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Everything posted by supo

  1. what a lovely looking set of sticks. good luck with these , they deserve to go...
  2. hhahaha... well i dont take thsoe games lightly, hes an uber competitive bugger and well if uwin or loose can mean a new set of clubs is on the cards the next day.... we oscilate but im up big so far this yr.... these are in the sme bracket as the miura cb1006...,and def yamaha tour..., that kinda iron. smaller , rounder and thinner. i was very impresed by them thye might.........even get the travelling bag spot to melb in oct.
  3. they are incredible looking blades.. i was bowled over by the look , i had to ahve them. the suttons tho look even better
  4. i took mine to the range, they werent hal sutton grind they were the tour grind slightly different. i took the shafts out they have pins i n the hossel.. and am going to frame the heads
  5. damn................................, just when the iron sets i have get controllable. this happens. http://www.tourspecg...roducts_id=4054 these things..., rounded. very rounded profile reminiscent of the yamaha NON tour heads form 09 or the yonex cyber somehting or others..., from about 3-4 yrs ago.., but smaller and thinner profile. the blank is veyr similar to the yonex blank or they have used thier idea to come up with thier own take/grind on them reuslt is absolutley superb players irons...! now .., x100 shafts IS x 100s, they arnt soft little whippy sticks, these are great irons shafts for me. they move a wee bit with a strong powerfull piercing flight. great to have a pop with i love x100s in pretty much everything i play,, , my swing is ... fade biased........... KJ choi.. kinda thing thats me.., i have a fade bias to all my shots. almost every iron shot i hit with a fade. but not with these. no sireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i was on the range an hour beofre the match and i had the most delicious draw going. i think they are either quite upright and /or madenningly strong lofts . beceause the 8 iron or rather.. the iron with an "8" printed on it was going ooooooooh about 10+ yards yards further than i hit my other "8"irons.. i was struggling with distance control all day really really strong i think now after getting used to the flight and extra distance.. ( which.., well i never realy did actually) down to business.. these irons played and felt............................... as good to hit as just about anything ive hit . oh and i had my EPON personal 7 iron that id reshafted with the NS proto c10. which. was real nice..(!!!!) and yes the epon is DEFINATLY better. my reshafted 7 iron epon is pure striking "zen"... but apart form that. these were easily as nice to hit as my 2010 yamaha tour monacco shafted 7 iron. easily..... conditions were perfect , absolutely perfect conditions. no chance to blame things,balls, weather. nada..., great ball strikng conditions and i hit 100 balls pre match so yes i hit enough to justify my words here ill leave that statement out there for u to mull over considering what u all know what i think of yamaha so ill say it again... these were easily AS GOOD for me TO HIT as the yamahas............................................... the shape might take a little bit of getting used to . but for feel and playability.. these can sit in my bag any day...! a spade is a spade... i was monumentaly blown away by how they felt and even more so on the course how they played. the head is compact.. its thin soled ,thin toplined. with rounded feautres, clips the ball magnificently and can get into the shot very steep with superb reuslts. and great spin control i cudnnt cut the ball, everything was a draw, which alarms me bec i have no clue what to do with a draw ,, but i loved the look of the shots i was getting and i love the feel of them. they are a super looking irons head. t they are super feeling heads . they will appeal to the better irons striker than dont want to go blades, but wants blade performance. i dont need to test these a billion times , i took them out on thurs night to the range. and went t sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet......., these are so good ill play them sat... for coin againt the baron. we dont play for peanuts either . so, thers clubs and theres "MATCH CLUBS" these werr NO problem oh......., and i won with a drawn 6 iron on 18 188 ayrds water whole way left to the centre of green . THAT was QED for me. these will be added to my rotation of irons and id think a cpl will fall. these are well worth a look for guys wanting something not from the beaten track... lets put it htis way,,, im keeping these and ill sell a set of yamaha tours to keep these .. thats what i think of these things. they aint cheap. but boy was i impressed overall by them. fire away questions chaps bec these will make people stand up and go hang on who the hell is kamui pro.... ???????????? and... i dont actually know .. i just know the clubs that ive hit form them are damn damn good... no idea where they are forged but ido know they have a bag spot. i loved them . well worth considering and researching if ur looking. for a new set of sticks....!
  6. any bids for the silver merc bag??? i gotta get it out.. who knows show a bid and win a prize..! how about 220 shipped??????????????????????/ the thing is literally brand spanking shiny new, and itching to leave tokyo...
