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How have you guys put your sets together? I have huge gaps or no gaps and need to do something about it:

Drive 9.5 - 245 meters

Brassy 12 - 225 meters

5-wood 17.5 - 190 meters

Driving iron 20 - 185 meters

5-iron 27 - 160 meters

6-iron 30 - 150 meters

7-iron 34 - 135 meters

8-iron 38 - 130 meters

9-iron 42 - 120 meters

P 47 - 107 meters

50 - 105 meters

55 - 95 meters

60 - 80 and in

Now, 5-9 iron really no issue. I don’t like the shape of pitching wedges that don’t look like a proper wedge - not sure if that has something to do with not attacking the ball as I do with my 50 degree wedge. They are the same length, same make but not same shaft. Modus 115s in irons and 125 wedge in 50.

It always seems to be an issue for me with the P. Used to play the Yururi raw Gekku in 46 - great pitching wedge. Need to figure that out.

The gap between driving iron and 5 iron needs to be bridged too. Never liked hybrids but I think I have to get used to them. Thinking I should put two hybrids in the bag and also change out the brassie for a 3-wood as I hit my driver off the deck anyway.

What do you guys thing? What works best for you and why? @nobmontana - would love to hear your thoughts. Think we swing it about the same. Stu - think you hit it a bit harder than I do and play a bit more. Think you are like me, hesitant towards hybrids and play long irons. My boys run in circles around me but they have switched to big putters, Ping drivers and irons etc. Seems like cheating. 

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I have had similar issues with the 5-PW set up

I went with #4 #3 Romaro i-brid chapter 3 with the same shaft length progression from 5-3. Closest Hybrids to driving irons that actually work for me. Easy to use, good versatility out of all lies. Nice and workable. 

I went a touch stiffer in the shafts to the original setup, which took about 10m off each bringing them back to 170m 180m. The extra pop off the face/shaft dynamic when comparing to DI or Irons had them at 180m 190m. Bit of tinkering but got the result I needed. 

I swap between 5W and 3W depending on track and conditions. The gap isn't as noticeable/needed other than the odd par 5, When lets face it. Just short of the green in 2 isn't a bad thing. 

Working on the wedges ATM, finding my 50 has too big a gap from my PW.

Edited by Hutch

not any more bud, got an injury that i need to sort ,  i   had everything in the bag last year. incl the kitchen sink, i had one of my best years  ever, massivle clawed back  strokes on hcap  to consistantly play off  5  with  more than a few  par rounds at my new course .  struggeld with driver consistancy mid year but recouped that in winter  and  figured out my  irons .  allowed me ot play about with all manner of bag set ups.
i get the  driver going to    250>260 out to -> 275 ish  (big,  ish these days...)   injury  has really cut my length  down  HUGE.  but all arms  and some core get me to about these dustance, which ill take considering!!!!!!!
2w > 12.8*  for 230- 250
3w> 14/15*  210- 240
4w> 16/17.5*  200-220
5w> 18*   190-210

19*> 200- 230,, depeneds on which ute , on  the tee   the fourteen ut716 can really get out thjere a ways up to 230+/- cant hit it off the deck so use the RC cvxer  from grass 210  im topped  out.
then  my   new  built  (OLD BUT UNREAL prgrs)  3and 4 irons
3> 200
irons are totally random bec i use so many but   i find the  masda mbs are prob the longest  and lowest. 
pw  tops at 120.
wedges  are really shiitttt distance  consistancy  wise as a rule,   max out at 
52* > 105    
56* > 80
60*> 70 ish ????

my best combo for constant distance with the  PW  are  the prgr trs  they  go 110 and 80  but are 51/57

i will always throw a 48*  proper wdge in the bag ,  my fave is the honma 105p that goes a solid 120 max but i can  get it to go any distance up tp  really   bec of its shape- a- bility  prowess.

 up top pf the bag i dont give a rats  what  the distance is  dont care, i usually  hit the farways  a huge %  of the time  so i dotn care about  distance, the fws ar very similar  so im more concrened with waht shape i want  to play ,  form crazy fw big think clubs to the sleek prgr egg or  ryoma f3

whcih ever i feel will  give me the best feel on the grass on that day, or a lot of the time ill bag 3 utes , 2 19s  with totally differnt shape  distance and flights   the fourteen  716 with  diamana  stinger  and the RC cvxer with DGs200    + the  RC cvxer  with  Ns 950s
between thse 3 utes i hav  185/225   100%  completley  covered.
in fact on comp,  esp  in wind........... this is  what ill bag  a lot  and drop the 3/4 irons. and   fws , keep  the 2w and driver

the main focus i worried  about ( not now bec of the  new wedge @ 48* )  was hte  awful pw  in most sets , like u i pretty much hate all PW apart from MB irons , masda, nad the 2 sets of  honma mb711/712   has by   far  and away the best pw set, nothing is close. 

