Everything posted by bankbank
favorite wedge - you can only pick ONE!
played around with many wedges, always keep coming back to standard vokeys. what is your favorite wedge of all time? The one wedge where it just clicks for you (specific wedge eh, not model or brand). my fav and probably will never get rid of is the Sm5 vokey 60° k-grind, in satin. My goodness, this can get me out of anything, the grind and turf interaction is fantastic. And bought them for cheap too played with wedges that spin more, softer and/or go longer (but this is irrelevant in wedges anyway).
Who plays Epon P2s as their gamers? Trying to decide P2 or Buchi vs200
well, for me, i really like the way they look and feel. I do sometimes think i could be scoring better with other more forgiving irons. The P2 is prone to dig in wetter conditions, and i come in my irons pretty steep, so heavy shots come ever so often. Also still looking for "THE" set. Actually tried the 716 AP2 on the range a while back. Should have bought it, all i can say
like the description! wind destroyer of the highest order, LOL
- WTS EPON PERSONAL 2 - X100 Tour Issue - Reduced!
Honma BAG + DI
most beautiful set of Honmas I have seen. Love these, GLWS!
Grandsita's RS-F is VERY Good!
very intriguing.. the head design is a bit too busy for me, but the setup look is where it counts, and this one is just too nice. Im impressed
Easiest Driver To Hit?
USDM / JDM don't mean jacks#*t if people don't know what their swing is like. I would can't even determine myself which driver out of the four that I have is easiest to hit. Some periods, the Honma would be easiest. In some, the 435. Couple of months ago i bought the M1 430. In some threads in other forums, they were saying the 460 was way easier to hit - to answer some bloke's question on which version of the M1 was easiest to hit. I know from "my" testing before purchase, I could not hit the 460 consistently straight or long. I didn't hit the 430 straight either, lol, but was less offline. So it's just better for my swing, that's all. I am also guilty of buying clubs or leaning towards a club because of others' opinions. It then becomes a crapshoot. What i'm trying to say is that sure USDM (especially TM) over-rave and hype their new products, but this doesn't mean it's inferior (for certain people) to JDM. Sure, JDM is by far the better quality... but again, it might not work for you. Just testing and trying out different clubs and setups would be the way to go I think, even though most people can't afford the time/money to do so..
- WTS EPON PERSONAL 2 - X100 Tour Issue - Reduced!
- WTS EPON PERSONAL 2 - X100 Tour Issue - Reduced!
Name your best-feeling and easiest to hit irons
best feeling ever - epon technity type j - project x 6.5 (i know, this shouldn't be... but it is :) longest ever - cleveland 588 tt - stock shaft (just got this for cheap, bloody long.. 39° 9-iron anybody?) best combination (if i had to compete for money) - onoff 2013
- WTS EPON PERSONAL 2 - X100 Tour Issue - Reduced!
SOLD -Nice condition JBEAM 435 Blackout
hi mark sent u a pm.
Best Hi Cor driver?
Superman EG001, the very first model. Never found something Hi-COR that could compare with those... the ball just trampolined off the face and flew forever. My dad plays the latest version EG003, but it's a slice machine when I hit it. my real gripe with these clubs are the shafts. super springy and can never really square back in time for me.. for others it may do wonders i think!
name your gamer driver heads .
hear so many positive thkngs on the kamui, never actually tried one. i know no one who owns one, unfortunately. but it does look like a beast tho
gold's putters and circle t
narrowed some down on the bay. found the timeless models to be the best looking imo. you think these would be nice in comparo with the 009 / rats?
gold's putters and circle t
oh sorry wrong section :) thanks! i personally do think the quality of GF should be better than circle t in general.. i understand the concept of the circle t and that many says its not much different than a standard scotty.. just that there's something about it that im drawn to somehow :)
name your gamer driver heads .
haha, i have to second the M1. went to watch the thailand golf championship the other day, half of the pros were using the m1. Of course, it doesnt mean the driver is the best out there, just cool to see myself using the same gear, LOL. And i also noticed their settings were mostly standard.. no shifting of weights around
gold's putters and circle t
hi folks, i'm currently in the research for circle t putters; somehow have an itch for them. given their cruel prices, i'm also looking at gold's on the TSG shop. Anyone have experience with both of these (regardless of model)? ones that i have been looking on the bay (a tour concept rat newport) is around 2500.. somehow would be nice for a collection :) opinions? thanks!
name your gamer driver heads .
m1 for me has a thwhacking sound. think of rapture or compositie heada... it is definitely louder than most and some may not like that.
name your gamer driver heads .
it's not Taylormade's hyper-overmarketing... but the M1 is my fav driver so far
Crazy Epon combo set
my second set of JDMs years ago was a 3-5 iron epon technity type s (503) and 6-pw technity type j (302). Didnt like the transition at all in the long term...
reshafting them personals
@kamen, good one :) I've never tried the SPO or SPB, and rarely see one actually. I normally play stiff to x in my irons (others that i have), but with the personals, its in R300. Supposedly to improve 'feel' someone once said. But they are really not 'sharp' for me now... @mark, yeah, roddio is awesome. I hit it once with a 502 head, and it was great. I'll give them a try when i get the chance, gonna go to eragon today, do some tinkering.
reshafting them personals
oh so you guys go modus? i had to look at the tour issues, as i hit my irons higher than i really want to. just hope that at x100 they will be too much, but you never know until you have tried ;)
reshafting them personals
been through a swing crisis, to sell or not to sell, to trade or not to trade... after several offers from very nice folks and an almost done deal (sorry mate, you know who you are :() I decided to reshaft them. When i was first fitted, i got the DG Pro, in R300 flex. as i wasnt so used to the head, I swung very deliberately and a lot of benevolance was given to the ball.. and it showed the best numbers on Lm for me. Hwr, now as i am very familar with the clubs and my swing is back to speed, i am hooking all of my shots.. found out the shaft was too soft. So i jumped a few steps and found a good deal on a used X100 TI. Have no idea how its gonna turn out or if i can efen manage this shaft!! LOL What are you guys put in your P1 / P2?
Longest 3 Wood on the Market