that certianly seems to makes sense to me if u didn't counter Stiffen it.
A heaver swing weight shud make the ball draw more well that's how I tend to I think...... well it does that to me on longer drivers as a rule.
sounds right..
hahahaahahah..... you know ur a true forum ho when a-grind r1s , that wud be known by a total of 3,000 people world wide are not exotic enough .
these are really nice irons Nobs.. shaft em well.
the diamana B is a great shaft for this head the shaft is a mid/ high balcne kick so its a bit lower than a few others and its made of all that super duper high mumble swerve tech that Mitsubishi makes ,AND its now cheap. it will bring the flight down on the ryoma. and ITS ererily straight . this makes a fantastic fw shaft more so than a driver shaft I found.
Chris, these got the same goose neck as last years ?
absolutely LOVE last yrs gooseneck with onset .. very unme as a rule ........interesting look, but they out and out perform. nad they schrallllllllllllllllllllllp the skin off balls