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Everything posted by supo

  1. diamana B...... ***fire express ORIGINAL*** def NOT the crazy FW its low. stay away from the diamana white .. stick to the blue . ali islei is superb. graph design.......... hmmm cant htink of a higher laucnhing one ????? the md series is pretty good so is the pt. esp for fairways if uwant a mack daddy heavy high adn UBER shaft go the graph desgin p9003x get one NON tipped!!!!!! and ull never long for a shaft ever again..!!!
  2. played the s-yard .388 and the crazy 435 fire express sat bec ,well, bec the company closed and i was feelign nostalgic. so i took out the waccine shafted 44.5 inch monster , first time in a while ive been thinking about experimnting (again) with with basebal grip on my driver, so sat was the first time ive done this in a long time, and once again, like every time previous... i picked up 10+ yards EASILY.... yea EASILY 10+yards and once again like clockwork my high slice fade dissapeared to be repalced with left side play. which totally throws me, and which reminds me why i keep going back and forth...... i think i stopped doing baseball grip bec it wasnt "right" or some stupid thing..... then i read a cpl of weeks back Louis Oousthuisen says he changes his putter grip depending on what feels right, never sicks with one style bec , well if the other works ..DO..IT..! so it was back to "home run hitting over left field with thesedrivers . and i have to say if theres a better sutied shaft out there for hookers, that the fire express, then well. i aint gonna believe it! if u cud see the flight on this combo oh man.... it was just magnificent. high ULTRA ULTRA tight straight with the tiniest tineist hint of a draw. and it went MILES! i was fighting whether to keep thisdriver dec with my interlock grip i slice it, but addign the extra 2 fingers to the club makes ALL the differnce. i was middling this like a scrather. didnt want to put it back, but well, i had the beast to play with, so back nine out came the .388 i have to say when im not playing comp im hitting 100s of ball on course. seriosuly hundreads, so i get to play test every single l club i buil in the perfect environment, from the tips on my home track. its definitive. so back nine out came the beast. same swing baseball gip, first4 balls went DEAD o/b left. snap hooked like a cheap friday night trout spilling out on to shunjuku crossing at 4.30 am. .....damn what the hells going on here? hmmm bit of thought needed. heavier club, COG in the front... .hmmmimdriving the ferrari not the roller.... ok slow it down. nad start again. next 4 went arrow stright , on a mid / mid low trajectory as far as iver ever hit a ball before. all 4 were dispersed 15 yards apart on the fairway. in the realm of getting on the par 5 in 2 if i had the "minerals " to go for it. (which of course i did , only to end up in the front right ttrap!!!!) thing being ,this beast put me in the zone to attack. if id had a 3 wood distance wudnt have been a problem . there is no bias to this set up its 100% straight as oppsed to the fire expres which is undeniably anti left. the feel of the syard is INFINITLY nicer than the 435. but for the ability to really mess the .388 up with a snap. its a pretty fair shoot out. totally differnt styles of clubs. but for 2 only ud got a long way t ofind a better ( deiffernt!!!! ) pairing if these were my only 2, id use the 435 fire i nwinter. and the .388 in summer or when its windy. these are both, AWOSME drivers chaps. and, adding 2 fingers to your club makes a t least 1 club differnce in distance. ahhhh long may the experimenting continue.............................,
  3. yea H, it wasnt all lthat high, but rememerbing its in a 5w so its been tipped. id imagine off the shelf it wudnt be as strong. definatly a good shaft , and it looks awsome too boot. diamana B.. or fire express for height!!!
  4. If i had to choose an iron set this year ............ so far unquestionably it wud be these. i was drooling over them at lunch time today. the beautiful lines , the lack of unneccessary gaudy stamping, the lack of way too sharp angles or too rounded toes. and too much off set. these are just pure as u cud ever want to see in a set o sticks i compared the mto the TM tour prefered which i htought are a very very good looking set o sticks . but hte difference was awe strikingly obvious. the disticnt lack of any offset throughout the set is just sensational. even the PW, the scurge of iron sets looks like it belongs in yr hand and not in a used sales bin. compared top the TM prefered , its night and day. they are slightyl on the bigge side for a blade , but not as big as the yamahas. nor as small as the miuras. somewhere right in between. i didnt want ot leave without them il defiantly hit them on range this weeek, and if they feel as good s the look, and i fully expect them to, then they wil be almost impossible for me to not get. then i find out theres a driving iron in 18-20 adn 23 * that is the SAME shape as the irons FINALLY SOMONE GOT IT!!!!!! oh boy im all in!
  5. i saw these zblades today ,what a magnificent looking set of sticks. better than last yrs blades. id game thsoe in a heartbeat!
  6. these are MAGNIFICENT clubs guys 260 is rediculoius. my club pro plys them , i played them one day as good as anything there is. slight offset in the 9-pw but no issue really the shaft is some kind of NS 950 or 1050 badged for prgr we think cant fault these at all.
  7. chappy seriously,, these are close or, the perfect oz weapon. if they are ur specs.
  8. excellent i shall wander there this evening and have a look
  9. now heres an old familiar face...... long time.... ive still got that piccy us sent me on "the 13th " all those years ago.. those blades look absolutely awsome btw. i think id just have to get a set.. if of course them became available..!
