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Hey T and everyone else at TSG. I hope everyone is fine. Hope and pray everything Will return to normal and no more panic situation after tonight. Wish you guys safe and sound. Try to sleep well tonight and be safe


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glad you guys are ok, sorry for folks who got hit, scary stuff. makes you think, doest it?! news says there is forecast that its gonna continue for about a month or so with up to 7 magnitude and possibilities of new tsunamis as well. sounds like the coast, transport and buildings are places you dont wanna be near even tho i hear Japanese build everything specifically to withstand those things as much as possible.

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Terrible terrible news... they just found 300+ bodies floating in the water in Sendai where the Tsunami initially hit hard....


It's been a long day.... we're going to hit the sack soon but we've brought our shoes upstairs and our care and survival bags are fully packed!

Still getting scary tremors.... millions are still stranded from home.... still battling the fires in Ichihara here in Chiba.

Hang on T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's 1am. Trying to sleep but it's hard with little tremors swaying the house every 10 minutes or so. Anything that lasts for more than a few seconds has me up and alert.


I'm pretty sure others will feel the same. If there's anything you, Stew & others that have been affected need, don't hesitate to let us know.



I'm pretty sure others will feel the same. If there's anything you, Stew & others that have been affected need, don't hesitate to let us know.

T and Stew thanks for getting me through the night here last night. You see, my wife called me at work to tell that an earthquake had just happened in Japan and that it was big. My first question to her was about our daughter who has been in Yokohama since December going to school and staying with her grandparents. Unfortunately she had no answer as the phones were down and she wasn't able to reach her by Skype or email. It was a long night at work as I watched the internet news scanning all info I could. I logged on to TSG and the info we all shared here helped me some because I knew that Yokohama while affected; wasn't in the main path. Thankfully my daughter is all right but it wasn't until almost near the end of my shift that I was able to find that out. I feel for all of you over there and hope you all are safe. Even now, my daughter is still up watching the news as the power just came on for them a couple of hours ago. I was able to see her on Skype this am and I can still hear her speaking with my wife.

Take care everyone and thanks again to Tario and Stew. You guys helped me quite a bit.


WOW!!!!! I live on Maui and went to bed early last night and missed the news. We are starting to feel the effects of the earthquake now here in the islands with some flooding but so far nothing near what you guys in Japan have and are experiencing. Stay safe Stew and Tario we're thinking about you and praying this is over!



I'm pretty sure others will feel the same. If there's anything you, Stew & others that have been affected need, don't hesitate to let us know.

We're here for you guys!!! Anything!!!!!!!!!!

Can't imagine what you are going through........

but thinking of everyone...... good luck.

Cannot imagine what you guys are going thru. Prayers are with you and your families and everyone there that may be affected by this awlful event.

Jeez, the pics of and videos of this are horrifying! Glad you guys are ok!

It's glad to know everyone is safe... Prayers are with you guys who have been affected by this horoffic earthquake.. Hope everyone stay safe

Those in japan, hope you all are safe. T and stew i heard there was a code orange quake this afro?

God bless guys. Hope all your loved ones are ok.

Pray for Japan!

Our thoughts and prayers to all of you guys in Japan and condolences to the Japanese people who lost their love ones during this devastating calamity. Take care and be safe.

Mornings pics are emerging. Really bad. We should have everyone in Japan that we know here on TSG to report in that they are safe. Gocchin - We haven't heard from you in 9 hours.

Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Japan.

morning fellAS

well another nteresting night.. non stop shocks and sways but mercifully nothing that made us get up

was a night of intereupted sleep and concern over how fast we could get downstairs in need be.

still w a huge waarning for tsunami over the whole counrty but after the big shock yesteday sways that wewere getting last night felt like going over a speeed bump in a 4wd.

not sure what were going to do now.

bec golf is off......!

my house seeemd to handle the pressure cooker pretty well so well have a look around it make sure nothings broken

poor sendai doesnt seem to exist anymore.

they said it as a one in 1000 yrs shock. pls god let that be true!

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I'm up but tired!

Like Stew we sweated it through a night of tremors and shocks... another 6.6 earthquake actually hit inland in the middle of the night in Nagano, slightly north west of Tokyo.

We're also not sure what to do as we are actually low on groceries so we may have to venture out.

Still have our emergency bags packed and ready to go.

I've received over 50 emails from customers and members of TSG checking on my well being.

I did not expect that but am very appreciated at the amount of caring and concern.

Right now the main concerns are areas northern japan being wiped out, the toll of casualties rising and the nuclear plant in Fukushima getting very unstable...

The tremors continue this morning but they seem to have weakened with once in a while a more violent one.

Thanks again to everyone for caring.

Stew, did you try and call me? I see your number attemped my phone through the Docomo messaging center... lines are still up and down here in Japan and connecting is tough.

YES MATE have only been able to make 1 call so far.

this seems to be the only medium open regularly

ive got a big bag packed at the door but as emi says where the hell we going to go?

this seems to be the safest place.

nothing new here since 8ish

looks.l ike the fire at the refinery is out thankfully.

that plant at fukushima tho.......................

FiRST sign of real concern and trouble will see me on QF 21 end of chat!

told the missus be ready im not joking

oh here we go agn!!!!

It might be best to stock on what you guys can if any stores are open. I saw coverage that some convenience stores & groceries are closed.

Hopefully, they will be able to remedy the situations at the plants very soon.

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