September 7, 201212 yr Any thoughts on the 2012 jdm drivers over the summer?? I will mention one that I stumbled into by accident. It is the Works Golf Hyperblade Premia. Imagine feel as good as the EPON 460 ZR , the spring like explosion of the Crazy 460, the sheer firepower of a JBEAM 435 or 440, and the consistency of a Ryoma. Yep its been that good for me. Edited September 7, 201212 yr by driverhead
September 8, 201212 yr Current drivers Ryoma Vspec/ FEX Proto 75s = hollow tingy spongy soft "Old school" Yamaha V410/ Crazy Red 7.4 = solid solid solid thwack soft Both very pleasurable, but the 2nd one gives more instantaneous feedback in the hands
September 9, 201212 yr HELP ! Looking for a new head. My current gamer is a ryoma vspec 9.5 on a CB46, secondary an Epon 152 8.5 on diamana x. Have tried the LY02, diamana x on my ryoma head but best shaft on the ryoma for me is so far the cb46. Just looking to try out a new head on my diamana x Thanks
September 9, 201212 yr Any thoughts on the 2012 jdm drivers over the summer?? I've tried 3 JDM drivers this summer; Kamui Works Ray, jBEAM 445 HG and a Geotech RF700. All good drivers in their own right but for my swing, the Kamui was the best. Obviously the shaft had a lot to do with it, and it wasn't perfect as the sound was too muted for me, but the feel off the face and the ball flight were spectacular. I'll buy one.....eventually, but will have to try a Yamaha before I make that purchase!
September 10, 201212 yr a new head fo the diamnan x huh...... well ive found that the epon zero and this shaft adore each other. and so does the kamui pro pk-x they are both more solid pingy feeling heads than uber spongey soft ones. and , while i ihavent tried this shaft in a yamaha or ryoma head. id htink the ryoma head might be a tad on the low and soft side , i think theres prob better suited heads thatsw my OPINION.... the yam tour. ............., well i thougth about this long and hard ,but he way the cb50 and bb7 play in it i ahve absolutely no want to swap them over. id guess , considering the yamah head loves all shafts..., id think it would be a great match, low low spin of the diamana and the 10* loft of the yama would send the ball on a very nice trajectory indeed and get a fair amont of roll id guess. with the diamana X i think ud prob get more out of it with slightly higher lofted heads than lower ones. the 2 heads mine are in are 10.5* and 10* they are perfect, really.
September 21, 201212 yr That's interesting. Maybe the shaft and head combo was not the right fit for you. Most JDM drivers are really soft, especially the forged ones. I know that sound is a big part of feel, some drivers may have an enhanced sound which makes it feel like it is hard, or harsh to some people. But all in all, the quality of JDM drivers are so much higher than typical US drivers and they are softer and more consistent in feel across the face. The right combination of shaft and head will definitely make it worth the extra change!
September 21, 201212 yr Do some of these drivers require higher swing speeds (100+) to make them feel soft?
September 23, 201212 yr Do some of these drivers require higher swing speeds (100+) to make them feel soft? IMO, I'd say as long as the shaft was the right match for your SS, No. A couple of years a go my SS was much faster than now. A couple of shoulder surgeries slowed it way down and I really haven't noticed much difference in feel with the different SS's As my SS has slowly been coming back as long as the right shaft is used it's all good
November 12, 20204 yr I just bought a used PRGR iD Nabila driver from GolfPartner and was surprised that it had more of a "crack" at impact, which translated to a harsher feel (at least to me) as opposed to the more muted thud that I am used to from previous Maruman/Honma/TourStage drivers. It is shafted with a Diamana B-series, which is a very smooth-kicking shaft so...
November 14, 20204 yr It might not come under JDM exactly -- but you will love the feel of the new Callaway BB driver. Spoken to a dozen guys who recently purchased this and they all rave about it.
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