Everything posted by daamartin
Fourteen TC1000 irons
No I haven't, sorry. I have the Epon satin Technity Wedges and really love the feel of them wrt anything I have hit ever. The Fourteen irons are an identical kind of feel, soft but very direct feedback. More importantly for me, these TC1000s are going to be an easy (easier than the z101s) set of irons to play - necessary now I work longer hours and juggle the responsibility of a young family. Aim, swing and enjoy the shot! Smoky satin finish is something different too - I loved it the first time Chris posted pics here. Pics to come next when I get them back from Murray my clubfitter.
Fourteen TC1000 irons
DG S200 shafts are great for me. Always been an s300 man and a little lighter actually feels good now I'm 37 years old! Tried some of the lighter steel shafts in the past and really struggled with control - I'm a hitter for sure.
Fourteen TC1000 irons
TC1000s arrived and I have played two rounds with them. One of those rounds I won the comp! Still need to lengthen them and bend a little more upright. In short, these are brilliant irons, and VERY forgiving for the size of the heads. Will post pics and back-to-back comparison with trusty TourStage z101s after they are all adjusted properly. Anyone who doesn't get time to practice anymore, but still wants feel and control (and short irons which don't hit moon balls), should seriously consider these sticks. more soon
Best players forged cavity back set - 2008 season
TC1000s arrived and I have played two rounds with them. One of those rounds I won the comp! Still need to lengthen them and bend a little more upright. In short, these are brilliant irons, and VERY forgiving for the size of the heads. Will post pics and back-to-back comparison with trusty TourStage z101s after they are all adjusted properly. Anyone who doesn't get time to practice anymore, but still wants feel and control (and short irons which don't hit moon balls), should seriously consider these sticks. more soon
Best players forged cavity back set - 2008 season
TC1000 from Fourteen gets my vote. Just bought a set from TSG and will post comparison with TourStage z101s (which they are replacing) soon.
2008 Japan Golf Fair
I was lucky enough to attend last year, along with the Tokyo Nanotechnology trade fair held concurrently in the same "Big Sight" venue. Both awesome experiences for any golf/ technology addict! Also brilliant to meet Chris and Jacqui and see what makes this great site tick. Genuine, warm people with lots of energy.. Shame I can't attend this year, so I look forward to all the high quality images once again! I miss the Japanese curries and beer too........Mmmmmmm
Fourteen's New Irons TC 550 & TC 1000 w/PICS!
CP how did you find them against the TC1000s? Do the 1000s provide the lower trajectory as stated? How do they compare to your AF301s? Very sorry for bomarding you with Qs, but as you will have gathered by now I'm keen.
Fourteen's New Irons TC 550 & TC 1000 w/PICS!
Hey Chris, great pics. Could you please post similar pics of the TC1000 PW please? I don't mind the slightly thicker top line at all _ more mass up high is better for me I am actually more concerned about approach shots not ballooning with the short irons Chris, also eager to hear your honest appraisal of how they play wrt similar offerings!
Two New Irons from Fourteen Golf!
These TC1000s are still top of my list. Anyone played with them recently. Address pics of short irons would be most appreciated!
A look at JPGA Tour Gear this week....
Those satin TC1000 irons are the bee's undies!
What JDM iron has the less face progession for 08' ?
How about the new Fourteen TC1000 irons? I am eyeing them off as well, and await some fresh pics of the relative face progression against some other standard too. Currently play TourStage z101s and looking for something very similar to those. Cheers
What's the story behind the names of JDM companies?
Srixon is Sumitomo Rubber Industries (X) Excellence ONwards, or something like that I think...
Two New Irons from Fourteen Golf!
I'm very interested to hear more about your setup with these irons, handicap, ball striking and flight, and game. I'm very keen on either the 770s or 1000s forged cavities, so the more info and feedback the better. thanks in advance!
TSG JDM Forged Players CavityBack-test 2008 !
Looooong way from Brisbane (AUS), but I travel to the US at least once a year. Sounds like heaven!