  7. a new head fo the diamnan x huh...... well ive found that the epon zero and this shaft adore each other. and so does the kamui pro pk-x they are both more solid pingy feeling heads than uber spongey soft ones. and , while i ihavent tried this shaft in a yamaha or ryoma head. id htink the ryoma head might be a tad on the low and soft side , i think theres prob better suited heads thatsw my OPINION.... the yam tour. ............., well i thougth about this long and hard ,but he way the cb50 and bb7 play in it i ahve absolutely no want to swap them over. id guess , considering the yamah head loves all shafts..., id think it would be a great match, low low spin of the diamana and the 10* loft of the yama would send the ball on a very nice trajectory indeed and get a fair amont of roll id guess. with the diamana X i think ud prob get more out of it with slightly higher lofted heads than lower ones. the 2 heads mine are in are 10.5* and 10* they are perfect, really.
  8. the yamaha tour heads are very good for the harder swinger. can move them about with ease as well. great perofrmance with ENDO feel.. pretty hard to beat that
  9. the cheapest and best cover for these is the rubber.. nepoprone(?).. what-ever-its -called, wetsuit material...... i have one on my cleveland its easily the bets putterocver for blades.. it never falls off, for a start amd its stretchy rubber. no velco. perfect
  10. i dont do it my guy does it in his cave. hes a wizard. i played the jbeam 425 tour--shingo spec yesterday o nthe sme curse identical conditions to last week, kept hte yammy in the bag. the jbeam was very very low in general. it was wet fairway so i got backspin on drives not roll out. siliar to last week but more so. drove well didnt really miss many. hit most of the fairways. this jem is a heck of an accurate driver... the flight porvedd its not made for summer conds here. thast for sure. this is a greta wind cheater , and itl lget oodles of roll. the kamui was def my prefered driver adn it was def longer. think il tkae the jbeam back home. that thing was just so damn accurate and ittll get 30 more yards with roll out no probs, just doesnt have enough carry at the moment, conds, too wet. not the ideal choice. when its dry tho. this will b a beauty. ill tkae a few snaps of my hoard..
  11. oooooooooh... cpl of guys taking the pepsi on this thing... well u all know what i have as an arsenal and this gets a massive amount of play considering what i got..., for my swing characteristics.. it suits damn well... im playing the same course as last week, new course i found, and once again just spctacular... they just keep getting better (!) so.............. i might try a differnt stick, i think ill take the yamaha tour out and see how she blows in compariosn. yea..................... done.
  12. highly doubtfull.............. in fact extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely highyl doubtfull its fake that looks prefectly normal
  13. i havnet even seen this putter in the flesh yet bought sight unseen. it will go nicely with my 23 wedges and 23 maru tourstage blades
  14. i would be if i hadnt got that white shoe cover. i think the original is good but a . bit finicky .
  15. ill try and grab the photo of them, nothing like these at all. seriously i rem just hitting both of the clubs side by side and was just in aamznement of how bad the hogans were. the shafts were spretty spot on tour issue DG VS x100s... and it was in middle of summer so the ball was expanded hot nad easy to hit.. i was like what the hell????? but im telling ya it was like the worst thing id ever hit.... those bottom hogans, sholly schmokes, they are almost the epons . or rather the epons are almost them! http://forum.tourspecgolf.com/topic/30884-hogan-irons/page__st__12 heres the original post... july last yr..,
  16. --------------------------sold--------------------------------
  17. worth the visit. IMPOPSSIBLE to leave without an arm full of goodies...
  18. . ihave had about 10 games with it and oodles of time on the puttting green and the finish is 100% like brand new, not a mark on it anywhere. i find my distance control with it is fantastic, but i dont find it overly soft. its so heavy at impact. its beautiful. its my fav now... i take this every week, with a nanser stlye and something "weird" just in case my putting head isnt screwed on and i have to go deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep and dark which happens to me on occasions. but this is hte one i tyr and use first every week. its the nuts
  19. ok can u ship to chiromikey and he can roll it a bit then on send to me .. if that suits then im all in..!
  20. BUT wait......... just when u thought it was safe to go back i nthe water........................., the zabi RJB raises its head....,
  21. it might have hit 10 balls. 112cms its perfect. 44inch raw. EMS shipped price paypal $200
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