May 13, 20186 yr Author I like all the eggs but the egg 7 is my fave., the one i use back home is faultlesss. So that gets the top gong, diamana aliislei 80s @ 44. smalls inchs. its my pick even tho the others are longer i dont really miss with that, its purpose built so if its a HOF not everyone gets in. pete rose????
November 19, 20186 yr Author THE latest of Thors hammers. ****ASTRO TOUR vIII 10* head/quadra fire express 65x prototype (2016) cadero grip 45 inch 323g sp700 face**** I thought , ok it looks pretty hot , the graphics on the shaft are great, and the astro tour head I know goes monster long as the v2 is prob my longest single shot driver and the new shape head is more my style, its a compact full body with a hint of a an elongated rounded oval face (square face angle ) . A VERY good head shape for ME to look at to draw the ball which Isnt my natural swing so that helps me . yea,ok......., ill give it a whirl Hmmmmmmmmmmmm , first game up I wasn't that taken by it at all , I missed a few right! contrary to what I thought this wud do and that is a catastrophic miss for me..... and felt a bit ,well , not loose, a but flippy.... its not as tight as im used to or prefer.. but it was, I was confused ! The ball seems to sit on the face longer than Im used to , it feels like a trampoline driver, so I benched ot for a cpl of weeks abut took it back out yesterday with the big dogs (In all honesty ithought id move it along bec I didn't thinik it wud cust the mustard vs the JBEAMS.) Well Yesterday it did , and its a keeper! 6/7 fairways, mid high flight that seems very tough to hook or draw more than a cpl of yards ( this has always been the case for me with quadra shafts) , but the best thing was the straight to slight fade shot, , its a bazooka, I leant into a cpl on open fairways and launched some all effort shots that I middled and it was huge. proper huge.. I have been driving the ball superbly last few weeks with all different driver combos , ryoma stinger70s, jbeam 435 diamana X, roddio s tuning diamana X and this vs these didn't miss a beat it handles all power with aplomb and really thumps the ball. At address is hides it 460cc size nicely and you can see just enough of the face to make it look like the shot uwant to hit, unlike say the v2 which is just point shoot. iprefer this to the v2 bec the shape is sounder, fuller like the jbeam. its a head that guys that like a fuller shape shud really gravitate to. THE SHAFT ,well its good, is it as good as my diamanas ?????? prob not. but tis not far behind nad theres a heck of a differnce in price for those. im actually really thinking of putting a stinger In an 11* version head bec I think that might take the mantle of all carry driver.
November 19, 20186 yr Nice review!! Astro Tour VIII has been on my list to try.... just have not gotten to finding a used head with the right specs. I believe they have a 8 deg head .... might be a good head to play around with a Long Drive spec build at 48 or something : ) BTW, the ball sticking on the face a tad longer is likely due to the SP700 face.
November 19, 20186 yr Author cheers nobs.thats not my prefered feel. i like instant gratifcation, the best example being the freheit G. driver. not sure what they use on that but with the diamana x in it the ball feels like its an oppsoite magnet. hardly touches the face and its gone. extremely rigid feel that gives a false impression of not being long. but straight and direct. this one feels like its gone miles bec u feel the shaft bend and flick.. it takes some getting used to. maybe itll grow.on me. illplay both the G amd this one day soon and see whats best suited.
December 18, 20186 yr Author took both the astro tours out on the weekend. the version 2 is an absiolute beast. Tbh a harder or rather faster swinger than I shud have this set up, I can activate it but JUST, theres so much more in the tank that my methodical swing doesn't utilize to the full , its a howler of a club , truly. by comapirson the verion 3 is a like a placement driver, I can shape that nicely . not a lot but more tan th V2. im really really liking playing this last cpl of weeks. last wekeeend I was on song with it big time. so much confidence with it now. head shape suits a course with twists and trnrs from the tee box. I wudnt take it out on a 7300 yard behemouth , bec theres better suited to that. but for a week I n out driver I like this as much as the ryoma d1 Edited June 8, 20204 yr by supo
December 18, 20186 yr Pretty! Is one of them a little shorted face-to-back? It looks like it and it looks good! That is how I like my drivers. Conventional shape - deep face - easily manoeuvrable.