WITB DaaMartin
Trying out a new camera and thought I should update the mob on WITB. All has changed aside from trusty irons. Been to Japan twice since last WITB post, one of the trips hooked up with Chris at the TOKYO golf fair. What a professional guy. Wedges came soon after that. Setup alters btw 3 (EPON) wedges and 1 PRGR hybrid, and 2 (Maru/EPON) wedges and 2 PRGR hybrids, depending on course and conditions. MATSUMOTO putter works great for me, as does the very solid Royal Collection 3 wood. 3 wood has always been the hardest club to get right - finally I found one that behaves!
Two New Irons from Fourteen Golf!
For my eye, these are the most attractive irons I have seen since joining this site. The trusty z101s in the bag are getting nervous I think! Could anyone tell me whether the offset graduates from ~3.5mm down to about ~1.5mm from 4I to PW (or is it more than this? I see the 5I has 3mm)? This is an important consideration for me. In addition, I have always played s300 and wonder how different the s200 shafts would play (noticeable, or just a touch smoother)? Cheers
shaft / driver selection help
Man looking fwd to that review of the new GD shaft Blader-x! Big fan of GD shafts here. D
Graphite Design UT vs Ozik Altus Hybrid - My Findings.
Sorry for the late reply. Have changed from rifle steel 6.5s to the UT-95s and they are great wrt those because they feel great and still don't balloon into the wind - nice high strong flight. Just what I was looking for.
Graphite Design Shafts...
I'll be awaiting the review eagerly Blader! Got my eye on this shaft too...
EPON 08???
Could it be a purist blade perhaps??
EPON 2008 New Products w/PICS!!!
I think the new iron designs are much more "today" than the old. Driver looks a bit blingy though. Must say I'm looking forward to seeing how the new wedges look when they are released. Wonder if they'll still do a copper set?
Graphite Design UT vs Ozik Altus Hybrid - My Findings.
I use the UT95 (x) in two prgr driving irons and the results have been remarkable. Love these shafts.
Gocchin WITB - JDM Contest Edition
I actually like your green hydrangeas and other plants/ rocks in the garden - make a great green backdrop for all that nice gear. Top digital photos for sure. Bad drought here in Brisbane so it will be hard to compete with your "green-ness"!
Best Hybrid shaft.
Yes, just looking at your setup Blader I think we enjoy playing gear with similar specs, although I play my irons a bit upright. I was worried about these shafts still being a bit light after using a rifle 6.5 in the #2 head previously with very good results. This experiment was all about trying to achieve the following things: 1. getting a second PRGR 040i head in 19*/ #3 - because it just suits my eye so well, a great design with the tungsten weights, less offset, easy to aim, very forgiving (I'm a decent ball striker, but not that good), great out of the rough etc, etc! First shop I walked into in Tokyo had a mint version with original cover - 35 bucks! 2. Going graphite in both heads to see if I could displace my 3 wood with the #2- cos I have always hit the #2 so straight. The 3 Epon Technity wedges I have need to stay - I am a 3-wedge man for the forseeable future, and use the 3 wood less than any other club at my home course. When I do use it, more often than not it gets me into trouble. 3. Achieving "seamless" feel going from from my irons (which are 1/2" long and swingweight at D5) to the hybrids, I had to get them made up a little longer and tip-trimmed a little in order to achieve D4.5 swingweight. So far all 3 goals achieved after 3 trials on the range. There is a nice traj and distance gap between the #2 and #3, and the #2 goes about as far as all of my (many) 3 woods (you can see I have a problem with 3 woods.......). They feel really sweet, do not balloon on me (and I do have a problem with that (110-112mph with driver - bit steep!). Real test will be my club championships starting this weekend. Hope this helps, sorry about the long-winded reply, but I have waited about 12 months for this combo and I am very happy that it seems to have worked out well - a successful experiment. Thanks to Chris for the shafts - he was right yet again. Cheers D
How much is too much???
I've had the Technity wedges (52/56/60) for a few months now and hit many balls. When they were new they shredded balls in a scary way - I was worried! Now the grooves have settled in a bit they are perfect. Our winters in Australia produce dry, hard and firm conditions and these wedges are the beez underpants! My brother got the copper ones and he loves em too.