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Everything posted by supo

  1. yea carry distance isnt really as big as ud think . its height and run out that makes the biggest diffference IMO.
  2. not too dissimialr. weve both got a smooth /slower take away to transition but hitting thru the ball differs , i think craig gets more speed to the ball, and i get more speed going thru the ball ........... ithink.........,
  3. im going to get a set ASAP . they look awsome for what iwant
  4. im thinking of getting the 3 as well which is 21* i beleive
  5. re bought and shafted a set of 3 and 5 woods 3 with diamana B 70x and the 5 with diamana stinger X both tweeked by my master for ultimate performance to come out about D2 swing weight , albeit a little shorter than ud expect , which i dnt mind 1 iota as im going shorter with ALL my clubs. well.. the 5 wood is a MEGA BEAST. i can not move this thing i milimeter on purpose to draw. its just the ultimate point shoot fairway wood from the turf . its awsome IF you have the course to play it on which i ddint !!!! this will be in the bag this weekend on my longer tracks and itll go head to head with the same shafted crazy f19. my 5w ultimate test. the 3 with the B shaft isnt as punchy as with the diamana X in it . tha t thing from the tee is amazing, especially if u hook the ball a lot ts just unreal to play, however as i slice the X was a bridge too far esp off the deck. i just didnt have it consistant s i do with the crazy f14. weird i know but its a fact.! with the s B shaft tho i straightened out a lot .Hheight was pretty similar. maybe slightly higher/ not quite as difficult to get well, especially off the turf i found it much easier off the tee it wasnt as good as with the quadra fire express, but it is now a MUCH more overall easier top play 3w. its mega straight. easy to launch and as always distance is good. dont know if id use it as a n out adn out green seeker like the egg spoon original or ryoma f2. but its way better off the tee. so over all it think i build close to the perfeect al rounder 3 w if thats ur thing this takes somebeating id rate this combo ****extremely high***** and better than the other shafts in it for day in out use. although not as long as the quadra nor as punchy as the X. they might just stay a while yet this set..........,
  6. plyaed a full 3 days of the epon balls both the f3 and f4. think i usedthe f4 more. thought it a ver ynice all rounder. felt a bit "heavier and harder ' than my tourstage x-01 mild, but not as firm adn the x-01z. the f3 . wel that just spins like a top on full wedges it goes ballsitic! the f4 not so much. think the f4 was my preferd ball in colder conditions ill play them both this wekeend in the heat to see if thats a differnce very very hard for me to take the tourstages out tho. those titlesist came close but i just love the feel on the greens of the tourstage.
  7. well........................... CLUB OF THE YEAR.................................... for me so far. went with the stock honma sakata stiff 85 shaft to test it out, bec its winter and thought s bit less stress is a good idea. well it was!! in fact t was SO good i left it in oz i didnt miss hit one shot with this, not once, from the tee i get it to 206+ meters. straight tiny fade off deck about 185 ish used this on LOTS of short par 4s (which my course has PLENTY of ) at uber consistant and confidence insprining il ldo some awsome feel. 100% confident is sanying its the best DI ive ever used no off set none its is a perfect match in my bag. gonna take something special to beat this for my club of the year
  8. yes this one..., and it has got diamana witten on it, its in my kasco 340 now(and forever) it was brilliant in winter in sdyney wind/ schmind. bah humbug, it was sensational, left it down there, it likes the longer courses a lot not much shape to it can go very hard with top results. will play that a lot in summer
  9. indeed, indeed... so am i. very very much so. ive got ...... well. more than a just few of them . but the finish on them is now just very average. they do feel amazing as they are they are very light and kinda dull........... which is fine if u dont like pretty. i was pondering whether to get this one re-done for a long time. but when i saw it agaisnt my others it was like a poor relation. ive still not seen it in the flesh yet. to bling or not to bling............ that is the question
  10. it was indeed spoon. but................ it was prob my best feeling head. just needed some Sasaya larrrrrrrvin to bring its look to match its feel
  11. ok well heres REAL world testing egg7 with NS prob 950 steel stiff shaft 44 x 355gram X d2 VS kasco super hyten 12.8* diamana B 80s x 337 gram x d2 Vs syard .388 9.5* diamanaB 60x d2 X 316 gram x 45 inch straighest........ without even any question what so ever. on all manner of swings form best to worst. the kasco KILLS everything longest . the syard on best shots by 20 + yards in any condition . overall......... on sub 6400 uayrds course id be a MUG if i didnt use the steel egg 7 all the time, its goes 270 at best and 250 at worst, its NEVER EVR EVER EVER going to go left , ever. nad it block right to the right fariway on a miss hit. i just aim left and it fades back to centre. in wind with wind, across wind doesnt seem to matter, its incredidible. its just to heavy for me g to get that uber distance drive all day. but for my course when i need t o get it 250+ and straight this is EASILY my best driver. im trying to get a shaft matched for it to get a draw so i can use carbon as well. im using this steel one more and more and at my home course (6300 yards ) its THE perfect driver.
