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wow mike sorry to hear you lost the desire... I am suree a break will have you itching for more!

I hope you are right Pete . I have way too much money tied up in equipment and clothes ( shoes , shirts , shorts etc etc ) to stop playing for good man .

Am hoping my operation goes this wnter so that I maybe , just maybe :smile1: be ready for golf next summer . Or I could end up missing next year as well . :sad:

Oh well time for a little afternoon siesta now .

Later Dude's


Mike..Hope your surgery goes this winter also...having had 4 operations and looking at a 5th winter is always the best time to rehab..what else is there to do during the off season. You're right had no idea you rode..enjoy the wind in your hair ( provided of course you still have yours :laugh: ) and take care of yourself. Drop in now and again, I for one would miss your presence.

I need to play more..I can practice till the cows come home but without time on the course it just doesn't work as well...lose my ability to concentrate, or what little ability I have had..

Mike what kind of bike do you ride? I hope you get the call you want very soon and you get to feeling better soon.

Shoe I know how you feel. I get bored on the range and just start into the rapid fire mode. I Have been playing more this summer and it has helped more than last year when i tried the practice more routine.

I am putting the clubs down for a few weeks. I played last week and the left side of my neck down through the outside of my should started hurting. I went to warm up today and could only make half of a swing back and half through so I left. Great...I have been having a pretty good summer. Oh well. I hope everyone is doing good.


I lost my lob wedge this past weekend during 3.5 hrs worth of 9 holes in 100deg heat!

Not exactly a great day on the course for me!

I was watching Public TV last Sunday and was surprised to see a 3 hr show on the Grateful Dead...little did I know they were using the Dead as a fund raising show!!!! What is the world coming too when the Dead are so mainstream that the Public TV uses them to help raise cash....sigh..I truly are getting old..

The Dead for fundraising? What kind of fundraising was it? That just does not seem right.

Mike what kind of bike do you ride?  I hope you get the call you want very soon and you get to feeling better soon.  

Shoe I know how you feel.  I get bored on the range and just start into the rapid fire mode.  I Have been playing more this summer and it has helped more than last year when i tried the practice more routine.

I am putting the clubs down for a few weeks.  I played last week and the left side of my neck down through the outside of my should started hurting.  I went to warm up today and could only make half of a swing back and half through so I left.  Great...I have been having a pretty good summer.  Oh well.  I hope everyone is doing good.


Alan , picked up a 85 Suzuki 750 Intruder for a great price . :cool:

It had the engine rebuilt last year at a big cost and has got less than 1000 Km's on it since .

The guy sold it to buy something bigger . I bought it cause gas up here is oner $1 a litre which for a gallon is over $4 . :finger: Almost $5 Can bucks .

But will be looking at a chopper bike kit that I can build myself once I have fully recovered from my operation so I hope it goes well .

Shuold keep me occupied for awhile :laugh:

Later Guys .


The Dead for fundraising?  What kind of fundraising was it?  That just does not seem right.

they do the typical Public TV stuff...show a little of the Dead Movie and then cut away to a call center where you can phone in pledges and buy Dead merchandise at a remarkably exaggerated price. Don Henley had a line in a song, I believe it was from the "Boys of Summer" that went "saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac" which is just how I felt. Wrong just wrong

hey mike, that is really good!

PBS has been doing those "deadhead" pledge drives for years now.

It makes sense you'd be hard pressed to find a more liberal basic cable station.

I personally love PBS... NOVA is some of the best TV ever.

In golf related news, I picked up a tour 540xd and am really liking it. I got it in a 8.5 with a nvs75. I need some work done on my 983 to get the swingweight right and then we'll have a real shootout. I never thought I would get suckered into that tour s**t, but the thing is really sweet.

Pete good to hear you are liking the driver. Mike I looked into a bike last year but did not get one but would love to get a cruiser. With gas prices getting higher and higher here it woud be nice to get 50 mph per gallon. I am down for the next two weeks (not counting the past two. Neck is acting up and the doc said no golf for 2 weeks. He says I torqued it to much. I guess having 40 rounds in already this year will do that.

I am just so out of touch...just got cable for my mom so she can cruise the internet and watch tv at the same time LOL...at 79 she's no technotard.. :whistle: ...so I haven't seen any public tv for years..

Al sorry to hear about the neck woes...is that happens when you become torqued and get your neck out of joint? I always wondered what that meant...