December 19, 20186 yr Author give it a whirl fella I really doubt ul be disappointed. Edited May 24, 20213 yr by supo
February 22, 20214 yr Author 2021 got under way with a cpl of new builds i thought up and Mr wizard did his thing with and made sing like a soprano. 2009 ONOFF type D 10 */ diamana X 70s @ 45inch for workability and an easy relaxed winter build 2013 ONOFF MP-513D /graphite design p9003x @ 43.5inch for control and placement Ive had both these heads sitting around for ages and cudnt think what to do with them, the 2009 is THE ........ THE best beginners driver head ive ever hit and was thinking to keep for my son and is the head ive reccommended to so many guys here , most of which are still playing bec it cant be bettered so i figuered ,why not try this with my best shaft as an ok, im playing for sheep stations , i need to hit all 14 today., It didnt dissapoint ! My driving as a rule is the strong point of my game so i dont really need more length, i cud always play around with a bit more versatility. I dont miss fairways s much any more and yesterday i hit 13 of them with the one i missed in better shape rough than the fairway was ! Decided to play the new drivers the whole round yesterday as it was windy and temps were around 20 * so was a good test for them , i knew id got a good un immediatly , when on hole 1, i hit a baby fade 260yards dead centre in a significant cross wind. Straight from the restaurant to the tee and kabang! .. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook.... i think this is going to be a good driver ! Wasnt let down. i play multiple drivers when im practice rounds and decided to just pay the 2 new boys when on hole 2 i hit the other one (43.5inch) and almost drove the damn green on the short par4. was like an exorcet missile, i was speechelss............................ THIS was supposed to be a control driver for awful tricky Pete Dye monstrosities i " have " to play from time to time and i just hit it a country mile. THATs staying in the bag!!! Mr wizards builds are good , i dont heave to tell him anything anymore as hes been building my club for on 20 yrs but i have NOT been more impressed and surprised by a driver as much as this, EVER. I already own a decent array of short ( sub 44.5 inch) drivers but never one at 3w length and never one that hits the ball without lateral movement like this........ My Taylor made tp09 with bimatrix at44.125 inch has been my best build to date but i gotta say this might have taken its spot. i wil say one thing , ill build another one of these and send it back home to play on my links bec the accuracy of it is unmatchable.......... the key i believe is its swing weighted to B9 at 320g ! ill post photos when i get my bag back. these , epsecially the short one are quite inspiring. once again, it doesnt have to be spakly new with TM m1000000000 written on it to be great. Pls dont ask about my iron play.. sigh........................... LOTS of work to do! Edited May 22, 20213 yr by supo
May 22, 20213 yr Author mini driver pics finally added . for its size.. this things a dead set proper hammer
July 12, 20213 yr Author FINALLY found a head to match the 7d i have with, the jbeam 435 was great but i felt i wasnt getting the most from it bec i was missing out on quite a lot of carry , it was launching lower than i expected so i wasnt playing it as much as it shud have been played, i bascially took it out in s**tty conds when it was windy!, thats SUCH a waste of such high end components, i was tending to favour the other stinger shafted 435 over it day to day , again ( not a bad set up either ) so i took it to mr wizard and we sat down and he suggested the kamui pro tp 09 , i have a few tp07s in play already with diamana X 60x and stinger so i know these and have been killing it with them for the past 12-18 months , i have 3 astro tours in play as well and LOVE them all so instead of getting another we settled on the kamui pro , this time the tp09d 10* at 196gram nad it was ........................ WINNER WINNER.............! sometimes , u give ur self a pat on the back when things turn out well, this is one of those times, and no......... you will never, ever, ever find one of these in a used bin for 100 bucks at golf-mongtard-usa , somertimes it pays to pay up. this is also one of those times. it was in brutal conditions where the ball was burying itself in the fairway there was so much standing water and the carry was SUPERB. flight was so different to the jbeam and i never one lost it left. feel was great, flight great. confidenceat address great. it looks great. will play it this weekend Vs the other kamui prob diamana X which is my fave stick at present to see if theres any varialbles , thats another long carry driver . all tests i do are in real conditions on a course , not with some GPS thing. i tend to find where the ball ends up on a golf course with trees , wind and water about from a tee box and preping the area for ur second shot means a whole lot more than some random number generating machine........................ into a net. but then................ i tend to find im in the minority. I added a new semi mini hammer this weekend a 44.5 inch /321 g / wacccine gtr88 with royal coll 11* 202g head and cadero grip. NON cf model. where as the onoff is very electric feel and super light swing weights this is the polar opposite , feels heavy, play heavy thumps heavy with a very very nice flat high flight that is extremely workable. one of the nicest fullest dense thumps ive EVER hit in a club nad for 11* this thing GOES LONG benched the new 7d/kamui 10* set up to play it solely over the last 6 holes its feel , was so addictive . conditions were absolutely attrocious carr was VERY good. very different style to the super big head onoff this is a mighty compact 390cc uber deep , uber thuddy head. u either like these or u dont. i LOVE them. the feel they give is rediculous makes u think ur grabbing another 30 yards... which u are! the shaft is absolutely lights out as well. forgot completely how nice this shaft is, its been sitting headless for an eon. aamzing hititng this. Edited March 17, 20231 yr by supo
September 21, 20213 yr Author had t he new RC out in plenty of games now, it cud be the , THE best small compact driver. better than the kasco (never ever did i think i wud be saying that ) ? but i think it is , its more workable , fuller and better feeling/sounding. i they are close, but id take the R/C now. its so good . my fairway drivers are in dire straights for benching., its not a distance champ, but it was never made to be one, its an over the trees,, round the corner, hit that short par 4. lay up with a huge arc driver thats get out there but wont win any LD comps. those rotten short tricked up pete dye type tracks just got a new 1w. superb driver ,so good in fact i got a 202g 9* for low windy lack of launch days. to be shafted with im not sure yet..............., Edited September 21, 20213 yr by supo
September 30, 20213 yr On 7/12/2021 at 1:25 AM, supo said: Are either of these drivers made in Japan?