  12. ok ill chime in here for a bit. i hit this more than a few times last few days . my initial thoughts were it might be too heavy nad low for craig...................................................... then he blew 4-5 past me at NSW on a typical witner day. and i went... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nope..! i was using my justick diamana X combo , which is 100% about carry with a baby draw. theres NO roll with thhis driver. i love it in JP its sensational in summer. but ive proved that others have got its measure when its not lush. the differnce was the flight of the syard and the roll it got once it hit deck. it went miles on nice flat surface it just keeps going i hit it and my one on several holes and every time the SD was longer. the SD /syrd is also VERY low launching ,.i hit pretty high drives and even the 10* of the syard was just perfect for me. ususally id be going no wasy too high. but not this one. . yesterday i hit it with my syard 9.5* diamana B 60x driver. flight was VERY similar but the shape was hugely differnt. the SD is always a draw. every time, the B goes where ever i miss it. this is ah ell of a driver FYG.., ill say right now the diamana B combo for me is extremely consistantly long. and its EQUAL to the ryoma p9003x in the wind. its now my comp driver for links, left it down there its that good. the difference is i can step up with the SD combo and no exaclty where the ball is going, i can iam slightly right which for me is so hard to do, and KNOW its not going to slice unless i really stuff it . i absoluelty love this drive there is nothing like it for feel..........., imagine the epon zero and stinger on ROIDS...........!!!! in the carpark after ECA kicked our assses yesterday in a lesson on wind play.... when craig had his back turned to sneeze, i tried to put it in my bag , repalce it with my NEW 2025 model TM bubbleburner rocketlaucnher ballz long yea!!!! 25* driver ............ and hope he didnt notice. he sussed me out , JUST in time, unfortunatly.......!
  13. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh here it is. not recieved it yet chaps. will let you know htis wekeend tho. darn site different to how it looked a cp lof weeks back!
  14. i just get my builder d to do mine, best on the planet this fella., im utterly amazed how i give him a driver one day ,say,hmm think i like the head but it goes high right too mch. or its too light then i get it back , next week, im like ok what on earth did u do to this??? inject it with bulgarian horse growth hormones or something ? just un real. bit of wizardry here and theres. and western specs on JDM pieces materialise. i have beenaskign him to go heaver iSW thos form D2 normamly im flooring things at d3 now. although................ the steel egg7 driver is only c9 and its 350+ grams , i cant feel any differnce. it must be the shape of that head.. that gets used tomorrow at longy!
  15. .................................. and you think you need drawings!
  16. good grief..! . thats unheard of gime ur specs what are u using and what weights etcetc..,
  17. well the jbeam 435 stinger is sw D6.! its prob close to the most unmoveable driver ive hit, its just like a wrecking ball hitting down, it think my swing speed with it is prob 5 mph slower, but , i certianyl dont loose distance ive built 2 more drivers with steel NS driver shafts at 44 and 43.75 inch to .wait for it........................ hit every fariway there is about 250 yards. so far. its worked well. but im definatly not getting distance records , the weights are 355 adn 352 grams prgr egg 7* and a TMtp burner 9.5* guess were they are headed to live!!!
  18. well itll feel beautiful, no doubt there. send it to golds!
  19. the direction im headed in at the moment is smaller more comapct , heavier heads the yard .388, kasco DNA 340 , get the majoirty of my time at the moment hen ive got hte ryoma,, the jbean 435 and 425 tour, and a cpl of biguuns the yamaha v 4.6.. the egg 7 ..tm tp burner. thats about it now i do like the look ofthe new beam 535, i gotta say. but its not grabbed me yet
  20. no. im kinda done with drivers , there is nothing else i can get now to improve anything ive got . thers no point any more. ive actually got down to a "respectable" quiver that it doesnt matter which one i take out it just works for me now, so . well im done. wedges/putters however..........................!
  21. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope
  22. Prob considered an oldie these days but wow, what a driver. this still is. gamed her again last weekend. and didnt miss a beat . ive been driving the ball really well this season, and my foray into mix and match hasnt deminished my seeming ability at the moment to get the driver spot on. only used thsi driver once this year in Guam and i reaslied how good it was but on a really ight driving course its even better. i find it as forgiving as anythung ive got . and well we aknow how consistantly long it is. i dont know why i dont game it more but i made my mind up, in the club champs bect month this will get the driving roll over the ryoma. seriously hell of a head ,ad that combo with the boron is just like thye are amde for each other. if ucan find the pieces out there.., , seriously build one!
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