Been painting the last 2 weeks on my off days, will finish the garage monday and finally get to play on Tuesday...then get to paint my friends house cuz she got a couple of bids that seem really high and i'm a sucker when a woman says "plllleaaaassseeee" and bats her eyes at me...my 14yr old daughter is helping( for $5 an hour) and i learned never ever trust her with a power washer...took most of the morning to dry out..getting ready to replace most of my bag after the first of the year.. :money: :money: :money: ...

enjoy the weekend all


Let me say that a steroid shot is a good thing. I am feeling better but have waited to swing a club. I want it to heal...not just feel better for one round. He said it was more than likely due to my traveling and having to sleep in small beds...I am 6'2 and was sleeping in a single bed for 3 weeks....and the amount of golf I have played over the summer. I have right at 40 rounds this year so far. My swing is smooth but hard and long and I think I just put too much stress on the neck but I love to hit the ball hard.

I have been quite neglectful of my postings. Things have been very busy for me. There was a shooting at the school I teach at. One boy was shot in the leg but he was part of the group and knew what he was doing. They did not mean to shhot him but did accidently. He is okay but under house arrest being charged with conspirarcy to commit murder alon with the other two. This was stressful but I was not worried about my self. I went straight into my protector mode. The kids came first and they were all calm...they did not know what was going on since we were in lockdown. On Sunday a new member of the family was added...although it might be temporary. This beautiful about 6 month old yello lab/golden retriver mix followed me home from the boat ramp at the end of the street and has been here every since. He is a great dog but I am still treating him as a temporary guest. Although I have noticed I have been more relaxed. I always have problems with stress and it comes out as a burning pain in each side of my abdomen and it has not been there for the last few days. Maybe he is my good thing to balance the bad. What bothers me the most was one of the kids I had when I was in the 5th grade and last year I went to the funeral for his mother and sisters (killed in a car wreck...he lost his father 3 years ago.

I know I really did not make a point above but I just needed to get this off of my chest. Guys I hope you are all doing good.


Sorry to hear about your troubles lately. It's good to get things off your chest, even if it is a little old thread in a golf forum.

Personally, I'd keep the dog if he/she is sweet. I have 3 dogs and I wish I could live my life like they do. Pampered beyond belief, always happy, excited to see people, and they love food. :cool:


Sorry to hear about your troubles lately.  It's good to get things off your chest, even if it is a little old thread in a golf forum.

Personally, I'd keep the dog if he/she is sweet.  I have 3 dogs and I wish I could live my life like they do.  Pampered beyond belief, always happy, excited to see people, and they love food.   :cool:

Hip: Thanks. Last night after I typed all of that I felt like I relaxed more. I think the dog is staying. He and I just came in from a session of tennis bone (a bone that is made like a tennis ball) and he is doing pretty good. I am more than likely going to erect a fence in the back yard for the dog house so he has a place to stay when I am at work. He is a great pup.


  • 2 weeks later...

Alan...hope your neck is feeling better...d**n gunfire at school! how horribly urban. I am always intrigued by the karmic implecations when the only person injured in these kinds of attacks are the perpatrators. Where do you suppose they get the guns? We just had 10 kids arrested in a drive by shooting in which no one was seriously injured and again I asked where do they get the weapons and what kind of moron allows kids to get their hands on them? The world has truly gone nuts in a large, violent, unsupervised manner. *sigh*shake head* I like dogs a lot, haven't had one of my own in about 5 years so I make do with my youngest daughter and her mom's little beast. a chihauhau/jack russel terrier mix so he has ADD and hyperactivity disorder in spades. Reminds me of the old Ricochet Rabbit cartoon the way he bounces off every wall in the place at twice the speed of sound.

I played for the first time in 3 weeks last tuesday, the fall rates have arrived at the county courses in northern Illinois so it cost me $10 to walk 18 holes!!!!, and shot a very unspectacular 78, 2 doubles and only one bird. Put the Gemini driver in the bag for the heck of it and added 15 yds on an average drive over my old TM mid...now I need a new driver head to stick on the 652...ah well off to work...enjoy the week end

Shoe: The kid got the guns from his guardian. They were kept out and not locked so they will be charged also. I agree with you on where the world has/is going and it is sad. I live in a rural county and the school I teachat...well lets just say everyone was saying they never thought it would happen here but guess what folks that is what everyone says when it happens in their community.

The dog is here to stay. His name is Hank. I put in a 30x30 foot chain link fence over Labor Day weekend so he has a place to stay during the day. Great dog just have to do some obedience training with him. Today I am taking him down to the lake to see if he likes to swim. He should since he is part lab/part golden retriever.