October 5, 20213 yr Author Post April its been a build-a-thon of titanic proportions, especially fairway woods but thats another thread...,what am i up to for drivers this year now , i think this one might be no 9 or 10 maybe .........., 2 or 3 astro tours, 2 kamuis, 2 royal colls, 2 onoffs, a cpl of jbeams.... sounds about right. but it all stops by November so make hay i say ! So, Mr wizard " accidentally " made me a NEW build a cpl of weeks back, initially i wanted a retail 2010 diamana stinger 70s built with the kamui tp07 10* to test vs the Diamana X 60s and the winner or more preferd one wud stay and the other shaft was to get reassigned but when i picked it up , i got quite the shock , HE thought it might be fun to so something a little different to usual "just for a change" beceasuse the numbers he said, just looked right so here it is. kamui pro tp-07 460 10* -diamana stinger (2004) 71x 331 gram d3.5 45.6 inch thats, out of the ordinary for me to say the least ! All my drivers are between 43.5 and 45 inch - 315/325g - c9/d2.5 . none are so closely related thats theres replication, on the outside theres a cpl that may look the same but the engines in them tell a totally different story. No better example than the 3 Astro tour builds i play ,same head exactly. 10* 198g but with a Diamana X 60s... Quadra fire tp-xv 65sx and the Diamana stinger 71x , theres as much similarity for feel and flight as sushi vs mcdonalds yea i get the argument they are both food.............................well sushi is............................, but in play theres NO similarity. id no more likely take out the quadra in a blustery pre typhoon as i wud the stinger at Nishi Nasuno, both wud be equally dumbass decisions. As opposed to what i was expecting , a 45inch x 320g x d1 ish driver THAT stinger shaft it appears went to another head, My Jbeam black 10.5* that is getting picked up for this weekends game , (soooooooooooooooooo excited!) i got the behemouth and it was freaking me out.,.............. its instantly noticeable even in the shop how much longer it is at address. and its heavier and its swing weight is MUCH heavier. gulp. onto its thing...... First tee i automatically , instinctively choked down quite a bit to make it feel " normal" and hit it dead straight down the tubes to a normal distance with my lovely Bridgetone tour B xs balls. Whole front 9 was the same , i was choking down an inch and leaving the butt exposed results were primo, distance was spot on, dispersion was great flight was mid/ midlow all boxes ticekd but nothing out of the ordinary, so on the back nine i let it loose , extended to the full range and let it rip a bit more i definitely sprayed a cpl about , but none lost. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok ill bag here agn next week Week2: same course ,same conds and i hit a TON of balls in a praccy game, i got a bit more used to the rebound flex and held it all the way to extension. its definitely a bit whippier, not as tight, but a HUGE flight difference as well. instead of punchy mid low holding it fully out gives it some extra height. wow ,what a difference it made. flight was HIGH. small bend both ways when i wanted it. not too much , just enough, nad everything seemed to sail/soar/hold..... was awsome. week 3....... i played it both ways, choked down on short par 4s and gave it the long handle on the long ones. 14/14 .. but the wow thing was where they ended up , i got one as good as ive got these days and it broke my distance record for this course by 12-15 yards with no wind assistance. 566 yard par 5, dead flat , dead centre then a 5 wood into 60 yards for chip /putt and bird dog! THIS IS A KEEPER! The 2 main attributes ive discovered are by choking down on it i can hit low stinger drives that go no more than 10-15 feet off ground , hit release and secure fairway with consistency. If the fairway opens, take full extension and wail for high HIGH soaring bombs. Im in love............ it leaves me with a giagantic quandry bec. im addicted to it, its not my A-Grade driver and wont be most prob bec its JUST that bit whippier than i prefer but for non comp days on open wide plained fairway tracks its got the spot.......... by a ways It looks awsome as well. full stealth black, "murdered out" ( never liked that term ) paint fill , black head, diamana pertol hued shaft with the flower logo and bee and black cadero grip. 3 weeks driving a TON of bridgetone B xs balls on course has made me stand up and take note, i wont make this long build a thing, it still feels a bit wrong in hand bec its so long. i MUCH prefer the safety the shorter stouter driver builds give me for a money/comp outing. But id take this out for any day not counting sheep, 10/10 for what it is!