  10. yea well with the wrapping , no box shipping to oz.., is right on 70 -80 bucks for a 3.5-4.2kg bag. its almost 50 more with a box. so no probs. thanks chaps al ldone and dusted. pete all yours. get it out soon
  11. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these are one of the TRUELY great set of classic blades .
  12. if its not in a box which cost a BOMB... but a special travel wrappin cover we use up here its about 20 bucks different. every one ive sent back is diffetn so i dunno.... its usually about 75-120, that the range ive had so far. id think these 2 are prob about the lower end NOT IN BOX.
  13. onoff gone ski 2 prgr left. need them cleared $50 each one plus shipping as low as i can get it. what ever..,
  14. lush grass or wet , prob go a bigger bounce no ? bolds hit the ball low but deadly straight, theres no real getting funky with them. spin control is superb. bounce is BIG. they are as easy to hit as anything ever. and conforming. if u like a pear shape , mid to thin sole width then the tourstage 2013 wedges have a medium to higher bounce and u can get as funky as u like with them' bend them to any degree , angle u like matters not . for all round wedges nothing ive seen over the last 2 seasons is even CLOSE to these for versatility/performance conforming. irons , well thats so hard to choose, but u might want too look at getting a set of miuraisms made. matusyamas srixon blades are sensational for what u play on, thicker sole for a blade. nothing feels better thats for sure. for a cavity muscle.,... the callaways from last year, ishikawa and phils ones, are magnificent! and ull get those for a good price! the taylor made TP blades, i think sergio is using them tour prefered maybe(??????) look great. 3 wood prob the tourstage one from last yr, not sure of its model name, chiromikey play it , swears by it, hes pretty good , id go with that . recco. drivers . thats a whooooooooooooole new thread , right there.
  15. well.. i saw this yesterday. nad as much as i didnt like it in the piccyshere, its quite eye catching in the flesh its a dark silver colur with a nice blend of back wtiting. that hideous art work on the base isnt actually that bad. the sound box is a stamping not a box. the head shape is a slighty rounded theme, not long nor short. a litte higher than sleek. just about right. feeel.. well as i thought it was going to be its quite senstional. on he softer side with the deep milling but with a nice harder punch to it, notthing like a betti fly face feel. prob not too far off a golds new pz milling. not the horizontal style . pretty close to that actually. weirdly its actually pretty understated, if u can believe it with that sole but it is, its the blend of the black and the dark silver that does it, theres no reflection or glare. balance is very nice. gotta say this is a good looking/ feeling putter.
  16. personally,,, id plum for a light diamana B or qaudra fir express if theres a light one. they perform sensationally well in htis head.
  17. zero is prob lower loft for loft. but u will get more run with the 425. i think ur right Chris, the 425 seems a bit lower spin, so be advised to go with a slightly higher loft than lower one. i had an 8.5* 425 head and it was hard to control. jbeam is more forgiving , yes
  18. cud not agree more. i have always been the biggest roddio fan, no idea why they dont have a proper marketing team roddio was one of my first JDM brands. i alway have a look at their new stuff. esp the shafts but well ,since shingo left em they kinda just lost the kind of "it" tag the shingo labo spec was one of the most sought after uuber expensive lines here. they got oodels of underground street cred, for his stuff. seriosly daiwa make fishing rods .. pretty sure they know a thing of two about how to put carbon sheets together! the jbeam,a i jsut keep getting amazed at how much i hate the sound of them but how much i love the performance,same as ryoma .
  19. get both... hahahahaha..LOVE THAT! great review prof. my bud has the 09shingo in a ryoma d1,@ 46.75 inch hes picked up 20-30 yards with it . everything is drawn now . big thwack, u shud see the lag on it to impact its like a string of spaggetti he never misses it right ever. nad hes not long used to be 220 isn now its lways 240+ those shafts are king for having a long driver length. i had a cut 10 in a 425 tour and it was ... gulp.... characte building tipping them , id suggest u need to have a pretty roudned swing plane to control, if u do.. then its awsome. u just got me thinkging, bec i MIGHT , just ahve a spare 2010 tht aint in use right now. hmmmmmmmmmm a 10* 451/2 inch 425 might be a very very interesting build indeed!
  20. ok.., the 425 tour is prob slightyl more true to flight, 10* is more like 9.5- 10* the zero is 10.5* but lower morel ike 9.5* the 425 is straighter more point shoot BUT u can defiantly make it go left right a bit if u choose. (more so that with the 435.) the zero is almost an anti left driver. damn hard to make that draw unless u have a natural draw shape to ur swing (comapred to the 425 tour. the zero is miles better sounding /feeling. length .hmmmmm not sure they both get it out there ways no probs, id back the 425 tour slighty more consistanly tho bec of its unwavering accuaracy in the wind unquestionablty.......... the 425 tour , unlees u drive with fredy funk like esque accuracy . one is not better than the othe IMO. and if u saw the guy in my comp yesteday hit his zero with diamana X.. ud prob say the stuff i just wrote ,was crap,. the guy was awsome with it ,but his only big miss was a HUGE high slice. if udraw the ball the zero is tterrific
  21. very good idea for these shafts .
  22. ahhhhh not unless u mean the I.F.F. TOUR 14* and 17* fws .. imean ifthat ur thang....., i migth know a guy..,
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