I played for the first time last night in 4 weeks. I have not swung a club in 4 weeks. I warmed up and then we went out at 5:50 pm and got 18 holes in 2 hours and 10 minutes. I had 3 birdies, 4 bogeys, and 11 pars for a 73....sank a 5 foot putt almost in the dark for bird on 18. My partner hod 5 birdies and an eagle and shot 72 with 2 doubles.

I have a new putter so to say. A little history first...when I first started playing my father got me a ping pal 4 black stainless back in 1993. This putter got stolen from me in 1995. I have been looking for one every since. I found one this week brand new. A guy on ebay was selling his ping putter collection and he had a Pal 2 black stainless so I pulled the trigger. I know it is not the pal4 but just glad to have one back in my possession. I am going to post pics on golfwrx of the putter and sweet black Ping headcover that I also won on ebay.

Thats all for now. Have a great weekend guys.


Nice round after 4 weeks off! Must of been trying to stay within your limits and not do anything but hit fairway and green?

Happy for both of you that the dog is staying, he'll get a good home and you'll get someone who is always happy to see you regardless of the kind of day you had. That's a winning proposition in my book every time.

Have a great week all

Shoe you hit the nail on the head. I was not trying to over do it. I was remembering my neck and just swinging easier. I need a new shaft for the driver. I am getting all the carry I could ever need but I am getting no roll. I am happy with the distance but not with the height of the tee shot. Not a rainbow but high and it comes down soft. I am thinking Accuflex Evolution. I would like to do the 757 route but cannot afford one. I used one in a 510tp before I got hurt and it was great.

The dog is great. His name is Hank. He gets a 4-5 mile walk every night and right now we are working on fetching and then coming back. He has the fetch down but likes to take the scenic route back. He is great. Have a great week guys.

Wonder what AK, Lance, and Mike are up to?

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Well hello - hello !

Alan - congrats on the puppy - nothing like cleaning up poop in the back yard and buying 40 lb. bags of dog chow. Seriously - I loved my first dog a doberman that I bought my wife for our first anniversary. She only made it 12 years - but it was work and fun having her. My kids bought a sheltie mix last year - she is finally becoming a great dog.

Anyway - my golf game just plain sucks - oh ! maybe because I only played 4 rounds this month and went to the range once. :wah: :wah: :wah:

Hope all is well for evreyone else.

If somemone would like to lend me a set of game imrovment clubs I would appreciate it. Can't hit these blades to save my life. :fever: :mad: :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...

Guy's what's up ?? I see this thread has not moved in a little while , just wondering if you are all on a break or what .

I know , I know , look who's talking right :smile2:

So what has everyone been up to the last few months ?? Nothing good I hope :laugh:

Almost four months on the beeper now and still no end in sight , but am keeping a good attitude about it . It will happen when it happens and not before .

Take Care Guy's and we'll see you around .


Hello Ladies! Great to see you're doing ok Mike. Hope everyone else is doing well. Andy, x-14ps cheap PM me if you want them. My latest is a nice set of J-33 combos with tour concepts, HOT. We'll see if they last longer than two weeks :spit: The putter is under the gun though, not putting so hot. The greens just don't break in Texas. I keep looking for the Stratosphere to judge break.

Well hello - hello !

Alan - congrats on the puppy - nothing like cleaning up poop in the back yard and buying 40 lb. bags of dog chow.  Seriously - I loved my first dog a doberman that I bought my wife for our first anniversary.  She only made it 12 years - but it was work and fun having her.  My kids bought a sheltie mix last year - she is finally becoming a great dog.

Anyway - my golf game just plain sucks - oh ! maybe because I only played 4 rounds this month and went to the range once. :wah:  :wah:  :wah:  

Hope all is well for evreyone else.  

If somemone would like to lend me a set of game imrovment clubs I would appreciate it.  Can't hit these blades to save my life. :fever:  :mad:  :wink:

And I, for you Andy, have a very fine set of Ping ISI's, black dot., with stiff shafts, I'd be willing to part with. I'm not sure if these are tour irons or not, but I'm pretty sure they are.................NOT!

Only 4 rounds? At least with only 4 rounds under your belt, you have a reason for not playing well. I don't have an excuse.

I also have no excuse except I'm painting a house and it's taking way more work than I bargained for...when I'm done I'll play til winter kills the season. I need a new driver but am waiting for some of the newer models to come out, specifically the Tour Edge Exotic and the bridgestone 460 cc model..bigger needs to be better right? I really want a new putter but I keep making putts with the old odyssey so how can I switch? take care all

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