October 11, 20213 yr Author I added the most eagerly awaited jbeam 10.5* black 435 / diamana stinger (09) 70s,45 x d1x 318g to the fray on the weekend, 2 days with it and not surprisingly im quite impressed. VERY differnt feel look to the kamui from last weekend , (as pics below show ) and a very differnt feel. FIRST thing ill say is 1* loft increase and 1 flex softer makes a HECK of a difference to a club in the same head, the carry increase was NOTICEABLE, and the shaft bend JUST that tad more manageable / enjoyable . Ive still got the 435/ 9.5* stinger x in build and i use that when its windy bec it launches low, but the 10.5* /70s is a 100% every day gamer . The jbeam/.boron build mix feel/sound wise has never been a big thing , but the results have always been excellent , essentially one needs to be a bit more robust at impact than i, to get the most of what the X build has to offer , it also favors the right side so loosing a ball left from a hook has NEVER been a thing. the 9.5* i like to play on flat courses where i can grab some run, the 10.5* i can play in the wet no probs. The new 10.5* has it covered for my swing speed, and still appreciates the best i can give more so than the least but an average swing is not punished like it is with the X , the difference from X flex to S flex is not lost at impact its simply a sweeter feel. sigh..... , its time i bit the bullet and realised that although age does not weary one it does make one conscious of ones previous state ! I played the same course i have for 6 weeks on the spin so i know this course precisely and where the ball ends up. I got a cpl of 100% ers out of the dead set screws and sent it, right up there with the kamui from last weekend but straighter the maxed out shot belongs to the kamui tho as does the average of max distance shots BUT the jbeam had its measure (then some ) for consistent straight-arrowness. if it were one over the other ( thankfully its not ) it wud be a hard pill to swallow giving the other one i wont say which one it wud be ........till i need to ! the thing is......................... the jbeam is tighter than the kamui EVEN WITH the kamuis X flex but that prob has as much to do with the build being 1/2 inch longer as it does with the torque differnces S @ 278 cpm and X @ 288 . the old model X is an easier to hit club and its longer. so i thought on it last night , BOTH of these cud and shud be gamed every match , theres no reason not to play either as a one off driver, they are both easily as good as anything ive got . i cud (but wont) oust all others and play both ,irrelevant of conditions wind. rain, typhoon, desert. u name it both these have all conds covered. the jbeam is tighter. the kaumi is softer and longer but moves more. BASICALLYwhen i want to hit str8 as possible ill take the jbeam, when i want to nail some high draw bombs its the kamui as much as there is a length differntial and its not in significant there is a tightness dispersion differential equal to it. horses for course. both are a play for different reasons Edited October 18, 20213 yr by supo
October 17, 20213 yr Author With the insane distance of the non conf. Rcoll11* and waccine gr88 mini driver i felt another Royal collection super cv 9* head built to 45 x D2 x 323g hi cor as in order i had a diamana X 70siting idle (which is akin to golf build blasphamy) and thought why not, finaly nailed down Mr wizard to get this out ASAP and i picked it up friday night for play yesterday in rainy drizzly s**tty conds, took the 11* one as insurance in case it was too bad but to my surprise i played the 9* one the whole round. There was no run out , it was an all carry day and well for 9* i gota say this shone very very brightly as expected . was not expecting to play it much just hit a buch of drives on a few altitude change holes but actually by adjusting the tee heigh i had no issues al day, realy surprised me for a 9* head The fact the head in olny 390cc and incredibly round full means i can change the flight shape at will by adjusting the tee height, this hits everything with absolute simplicity,high cuts,low raking cuts,few yard draws orwhen i got a few , some super high straights, its not as versatile as the11* but its longer and ican guarantee i will get cheat miles out of it when its dry. non conforming, US model IS, and yep it shows for sure. really good distance and workability for those daysw hen ur NOT playing for sheep sations.... or ur mates $20bux For people that dont prefer ,common or garden ... Edited March 17, 20231 yr by supo
