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Edited by supo

Great 3-wood!

  • supo changed the title to royal collection .. 14* 3w head
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the whole set  of these are superb..........

17* or 16* are  my faves now , a   stlightly  stronger shaft.... crazy fw 7.7  and its winner winner chicken dinner. bit more height ,  workable. can play off the tee when required but not  really recomended..  doable   but.. this 14*  is a  par 5 green chaser.. shaft i with mid /low kick and it becomes  something else. in  fact... hmm i might get a diamana red for a 15* l 

Edited by supo

  • supo changed the title to FW heads ,, RC / KAMU I/ SYARD / PRGR EGG 14 / 18* / 15* / 17.5* ..........,

i wish it was possible to find the lie and face angle specs of these beauties somewhere on the internets

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yea,   good point historically makers   dont seem big on relaasing  that data.   ill see what i cant track down..

  the rcs are flat  at  address as is the prgr,  thats why i play them  there is no high toe  .  the rc304p   the "  P"  stands for  pear and  pro,  it was a request by the  RC pro at the time to make  one for him .

Edited by supo

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looks like  the rc   18* is 58.5*   and the  14*  is  either 57 0r 58* 


the prgr egg was designed to maximise flight  time for  the " less genki"  players  in japan, with a  super deep cog . the origianl shafts  in them  certianyly  gave them that   performance 

 as its  great average distacne became known  a lot of  better  players and even pros  started using it  with  proper shafts ....    i wudnt be surprsied if this head is /was the biggest seliing fw   ever  on  TSG  and  by a mile.

look  like  the lie  on the 3w   is   prob under  59   but i cant get exact nos on that yet.. 


the syard is flat at 57*  with a slightly  chunkier face volume. 


Edited by supo

Can you PM about the egg

  • supo changed the title to FW heads ,, RC / KAMU I/ SYARD / 18* / 15* / 17.5* ..........,
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Edited by supo

  • supo changed the title to Fairway Wood heads: Roy Coll / KAMUI pro / S-YARD /PRGR ....,
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egg sold.


  • supo changed the title to .

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