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Everything posted by sundowner

  1. Price too high? No.. Paid add. 96 USD import tax in my country, the buyer doesn´t have to pay now (have all the papers).. Installation is made by one of the best club fitters in my area. So, it´s a BIG discount only after 2 rounds of golf..-) Head only is possible, too.
  2. Tungsten powder in the tip is normally the best way. With lead tape on the head you can change also the trajectory.
  3. head only for a reasonable offer..
  4. Head played only two rounds. Need more spin.. A-Grind 10.5 with ProjectX6.0, Lamkin Grip, and head cover, Swingweight D2: 430 USD + shipping or head only for a reasonable offer.
  5. How could a driver a "fairway finder" with foregivness = D???
  6. sundowner replied to supo's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Tried the first time the A-Grind 10.5. Club face is very very hard. At adress perfectly and stable thru the swing. As the angle of gravity seems around 18-20 deg. which shafts give enough kick and which also gives enough spin for this "spin killer"??
  7. More of a gold. The part which reflects the light shines more of a yellow. Review.. asap!
  8. Find the Regio Formulas (original, M) one of the best shafts in the market - even compare to Crazy and others 50-90t shafts. Tried the Regio Formula 65 s also in Egg 2010 (loved the FW80 installed before in it). Result: Different, but great!! Looking for a head for the new Regio MB sitting around here.. -)
  9. Best looking driver for a long time.. Review asap!
  10. On golfwrx people told the 125 msi = 80T (.. bud I don´t know..). There a new shafts with 90t in the market e.g. the new Nippon Regio Formula MB
  11. Advances in Driver tech .. great question! All of us looking for more distance. When I decide to sell a driver or a driver head 90% it´s because of less control: So which innovation made control "easy as nothing"?: Sliders ! (see TM SLDR, Callaway Big Bertha orig., Mizuno JPX 850). 1. Most innovation to get control / stable trajectory: With "normal" drivers in the pastI tried over 4-6 month (for each driver) by changing shafts, grips, add. weights, rotating the shaft spine .. to get the "perfect and stable trajectory". Most of the time the result didn´t impress me. With all driver heads with sliders I needed 15 Minutes (not month..) to get a stable trajectory (need more weight at toe). That how it works (for me). 2. Most innovation to increase distance: I like the CoG around 20-22deg (bec. of control). With the original Ryoma D1 and the heavy 60g back weight it was the first driver witg CoG around 27-30? deg. The addion. distance I got was really impressiv (but the D1 was a hook machine..). The idea of Ryoma is copied by a lot of companies (new Ping driver, Egg 1..). So a new JDM driver head with a slider AND much weight back would be a really innovation. Control after 20 balls..
  12. I think the PRGR EGG1 is the only driver of the peer group which is "pure straight by design" - all other heads are good for players looking also for "workable trajectories". Just my 2 ct. The only reason not too buy the head, could be the head weight. I red, it is only around 192g. This head with 200g.. a fairway splitter!!
  13. Very interested to read T. review of Kamui Air!
  14. Hi Chris, no the new RF 800 alpha-spec.! The review I found on a japanese site (rating-gate.com) is true!! Tested today 9.5 (open face angle) and 10.5 (square). Both heads are very very impressiv.
  15. Compared today the new Geotech alpha-spec. to Kamui Ray (n.c.) and Ryoma Maxima. The new Geotech is awesome and lightyears (for my swing) better then Ray and Maxima. First try of a Geotech head. As a big fan of Kamui Works...: Wow!!
  16. Really good arguements.. What´s about their warranty in case of mutliple shaft changes / heading the hosel??
  17. .. there are a lot of awesome heads in the market, so what to order next..?-))
  18. Ratinggate tested the Max Soul 450Ti head as best head for all swingspeeds (< 43mph, > 43mph). Rating is better than for old Ryoma old D1/VSpec, Kamui 456, Epon.... for example. Wow! As here are lot of forum members seeem to look for "the best of the best"..: How does the 450Ti compare to Maxima, Kamui Ray, TRPX, Crazy 450 ...?
  19. Happy Birthday, Tario!
  20. As I´m also one of the guys who tend to hook (e.g. the older Ryoma D1 was a hook machine for me), I looked this time for a straight head and the right shaft. Crazy LY01 R in Ryoma Maxima V 9.5 gave me to high trajectory / sometimes hooks. Decided next to install Nippoin Regio Formula 55 s in Maxima. The shaft is really great. Soft, kicking but stable enough for a "hooker" like me. Trajectory is depending on the weights (sometime with counterweight in the grip) higher or lower. Dispersion is brilliant. Nippon Regio plays softer to flex. The 55s is a butt 6.3 (compared to a LY01R = 6.4). The 65s is a 6.8 and the 75x is a 8.1 for example (measurements from another internet side). Another observation I made: In the beginning I had a lot of mis**ts. Tried to check a lot of parameters (ball position, tee height, swingweight...). I found out, that balls with low compression (for my swintgspeed) doesn´t work with the Maxima. Measured it a lot of times. All low compression balls sending to the left / some spraying. The balls with higher compression straight as an arrow. So check your balls..??
  21. Chris, wondering you pair Maxima with DI7. As Maxima is high launching, wouldn´t be AD GT7 the better choice?
  22. Sorry, can someone shift it in "Maxima Reviews" please?-? By the way: Great write up wmclarenf1!! --------------- After had not much success with my loved Crazy LY01 in Maxima V 9.5 I played today the Nippon Regio Formula 55 stiff in Maxima. What a difference...!!-)) Very straight and very forgiving. Stupid easy to hit. That combo is feeling really great. Trajectory is at the moment a little bit to high for my taste (some other would maybe say perfect), so I don´t get as much roll out as I wish. Will dial in during the next weeks and experimenting with the different weights. Did I say it is straight?? The Nippon Regio Formula is a really great shaft. Much better as e.g. Rombax Type X, because dispersion is much tighter and feel is overall more stable.
  23. After playing some rounds with Maxima V 9.5 / Crazy LY01 R I must say, the shaft is not the perfect match for the head (and I really love the LY01 - played different types during the past 5 years). Too wild and launch is too high. As someone said we should look more for a tip stiffer shaft ? Maybe yes. I´m sure the head needs a shaft with lower tip TORQUE. Next I will give the Nippon Region Formula a try, because the shaft has a great feel in Kamui Ray, lower trajetory, more tip stiffness and overall lower torque.
  24. .. same ss and same Crazy flex!-)) Looking at Quadras cpm readings they write on their site 242 cpm for SR and 250 cpm for stiff (7´´ clamp, 45 inch, 198g head). Meaning with 5´´ clamp round about 226 cpm (SR) and 234 cpm (stiff). So the Quadra SR is like Crazy 5.9 and Quadra stiff like Crazy 6.4 - right? Do you gain distance with softer flex? (as I´m a fan as play as soft as you can..) Did you see wider dispersion with softer Quadra flex?