ive lost all concerns with distance  in irons bec theres fk  all ican do about it, its more gettign that     5/6/7   hones in  becthats waht i hit the most, i almost nver use an 8 or 9   pw,  that 2nd shot in is never that  short any more.
the big  issues ihave is making sure, the   pw/52/56 are   in sync , if thats  good then  im ok .

as a rule 

driver -260
2wood from tee   only  240
3w from fairway  230
19*  ute   215
23* ute  200
5i     180   
6i     170
7i    160 
8i     150   
9i     135 
48*  120
52*  105
56*  85

Inside the dstances  i wil usually use the higher club and cut it , 140 ill  always go the 8 and cut it rather than muscle the 9.   esp the wedges ,  ill sometmes take th 48*  for 100 yards an cu the ears ofi it to the  pin.


Edited by owari

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On 1/30/2024 at 12:27 AM, Hutch said:

I have had similar issues with the 5-PW set up

I went with #4 #3 Romaro i-brid chapter 3 with the same shaft length progression from 5-3. Closest Hybrids to driving irons that actually work for me. Easy to use, good versatility out of all lies. Nice and workable. 

I went a touch stiffer in the shafts to the original setup, which took about 10m off each bringing them back to 170m 180m. The extra pop off the face/shaft dynamic when comparing to DI or Irons had them at 180m 190m. Bit of tinkering but got the result I needed. 

I swap between 5W and 3W depending on track and conditions. The gap isn't as noticeable/needed other than the odd par 5, When lets face it. Just short of the green in 2 isn't a bad thing. 

Working on the wedges ATM, finding my 50 has too big a gap from my PW.

Thanks. I feel as when I lack speed, the gaps become more important to tighten. Good tweak with the stiffer shafts to take the distance down.

  • Author
19 hours ago, owari said:

not any more bud, got an injury that i need to sort ,  i   had everything in the bag last year. incl the kitchen sink, i had one of my best years  ever, massivle clawed back  strokes on hcap  to consistantly play off  5  with  more than a few  par rounds at my new course .  struggeld with driver consistancy mid year but recouped that in winter  and  figured out my  irons .  allowed me ot play about with all manner of bag set ups.
i get the  driver going to    250>260 out to -> 275 ish  (big,  ish these days...)   injury  has really cut my length  down  HUGE.  but all arms  and some core get me to about these dustance, which ill take considering!!!!!!!
2w > 12.8*  for 230- 250
3w> 14/15*  210- 240
4w> 16/17.5*  200-220
5w> 18*   190-210

19*> 200- 230,, depeneds on which ute , on  the tee   the fourteen ut716 can really get out thjere a ways up to 230+/- cant hit it off the deck so use the RC cvxer  from grass 210  im topped  out.
then  my   new  built  (OLD BUT UNREAL prgrs)  3and 4 irons
3> 200
irons are totally random bec i use so many but   i find the  masda mbs are prob the longest  and lowest. 
pw  tops at 120.
wedges  are really shiitttt distance  consistancy  wise as a rule,   max out at 
52* > 105    
56* > 80
60*> 70 ish ????

my best combo for constant distance with the  PW  are  the prgr trs  they  go 110 and 80  but are 51/57

i will always throw a 48*  proper wdge in the bag ,  my fave is the honma 105p that goes a solid 120 max but i can  get it to go any distance up tp  really   bec of its shape- a- bility  prowess.

 up top pf the bag i dont give a rats  what  the distance is  dont care, i usually  hit the farways  a huge %  of the time  so i dotn care about  distance, the fws ar very similar  so im more concrened with waht shape i want  to play ,  form crazy fw big think clubs to the sleek prgr egg or  ryoma f3

whcih ever i feel will  give me the best feel on the grass on that day, or a lot of the time ill bag 3 utes , 2 19s  with totally differnt shape  distance and flights   the fourteen  716 with  diamana  stinger  and the RC cvxer with DGs200    + the  RC cvxer  with  Ns 950s
between thse 3 utes i hav  185/225   100%  completley  covered.
in fact on comp,  esp  in wind........... this is  what ill bag  a lot  and drop the 3/4 irons. and   fws , keep  the 2w and driver

the main focus i worried  about ( not now bec of the  new wedge @ 48* )  was hte  awful pw  in most sets , like u i pretty much hate all PW apart from MB irons , masda, nad the 2 sets of  honma mb711/712   has by   far  and away the best pw set, nothing is close. 

ive lost all concerns with distance  in irons bec theres fk  all ican do about it, its more gettign that     5/6/7   hones in  becthats waht i hit the most, i almost nver use an 8 or 9   pw,  that 2nd shot in is never that  short any more.
the big  issues ihave is making sure, the   pw/52/56 are   in sync , if thats  good then  im ok .

as a rule 

driver -260
2wood from tee   only  240
3w from fairway  230
19*  ute   215
23* ute  200
5i     180   
6i     170
7i    160 
8i     150   
9i     135 
48*  120
52*  105
56*  85

Inside the dstances  i wil usually use the higher club and cut it , 140 ill  always go the 8 and cut it rather than muscle the 9.   esp the wedges ,  ill sometmes take th 48*  for 100 yards an cu the ears ofi it to the  pin.