November 1, 20213 yr Author Gamed both R/C drivers on sat, hit a lot of balls.......................... not an overly long course but lots of uphill/down hill and pretty straight so from t he tee length was pretty important, and gave me a pretty spot on evidence of distance with both these , both are good ,they are not behind my others really but the difference in flight and attraction to swing is VERY marked. i know the 11* pretty well as ive played this a LOT OVER SUMMER , this thing i can do any and everything i want to it , its really quite special but the 9* is new and it need some breaking in, think thats done now and im happy with what i know about it., its A LOT different to the 11* build. basically, the 11* waccine is ultra versatile, the 9* diamana ,not so. The 11* i can tee it higher or lower for what ever high bomb /stinger shot i like to see and can move it either way with ease , a LOT , for some thats not a good thing, for me its everything. The 11* prefers to be hit with with a cut as draws CAN and do get over excited and tend to go quite a way left......... i really need to aim right to get the draw going with it The 9* with the diamana X 70s is a point shoot driver, it REALLY , really .................doesnt like to ambi-turn . its a small draw, at best , no more than a cpl of yards, or a batted fade more oft than not, good shots are rewarded with a feeling and sound of unmistakeable, hard to replicate purity, this shaft WORKS in this head, better than any other head ive got it in , the feeling is , well, the impact is................ ( ahhhhhhhhhhhhh not like ive done this ) ... BUT but mental picy of holding onto a 10000 hoard of yellow jacket wasps and being stung simultanesouly but instead of pain, u get massive a release of dopamine in the hands ! Its totally addicitive , WAY WAY WAY more so than the waccine. way more so than almost everying i can think of actually! In a shell: the 9* is longer and straighter, the 11* is the versatile one. the 11* is useable in ALL conds, the 9* id not take out in rain, or in mid summer humidity as flight isnt that high at times and one of its main attractors is it gets cheat miles on the ground the 11* doesnt. the 9* is ultra tight , stable and electric the 11* is rubbery high and looser. of these 2............ i can usrvie without the 9* but the 11* is special. begs the question of course................ what will the 10* do and with what shaft ? 2022 will answer that im sure........................................, Edited November 1, 20213 yr by supo
June 6, 20222 yr Author addeds a cpl of new/old builds to the bags recently, none of which will be of any interest to pretty much eveyone bec they dont say TM on them but for those that like spice................ i have had 2 heads that ive been pondering what to do with for a cpl of seasons, the original shaft pairing didnt work out as well as id thought , but i KNOW the heads are super so ive switched the shafts about in them for much better results. first: the astro tour v2, this had a diamana stinger 71x in it but it was simply toolow to play most course and esp in summer when its moist , there was zero movement laterally so it had some use on super fast dry grass but it was a bridge too far most games , its a LONG driver head that is playable by us minions so i took that shaft and re deployed it to kamui pro 10* at 45.5 inch and that has been a reveleation! good lord that thing goes and goes and goes...... its a bomber but at 45.5 inch it can get a tad whippy if my timing is out and can move laterally a ways, on a good still day i take this out and give it some welly on the long par 5s andi odnthink ive got a longer combo, and boy does it feel GOOD! its not my dailly driver nor was it built to be, its Mjollnir. esp for htting big massive draws. SO much fun. but i digress...........back to the said new guys. the astro tour has now a fubuki alpha 70s in it and it trasformed this head into one of my better drivers. its not an iron rod , its got sole life and can be moved ever so slightly it jsut works , i was pretty shocked by how much difference there was but now its one of my go tos if i need reliability and a mid flight with bite and run. when they cut the fairways short and its a long course then this gets the bag spot. seriously chuffed by how good a aset up this is and how " nice" the shaft is. specs are 45.125 x 321 x d1 headshapse is deep but with an elongated oval face that looks like it wants to be hit over left field alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day but is in fact a pretty straight shooter, or rather a head that can be hit whwere uwant it, its more of a point shoot driver and i dont try and get fancy with it its best served hitting straight, and for the most part ive not missed a fairway with it yet . give this ALL thumbs up for longer straighter , thinner tracks. not what id take out when theres a ton of dog legs bec the next one is for that! 11.5* callaway erc 3 / graphite design pt6x. 323 x 45 x d3 right this is quite different, the head is 203g its 11* but laucnhes like 9.5 its got a HUGE face the frames a ball quite unlike mnost, and the feel is insane,,,, equal of the epon 101 , in fact u wudnt know which one was whcih in a blind test. endo japan forged head form 2006. 