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Just for fun, which Hi Cor driver do you think is the best and longest driver? Ryoma? PRGR super egg? others?

For one swing speed of 95mph, how much increase in distance can be real between one legal as the PRGR egg 2015 drive and the 2015 PRGR super egg?

Superman EG001, the very first model. Never found something Hi-COR that could compare with those... the ball just trampolined off the face and flew forever. My dad plays the latest version EG003, but it's a slice machine when I hit it.

my real gripe with these clubs are the shafts. super springy and can never really square back in time for me.. for others it may do wonders i think!

id og the new egg, I ve got he conforming one and that is a beauty, the cheat one must be insane!

oh and it looks sensational as well

A better idea is to take an old favorite driver and send it to have the face shaved. You can pick the COR you want and you know you will like the look and feel of the club.

who in US shaves faces of drivers? thanks

Ive hit a bunch of these. On the JDM side the longest Ive hit was the GLOBERIDE GIII 2013 model.

The most consistent and easiest to hit is the Honma Amazing Spec 480 with the ARMRQ 3 star shaft.

I hit some long drives with the Ryoma ST Beyond Power but havent dialed it in.

The longest Ive ever hit to date is a club called the M80 Lightspeed from TPFGOLF, using a Gramman GMAXX shaft at a club length of 46.5 inches.

Edited by driverhead

Havent tried them all but the Kamui Ray must be in the mix, distance, feel and ease of use.

The complete customisation gives it the edge for me.

In order of what I've tried:

Ryoma ST D1 13

Epon 904Dh 15

Ryoma Maxima ST

Kamui Ray

Geotech RF770

Not as much of a fan of high cor heads as they make them a bit too boxy and I don't like the sound....if they'd make a 103 high core I'd play that all the time...

the GIII is exceptional

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