Thanks! Details as per usual. I feel I need to figure it all out at the start of the upcoming season. Good thoughts here!

My distance gaps are as follows: 

  • DR TSR2  250y
  • 4W Mavrik Sub Zero  220y
  • 7W Mavrik Sub Zero  200y  (moving to an Apex UT 3U)
  • 4U Apex UT  185y
  • 5-PW  TR500  170y to 120y (10y gaps) 
  • AW RTX ZIPCORE (52) 100y
  • SW RTX ZIPCORE (58) 80y

I've also tried 46 deg wedges but they seem to spin too much and don't go as far..... So I've stuck with the PW from the ironset.  

As for your Hybrid thing, I too dislike Hybrids. They are just a bit finicky for me and can occasionally hook like crazy.    

I've recently replaced my 23 deg Mavrik Pro Hybrid with a '24 APEX UT  (23 deg) with a 90g Tensei 1k Hybrid and the thing hits like a dream!  

Feels good and goes very straight with enough height. Not a single hook from this club thus far.  

I am now waiting on a same club in 20 deg to replace my 7 wood.  Hopefully the distances won't be so different.    

As my length decreased with age,  I feel more than ever that straighter shots that stay in the fairway (or close vicinity) are so much more important than longer drives.

I may pick up a more forgiving (fairway keeping) driver this year ... Maybe one of the 10k drivers?!   

  • Author
14 hours ago, nobmontana said:

My distance gaps are as follows: 

  • DR TSR2  250y
  • 4W Mavrik Sub Zero  220y
  • 7W Mavrik Sub Zero  200y  (moving to an Apex UT 3U)
  • 4U Apex UT  185y
  • 5-PW  TR500  170y to 120y (10y gaps) 
  • AW RTX ZIPCORE (52) 100y
  • SW RTX ZIPCORE (58) 80y

I've also tried 46 deg wedges but they seem to spin too much and don't go as far..... So I've stuck with the PW from the ironset.  

As for your Hybrid thing, I too dislike Hybrids. They are just a bit finicky for me and can occasionally hook like crazy.    

I've recently replaced my 23 deg Mavrik Pro Hybrid with a '24 APEX UT  (23 deg) with a 90g Tensei 1k Hybrid and the thing hits like a dream!  

Feels good and goes very straight with enough height. Not a single hook from this club thus far.  

I am now waiting on a same club in 20 deg to replace my 7 wood.  Hopefully the distances won't be so different.    

As my length decreased with age,  I feel more than ever that straighter shots that stay in the fairway (or close vicinity) are so much more important than longer drives.

I may pick up a more forgiving (fairway keeping) driver this year ... Maybe one of the 10k drivers?!   

I need to try some hybrids and likely with a shaft that’s on the stiffer side. 

Awesome that you actually have 10 yards in between your irons! I’m always guessing how far they go. 

The 10k drivers get rave reviews. Maybe that’s the eay to go. Keen on the Kuro 2024. Like the idea of heavier head and counter balance. Would like it at 44” though. 

Thanks for the thoughts and breakdown!

I hit the 5I about same distance as yours.   I just picked up recent Honma TW-U 21,24,27.   They are easier to hit than they look, but not quite as easy as the previous model.  My 27 goes about 5I distance.   I shafted these with the IB95 stiff shafts from the previous model, as they worked great for me.  Also have an older Honma TW737 U19 utility wood with the IB105U stiff shaft.  An easy hybrid to hit, nice club.

the  newer tw-u ( driving iron )  is a superb addition for the top end  esp if u are a good iron  player.  its  better than the  older model  but the older model is MUCH  more forgiving much  easier   to  hit  and  feel  like a sponge , i still game  mine a ton with the vizard shaft. 21*  i have, love that.

i   had a tw-u 24*   DI but  i re built some prgr 900 irons with proper shafts and they just  blew me away so i aced the    honma.  these are in betwwn the    new and old  honmas.
the tw-u  is great  club and a much better option  for the heaftier  striker.

my   old 21*  tops out right on 200. not a yard more can i scrape from it.    if u  need to   just " hit to  distance over there somewhere 190y +  "   this thing is awsome.

if u like  " well,  im thinking  i shud  draw this off that tee line , over  the lip and have it spin back   2.4 yards,  the   new TW-u  is the better  option.
u cud do much worse than ahe the 21*  old and 24* new  in the bag. 


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