450cc ALL face. the extra loft of it makes this a very differnt kettle of fish from the 9.5* head which is a pretty straight shooter. the 11* makes tree tops..................... almost makes open fields over jungle seem probalbe and new areas of fariwats to explore, in fact the hardest thing i find with this, is htting it straighter. when u look down at the face and its pointed skywards all sorts on manufactured shots spring to mind. its for the explorer.................. Long been afanof the GD pt model as well, love the looks of the blue on black hoops and the tighness of the impact , mid launching shaft that just does as it shud with no real bias, ND best thingit does NOT ballon. the extra weght keeps the ball to a high but straigh arc. its not a mega distance head ive found it to be a brilliant driver for hitting all carry manufactred drives on bendy tracks. i have the RC cv pro which does similar job, both are excellent, not sure which is better ttoally differnt head shape tho. very differnt drivers for very differnt roles on very different tracks. this one is for short , all carry is at a premium courses that have lots of bends. the feel of it is quite something to boot! just bec its older , dant mean is dead! Edited June 6, 20222 yr by supo
July 28, 20222 yr Author Syard T388 10.5*/ diamana x 70s 45inch built this as a links buster (again) had it witha stinger but such low launch in the wet i wasnt getting the most out ofit, in normal dry conds its as good a build as there is but with the X shaft i have created a one stop shop. my links drivers are the taylor made tp09/bimatrix100x 44inch. prgr egg 7 9* / diamana aliislei 83s 44 inch jbeam 435 9.5*/ diamana stnger 71x roycoll 10.5* / waccine 83s each of these are great....., so long as its hard fast as it usually is and i grab a bunch of cheat miles on the roll out. But nit now, there aint none its wetter than an otters pocket so i need some arc. Hence this older esque classic, well broke that out today for the first time in yonks and absolutley kiled it with it.. not quite as high as iwas looking for Truth be told but the balance of carry , STRAIGHTand abilty to hit the ball 3 feet off the ground And high massive cuts is outstanding. the confidence with this is superb, the overall playabilty is extreme. I have no issues with gulp cut rightinto the creeks anymore. Iloved it. itslike using a rescue wood! feel is perfect ,nice crisp thwackand geat feel in the fingers.nothing at all not to like. Best aspect is unlike ur normal driver whre its bomb/ gouge this is a placement tool, swingaway full throttle and u get what u put in, take abit off and hit low bullet stingers, ,te it high and go ful aerial attack. similar outcome to the roycol but insteadof being short fat this is long elongated. absolulty not coming out of the links bag anytime soon! Edited July 29, 20222 yr by supo
July 28, 20222 yr I really love those RC drivers above. Have had the h2 but can’t find it now. Might have forgotten it at a builder who has moved..
August 17, 20222 yr Author right.. this thing above ,the syard was unbeatable. it beat out the prgr egg, i think bec the shaft at 83g is prob a tougher ask for me now, i cant get it ignite anymore so im changing that over to a 65x. get some weight off it but keep the taughtness, the shape of the egg is absolutely custom built for confidence in the puff which there was insane amounts, the slope rating skyrocekted most games, but the distance loss/ flight height was a bit too much to justify when the syard was spot on prety much every drive. As much as the heads are important, obv they are , the shafts maketh the club i firmly beleive and the diamana X shaftis perfect for waht i want. i played the qudra tp-x bimatrix , diamana aliislei and the tour ad pt 6x but none of them were a lick on the X, the tp-x is by far te best feeling, its got just a hint of kick whihc means it goes longer, that i have no doubt about and on a perfect day with no wind id take this one (astro tour10.5*) , u can feel the difference in kick, my mate used it on sat , used to be aq college golfer way back when and he jsut went wahts this ? love it . he plays the mizuno.diamanablack 60x and thought the astro tour was longer , no doubt. nice to hear.... the alislei has the smoothest silky tink feel it resonates in the fingers long after impact, i shafted a ton of clubs with this a while back, a few fariway woods, cpl of drivers beci just loved its feel, most of them stayed on the links at home but the X shaft has taken that role now and i jsut cant see me changing . The pt -x was prob the nect tightest but it just lacks feel, this is all about peformance, im going to re shaft this in a jbeam 435 and leave it back at home. that , works. the s-yard tho , i just cant forget how good this is a a build, its not heavy its not light, it looks like u can hit it anywhere but trying to hook it takes intestinal fortitude, the best shots i put on it consistatnly were a small cut fade/ its jsut does it with aplomb, teed it low to hit bullet like stingers from the top of te course , teed it high with the wind over the right shoulder and drew it , it really is PROB. my most versatile driver. , its a one stop shop head , IF u like, like i do, to try different things, its not the best autonmotron head one swing one thought, but it is a head for thinking. if ur not a pro.
