caddy bag have trouble playing another set. for a while nice thought. birdie!
iron shaft test....
MOB if u want a set of lighter , tighter , higher steel shafts, i seriosuly recomend the NS ST protos. these are feather light , but TIGHT, they will not ruin ur arm i play these in the cold exclusively now. thats a shaft well worht looking into , they run about 110 grams launch HIGH land soft. diff to the other NS out at the moment.
iron shaft test....
ahhhhhh...right .. it was NOT the intetnion to quash anyones intent at all for graphite. far from it.. i just observed what each shaft played like in similar heads agaisnt another shaft ... the whole reason i went for this test was bec my elbow also blew up late last year and it was agony till about 4 weeks ago. i cud ahdly lift it after a game , and i was intending to play grpahite only this whole year, but its improved outta site so i dont need to (HOPEFULLY) the compariosn was inted to ilustrate thpeformance of graphte vs steel that I PLAY and enjoy. it might be a tad unfait looking back o nthsi mow, to comare a graphite stif 110 gram shaft vs a 128gram X but i think i put that to bed by using the aerotech 110 vs the MCI 110, diff stinness granted, and i played both of htese hafts on course a cl of weeks back hit plenty of balls with both the aerotech for me was hte btter suited shaft, no doubt. the MCI for what it is worth, on 18, i think i mentioned as well, was so easy to get it on green, but it was def looser. the ablity to hard stpe these i beleive wud improve the performance to what i like but the restriciting factor for me is the price... if they were 3/4 of this id get them. but buying, preppeing, installign them runs at a huge peremium over steel like almosttwice the price. i dodnt see enough proof that these wud imporve my performance by a factor of 2:1,esp as the aerotechs were 1/2 the price nad a LOT better than 1/2 as good! if the MCI were the same , or maybe a bit more than my top shelf shafts , id tget them in a heartbeat. but NOT AT CURENT PRICING LEVELS.. they ddint show me a SIGNIFICANT impovement over any thing i already have. i like them but think they are too expensive . if i cud get a set used in top nick , for a good price, sure...,id have them in a jiffy. is that a better statement of intent ?
iron shaft test....
dont think id need to do that to the stiffs. they are ,for me, spot on . it wud def tighten them up a tad. but i like their specs just as they are. if u like tighter, sure thing!
iron shaft test....
the monacco X, as in X flex. theres only a few grams differnce between the stiffs , but in heads they play much heavier and taughter. especially when u get to the 7 plus. its def a case of each to thier own. and depending on what each individual wants to see in ball flight and movement ... and feel.., , each shaft differs signicantly. as much as the SP blue play uber striaght, i think myh ead space has moved onto other shafts now, but for a specific type of play, like if i was playing links every day, these are world beaters. similarly playing on rock hard greens in autumn when theres no wind and the ground is gettign harder. then the NS ST shafts are the equivalent. but on he other send, super high, ligh, very thin but very tight, land soft like a feather. these are great in the cold. easily the best shafts for winter . but in mid summer nothing beats my 2g18s. monacco stiffs right up there strasa. and the new 125s might be a very close chaser, not enough time with them yet. of the DG.. the s200 are playable. the rest mehhhh. once uve gone to NS its virtually impossible to go back to DG. i hate KBS, and i dont like those flighted project X things, they baloon. graphite is really gettign there. but not yet for me. aerotechs are the ones id choose if i went that route 100% ahhh shame. bec i really wanted to play these.
iron shaft test....
was trying my hardest to like them a lot and im pretty sure if i hard stepped them they wud work well but i cant really see the point, whrn i ve got 20 sets of irons dropping close on a thou on shafs alone which im sure wont get near the airtime they deserve with my stash. plus , they didnt jump off the page at me. nope for now im ver yhappy with my litte stash. soft stepping the monacco X is another serious option i will loook at for another set of heads. they just play damn well.
A-Grind Utility Wood Images
nobs , that s exacly what i thought the second i saw it . those adams were great tho, one of the only utes that ddnt automatically want to snap hook. these get the nod over them tho bec they look awsome. imagine they play just like the adams.