Surprised to see the drivers still here. They wouldn't be if I had the cash. Maybe the flex is scaring people off. Drives me crazy seeing gear like this and I can't do anything about it.
Sorry, just letting off steam! Shame I can't be of more help than a bump. GLWS.
Those numbers are good enough for me. Thanks.
I've heard a lot of good things about the 435 regarding distance. I'm hoping to give one a go next month.
HI there F1. Great story. Just to give us some idea of what these great drivers are doing for you, can we have some numbers the next time you hit all 3 drivers, i.e. swing speed, launch angle, spin rate, carry and overall distance.
Is this the head I now have? You must have put a right sh*t swing on it! Hahahahaha. I haven't done anything to it to cover it up. Left it with the 'battle scar'. The mark of a true golf club :)
Have you played any Yamaha drivers and can you compare them to your Tourstages? Are they similar in feel being as though they're both Epon forged?
Beautiful iron heads. GLWS.
As RIduffer said, I have the SX. Compared to Quadra iron shafts I've played, the Roddio's are a little lower (7i at the range), feel a tad firmer off the face (probably the because of the different iron heads)and are a little shorter in distance.
By the way, I haven't seen these 'black' irons that you mention. Are they definitely onoffs?
RIduffer may chime in about something similar to the i-10's, as he's played lots of high-end graphite shafts.