October 31, 20222 yr Author Winter cometh early it seems, snow already on the big bump by GOTEMBA and brilliant colour change of leaves usher in difffernt thoughts on the links , time for lighter , airier, easier drivers now required. enter the new build , the ROYAL COLLECTION 104t 10.5* / diamana stinger 71s 45inch Simply ........... if u ever wanted a head that says relax, just by looking at it, this is one of those. 460cc, 195g BIG, full bodied, slightly oval face , for me its a stand out from the crowd head , comapred to the other RCs above for eg, it cudnt be more opposite. Took it out with the jbeam 435 ,same shaft and the only similarity they share the shaft. talk about chalk cheese for a same shafted head! The R/C at address jsut says swing me, u dont need to hit hard , just swing, ill do the rest, it has a very thin tinky feel at impact thanks to the face being made from lighter weight lower density VL titanium and the ball repels from the face fast, theres no stickyface syndrome to this, it makes u take notice. reminds me of the frehiet the G head but higher, thinner... lighter. its a very easy to like head if like big heads. The dialogue on it says its a head for heel toe misses over around centre vertical and i agree, i was driving badly this day so i got to see its character in FULL regalia and yes its good for misses left right! u loose distance for sure , but i was never ill take that.. ( frustrating day!!! ) but good to see the comaprison, as an aside vs the 435 when i missed it, the result was definitley less catastrophic. distance noticeably less but dispersion tighter... somwtimes u take that and this was one of those days. when i did get a cpl of solid shots out of the centre it wasntwow that was 'awsome' it was huh.. ok.... thats it doesnt have that oh baby baby, baby baby response like the jbeam does. but then agian tis not the same head, it takes a while to get used to saying , ok, this is what it is but then agian its no slouch either , the 435 is 100% definitley longer ,feeling stronger, the RC is chilled, im sure its bec of the face , they are opposite thought driver heads and why id never thake the 435 out in winter. or why id never take the RC in summer. im not goign to break my long distance record with this set up but i can take this out when its shilly and know tht i dont have to swing fore the fences overl eft field to get a more than decent result form it. ths flight is on the higher side which is wht i wanted it does get a bit of roll but its basically for carry ease and disperion control, for that prupose it ticks all boxes., My thoughts are this head is a good head for slower ,or less powerfull swingers not hitters. i like does a job , the shaft match suits it well, yea its a quiver driver , not a one and done,. it also wud double as a super wet day driver esp as it has a gripmater leather on it. not sure it take it to the links when tis windy............... no............. def wont be doing that................ welcomed to the quiver . Edited October 31, 20222 yr by supo
April 10, 20231 yr Author Weathers been great, backs feeling good last few months and my swing speed is back to a respectfull no. so its been a new build winter/spring, took delivery of 4 more rejigged drivers last week, so far testing on range only for most but a gamer for the GDpt6x , bit surprising , but yea im onto something differernt here astro tour 11* - graph design pt6x 45 inch 315g, original idea was to get this very high with a bell arc but that didnt happen.... that combo is like an anti high launcher. it likes to just flies flat 45* kind oif thing to its zenith up then out with run... its a doozie! had to rethink what to use it for and its now a day in out ni wind daily , in bag all rounds , tures out this is ,so far 2 rounds, as consistant as anything else i have, plus its much lighter so i grab a cpl of cheat MPH with it. already gamed it with my kamui/7d in unison and it certianly didnt loose that much to it , feel was differnt , it noticelaby hollower but yea id take that without feeling i loose much. mabe into the wind it felt a bit hollowish but down wind it was aces high. great build! kamui pro tp07 11*- roddio labo tataki 70s 45inch 318g for links with stronger wind , this sets up toe high for a draw swing but the takaki killls that bias and flattens out the flight for some run. LOVE how this sets up as a slicer , my other kamui 10* with the diamana X 60s is prob my my used driver woth i kind of new waht ot expect with this but its even more sexier in hand. loosing the drive on the 15/16/17/18 left at longy is HOPEFULLY now a hing of the past, well, thats the idea. jbeam 435 9.5* - diamana original BLUE board 73s 45 inch 320g for links in winter when run is all important and wind is awful. this