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In my quest for improving consistency in my irons, I've decided to try a couple of other shafts.  Will be trying Modus 120 Stiff and Modus 105 Regular with my current irons to see if I can gain consistency over the 125 Stiff that I have been using the last 18 Mos.   What I'm hoping to achieve is to be able to hit my irons without grunting on each swing....  and hopefully to bring out the better/softer feel of the forged heads.    Obviously shaft frequency is not the only thing that determines how a shaft fits your swing... but nevertheless I feel the need to try. 

Perhaps this might be useful info for others too so.. Below is a list of Modus series in the order from stiffest down to least stiff.  Also throwing in 950GH,  DG S200 and X100 for comparison.  All based on standard 5 iron length with similar weight heads. 


130 X   376 CPM

130 S   359 CPM

DG X100  354 CPM 

130 R   350 CPM

125 X   351 CPM

130 R   350 CPM

105 X   343 CPM

120 TX   342 CPM

950GH X   340 CPM

125 S   339 CPM

DG S200  335 CPM

120 X  327 CPM

105 S  327 CPM

950GH S  325 CPM

125 R  324 CPM

120 S  316 CPM

105 R  314 CPM 

950GH R 311 CPM

120 R  308 CPM 

Edited by nobmontana

Good analysis mate - thank you for this. Helpful.

Thanks Nobsan. Lots of homework there.  Lmk on the 105R

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Many that I have spoken in the past love the feel of Modus 120 Stiff with their forged irons. 

Then they try 105 Stiff and are not hoppy because the feel at impact is harsher.   105 Regular is at a similar CPM with the 120 Stiff. 

Hopefully they will feel as good as the 120 Stiff.  





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I'm now wondering if 125 R might be a good one to try.   

120s is miles.smoother than105x

130s is smoother than 105x

125 s is  as firm as 105x  and  just softer than 120x.

my order of.play is. oh and  i only play ns pro iro shafts..









thats my lot.

best of ns  all round is the 120s

best shaft is the 130s

best  players shaft is the 125s if...u hit hard thru the ball.

cant fo wrongwoth 120s hard or soft ztpeed for the masses.

125 for  playrrs and 

130 for phooooarrrr!!!!



13 hours ago, nobmontana said:

Many that I have spoken in the past love the feel of Modus 120 Stiff with their forged irons. 

Then they try 105 Stiff and are not hoppy because the feel at impact is harsher.   105 Regular is at a similar CPM with the 120 Stiff. 

Hopefully they will feel as good as the 120 Stiff.  





Good info here. I pretty much fall into this camp. Love my 120s.

And now come the requests for all the other shafts. Hahahahahahaha 😅

Thanks for the info nob.


Nobs played the K's 8001 I’m Shinagawa heads in the outing we had at The Home Course in DuPont.  They compared to 1050gh if I remember correctly. 

Shimada are taught more like the125s for feel 

im playing a set of 3001s ina set of mb and they suit prefectly.

kick seesm abit higher and lower launch and very tough to move about, they are point shooters

the  tour125s are like a dgx100

the tour115s like a s300 or ns120x kinda thing.



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Problem I had with the K's8001 ( which is a uniflex model ) was that I got too much spin resulting in loss of distance by a significant amount. 

Felt really nice though.    

Found this chart for FCM - 




And this one - 



I’ve got some LSL & 2F15 Proto’s both in Stiff flex that I’m about to install & test... I’ve read that the LSL is similar to 125 & 2F15 is similar to the 130... I typically play 130 in Stiff but I’m searching for something a tad less beastly... 

i cannot believe the 120x is only 327! That shouldn't be labeled "x" should it? I'm very happy to have read this though, great post, because I've always been a huge fan of DGx100 and i currently game Shimada K' Tour X (which I also love), but I've always been very interested in trying either the 120x or tx because they're so popular, and I also really like KBS Tour 130x which I thought they'd be similar to

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Modus 120 was their first Modus model.   I honestly think they totally messed up with the stiffness specs. 

105 was next and this time they did it right.   105 S is just above 950GH S which makes sense. 

130 is a beast of a shaft.   I actually won a set from Nippon when it was first introduced in the U.S.  

I had to Soft Step a Stiff. 


Here is a list of the top 7 stiffest in the list that I have but not including the DG X7 or the PX 7.0.  

 I'm sure those are even stiffer.   But notice how Modus 130 S is stiffer then X100.  




Modus 130 X  376 CPM

K's Tour X  368 CPM

Project X 6.5  362 CPM

KBS Tour X  360 CPM

Modus 130 S  359 CPM

Project X 6.0  356 CPM

Dynamic Gold X100  354 CPM



What’s really insane is how the 130R at 350 CPM is actually closer to the X100 at 354 CPM than the 130S at 359 CPM... I used to play the X100 & simply could not do it today... I suppose it could be the smoothness of Nippon, but the 130 profile just seems to fit my swing/tempo... The 130, in my opinion, is the perfect combination of stable & smooth... After the 130, I’d have to say the Crazy Target Tour 120 (Which I believe is pretty much a frequency matched Shimada k Tour) is next... I’ve yet to try the 125 however...

Nobs I don't think the 130s are anywhere near as stiff to play as  the 125s

 ive got  several sets in play and find them pretty smooth. love the ball flight.

soft stpeed a set of 130x protos and that gives them an extra kick, I get the ball higher  and  lands a bit softer.

they are  heavy, but they play  lighter the the 125s bec of the flight.

120s play light and super smooth and the 105play very light and  pretty stiff.

my order of pref is





but I still like the super peening range so adding them to the mix


SP orange s


130x soft stepped

Sp blue s






The Super Peening Orange & Blue had been my go to shafts up until I first tried the 130... I’ve got nothing but nostalgia for the SPO/SPB though

I play a ton of golf in  very strong wind on links  or by the sea each year  so I don't need shafts that launch high and soar for these days so I build a few sets  to accommodate  these conds.


the  best ive found are the  SP blue,  modus 120x,  shimada  125s even tho  these are very strout and pretty heavy then the NS125s

of them all he sp blue are prob the best  and the ones id go to if I were looking to have just one set.

I get  whay NS moved away form SP to modus for the masses  but I still think they shud have kept making these as they were so damn good.

got a cpl of sets of orange up my sleeve still and a set of blues in a set of old callaway  tour authentic heads that are really lovely to play   when its wet!

id take the Sp range over the modus range still  actually


  • Author

Nothing against the SP Blues... I like them too.   but I think they are Nippon's attempt to create something similar to Dynamic Golds. 

When you compare the steps on the SP Blue side by side against DG S200,  they are almost identical.

Obviously, quality control and tolerance are no comparison between the two but the design may be very similar. 



agreed sp blue not tje best feel

 similar.to 125s . tjey also look really schmick


Nippon super preening data


excellent  find!

think I may grab a set of reds  STIFF   as well.....

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