is an arrow..... it DOES NOT ,WIlIL NOT be moved laterally by a man! launch is LOW, like lowlow , low but terrible swings arnt punishedas badly . its like my driver to play at NSW links when u get quite afew more yards on the deck that at my home course, not for use in hot moist , long grass conds, hawaii wud be awsome. its an .............. insurace driver, i so used to that head its going to live in oz. astro tour vIII 11* - diamana ilima red 60s 45inch d0 315g. Had this at range yesteday and it was GREAT this seems to be a great anwser my higher carry higher spin faster swing driver ive been missing ,esp in the wet of in asia when carry is required over run. put a gripmaster leather on it to make sure its 100% ready. by what i got out of it yesterday id say . im onto a good thing here. the ilima feels much different to other diamana shafts esp the kaili which has been my all time DIA fave and my test shaft vs all others, its flightier, tingier and thinner at impact, it makes me think im REALLY hititng something hard, took a while to get its character but , yea i dont mind it. will ahve to see how it goes with real balls on course.... this sat.... but from what i got eysterday, it as what i wanted it for. will take it with the 11* GDpt6x and see how they go VS each other ofr that higher launch preference, diff flight path .. have a feeling the red might be the specialist of the bag, the GD the all rounder, botht have the same grip same lenght and pretty close weight. no pics yet... its good to tinker................, Edited April 10, 20231 yr by supo
April 24, 20231 yr Author ASTRO TOUR V3 11* - diamana ilima 65s. this thing has defied its image and cud be my surprise packet build of the last cpl o years. Ive had a few games with this now,higher launch NO BALLONING at all, good spin rate, excellent carry, and most of all VERY , surprisingly not a whippet over left and right field which i thought it was going to be . For the most its very very straight and high . My swing speed is back up to +/- 106mph now so 255-270yards with a max @ 280 im getting most drives, the average on the lower 260s , gone are my bombing days but with this shaft i was looking to get a bit more theatrical but that didnt happen! oh no ,NOT SO said the head. yesterdays round with 2 other newbies ,the ASTRO TOUR V2 -GDpt6x and the JBEAM 435 - diamana 65x for a multiple ball slogathon was pretty eye opening. all 3 come in @ 45inch , 316-320g means not a ton of difference in swing weight with the 435 as the lowest and heaviest , that was purpose built and BOY does that thing earn its turns! it was windy yesterday so these got a PROPER work out and by far the one i was most surprised and happy with bec of the reason it wasnt sposed to perform like it did was the Ilima! The extra spin and lower mid point in it gets it airborn quicker for sure but it doenst get knocked about , its the lightest and feels like it is but i was really happy with it into some decent sideways wind, it became a 2 horse game back 9 , the v2 and v3 for favourite but the v2 had the Gd pt6x in it and it just the better suited bec theres more oomph in it, distance wise i cud not really fault any of them , i hit my buds SIM2-ventus 6x as well, that goes well but for me its a very differnt set up and look / feel and it went the same distance as mine do for a FRACTION of the build cost and several years and billions of $ rand d difference , ............... longer or so they say, i didnt see it , what i hit were dead even with the 435 but i tended to str8 pull the TM, and fade the 435 , thats the 3rd time ive hit the SIM , makes it an easy pass over now, there AINT no discernable or i nfact any diference i can see . strengths - 435 w diamana blue 65x: low fast bullets , best feel at highest swing speed, LOTS of ground run, super stable reliable. v2 w GD pt6x: best looking at address , SOLID reliable in All conds, mid high lanch with ability to hit any shot in mind . most workable but smalls workable not goign to hook the ears of it. excelllent consistant distance . v3 w diamana ilima 65s: flightiest, easiest to swing at Not max speeds , best on an off day, best carry, flight height, easy day driver. rain driver 100%, wont bother takign another driver out in the rain surprisingly good in wind. Not so strengths- 435> very low al the time, need to be ON all the time, willl not be shaped left. limited carry v2> cant think of any, nope this thing is a daily driver ++++ v3> flighty, light, thinner feel, can be lost both ways ( more than the others ) doenst feel as productive at impact but it is! so if thats a negative, il ltake it. the last for the season coming this week , egg7 with diamana ilima 70x 9* and v2 with diamana x 70s 11*
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